Don't Badmouth your Mom (TG/AP)

Ugh your mom was such a bitch! She never let you have any fun or do anything you wanted. This time she wasn't going to let you go to this super epic party that one of your schools' seniors was throwing for graduation. You of course were only a sophomore, and your mother barred you from going to such parties. You couldn't even fathom why she didn't want you to go out and party! You of course argued back, and as a result you had been grounded, stuck in your room and unable to go see friends after school or on the weekends for an entire month! You cursed under your breath as you slumped on your bed. Your phone buzzed and you carefully checked it, knowing if your mom caught you, you'd be in even more stupid trouble. You checked. It was your friend William. You sat up and unlocked your phone beginning a texting chain: "Yo I can't go to the party!" "Me neither William. My stupid mom stopped me" you typed back. "Damn... say how bout you c...