
Showing posts from December, 2024

Stick to the Mission (TG)

       Agent 37 was one of his agency's best assassins. He had travelled the globe taking out targets of both high and low profile. This newest contract however was one of the toughest Agent 37 had ever seen. His target was a man by the name of Alex Stevenson. He may sound normal to you, and to the world he is. To the world he is a successful CEO, in charge of dozens of different companies that he had bought up over the years. His companies include everything from cars, to crypto, to social media and everything in between. Truly a wide and varied portfolio. But look inside that portfolio and you would see Stevenson's shadier dealings. Corruption and crime ran rampant, under the table deals with governments and politicians, lobbying against bills and laws. Hell, Stevenson even had gangs and drug cartels on his payroll to target opponents and business rivals, or those government officials so stupid they would dare oppose him. Because of these reasons, the Agency put ou...

Wet Ass Pussy (TG)

  Reginald was scared of one thing and one thing only, water. I mean not just any water, but large bodies of water. If he saw a lake or river, he'd almost wet himself. It was the ocean however that scared the crap out of him. But with break right around the corner and all of his friends insisting on a trip to the shore, Reginald caved, figuring he could always stay far far away from the ocean.  Reginald was wrong. His friends dragged him right down to the beach. The ocean was like right there! Reginald was trembling mess. Reginald looked on at the crashing waves, gulping and sweating hard. Why did he have to agree to go with his buddies on this stupid trip! It was a horrible idea! Anxiety welled up inside Reginald, and he began to panic, vision going blurry.  Reginald deciding to head back to their hotel began to stumble about. To onlookers he looked like some drunk college student. With limited vision however, Reginald didn't realize he was headed right toward the ocean!...