Aww Nuts TG

(Source: ) “Okay, chips, check, soda, check, cheap 3 dollar party mix that’s barely food, check!” “Yep, we’re all ready Klause, also I brought some cake for us just in case we eat all the other food in 5 minutes.” “Are there nuts in it?” “Dude, it’s a cake, you're not gonna find a peanut shell in there.” “Just making sure, you know I can’t have nuts.” Klause said, sipping the soda. Before the first round of smash bros was over, the chips had vanished into their stomachs. Not really thinking and eager to get back in the game Klause took a bite of the cake, only to immediately spit it out “DUDE THIS HAS NUTS!” “Yeah, like pistachio I think. But you’re only allergic to peanuts right?” “NO! ALL NUTS. AND IT’S NOT ALLERGIES IT’S- *Hurk*” Klause leaned forward and tried to cough out more. But it didn’t work. His waist suddenly cracked inwards, a distinct and frightening broken cracking noise. His chest then grew, larger and larger till he had nic...