Dream Woman (TG/AP)

(SAUCE: Hunie Pop 2) (March Needs Moms submission)(Hope you enjoy a classic Milf caption)(This one, of course, turned out longer than first planned. So have fun)(I'm still working on several longer caps and series so please be patient) #malestomoms (EXTENDED: Being trans is hard. Sure on the surface it seems easy. What's so hard about transitioning from male to female or female to male? Well I'm trans, wanting to become a woman. I've had support sure, but sometimes gender dysphoria hits hard. After looking over surgeries and therapies I realized I would never be able to transition into the woman I wanted to become. I had given up just about. I had neither the time nor the money to become a full blown woman, in my mind. I'd forever be stuck as someone I didn't want to be. Saddened, my friends took me to the state fair to try and cheer me up. The fair was fun, and we had a lot of fun eating junk food and looking at agric...