A case for a bestie TG

 Andrew and Finley walked out of the courtroom, and once a proper way from it they each let out a deep sigh, and Finley said “I can’t believe he managed to turn a small scratch on his car into a lifetime prison sentence.” And to which Andrew replied “And I can’t believe you somehow made it into a small settlement of like 50 dollars, 1 month house arrest and having to take weird pills.” “He was really insistent on those pills, I dunno why.” “Yeah odd, still you're a great lawyer. Dunno how you became one though.” “The pipeline from art student to defence attorney is surprisingly common.” Andrew gave a chuckle at this statement, before saying “Sad you won’t be in the apartment for that month.” “Yeah sorry about that, I gotta go to the west coast, do some research for a coming case. Just make sure you look after yourself, actually do you think you can send me daily emails?” “Uh why?” “I’d like to keep track of your mental health. 1 month of isolation can do a lot, think of it like a diary.” “Aww thanks, though don’t expect me to go writing my crushes in those emails” Andrew laughed as they exited the court house.

Day 1:

Okay first email ya nerd, started taking those pills. Honestly not a ton to do around here. This ankle bracelet itches like hell so I’ve been avoiding moving around that much, so I’m going to replay some switch games. Haven’t decided which but probably something long and easy.

Day 2:

Weird ass dream last night, like 90% sure its cause I didn’t do anything but play xenoblade yesterday. I decided that my main goal would be to play the full xenoblade series so starting with one. I’ve also been doing half an hour on the treadmill each day, or at least trying to do half an hour. I feel more out of puff then I usually do. Maybe it's stress?

Day 3:

Another weird dream, I think my hair has gotten longer? Like I woke up and some of it was in my eyes. I guess I haven't gotten a haircut in a while, I just haven’t noticed till I was stuck at home. Still another day of xenoblade. Definitely noticing things that I didn't before. Lots of things. Either way there isn’t much to report on, other than still feeling really out of puff. Like getting out of bed itself took me an hour. Felt like my energy was going somewhere else.

Day 5:

Okay so before you ask the reason i didn’t message on day 4 is cause I literally slept through it. Like I didn’t realise till I was half way through today before I noticed the date was not what it should be. Must have been one hell of a nap. I feel all sorts of different. I feel lighter? My chest doesn't but the rest of me does. Still tired but able to move. Also on an extra unrelated note, you wouldn’t happen to have any spare clothes?

Day 6:

Okay so I must have been super restless last night because I ripped my shirt a ton. Sorry I’m pinching some of your stuff, still that's mainly the shirts my pants are still fitting. My xenoblade 1 replay is stalling, I haven’t lost interest, it just seems harder than before? Maybe I’m just rusty. Anyway I’m going to try and get back on the treadmill. Maybe all this tiredness is due to muscle atrophy? I don’t know, I’m a history major

Day 7:

Another weird dream, this time more vivid. I’ve started using a guide because for some reason I’m really struggling. I wanna use the treadmill but it's so boring. Good news is I decided to take the initiative and order myself some clothes. It's not that your stuff isn’t good, but it's just not my style, too many sweaters and not enough graphic tees. Final question for this email, and I know this is an odd one but uh, do you own any sex toys I could borrow?

Day 8:

Okay now I realise the sex toy question was weird, sorry about that. The xenoblade replay is cancelled, it feels like no matter what I do it just seems to be hard and so... Complicated. So I’ve decided to play something more chill and less brain taxing. Haven’t decided on one yet. But it’ll have to be fun so I’ll take suggestions. My hair is reaching past my elbows now so I’ve been tying it up. Maybe those meds are the reason my hair is growing so long. It's also getting a bit lighter? Odd but eh, not against it.

Day 9:

Okay I settled on animal crossing, it's like the best kind of game for this scenario. Plus it has a ton of cute costumes. My clothes still haven’t arrived so I’ve taken to modifying my current ones. I’ve also pinched one of your bras, man these things are small. But they are comfy, like most of your clothes. I’ve turned one of my old pokemon shorts into a crop. Before you ask, no it's not because my clothes feel tight around my stomach, if anything they feel lighter. Stomach is flat, my chest is bigger and my hips feel extra weird. Still probably not anything to worry about.

Day 10:

Okay I need to come clean, I haven't been entirely honest. Other stuff was happening but I didn’t mention them cause they didn’t seem that major. So pretty much since this stuff started the moment this house arrest started. I started having weird wet dreams but like, i wasn’t the one doing the fucking. I was being fucked. Weird right? Eventually I tried to fap thinking maybe this was a built up thing but like, it wouldn’t work. Like It just didn’t so I uh, tried butt stuff. Thus where the sex toy came in. I ended up making myself a make use one but I decided to order one online, like those clothes which still need to arrive. I hid it from you cause I thought you’d judge but I realise I was being anxious. I need to be less anxious about these changes. Like my hair growing and my body changing. It should all be fine.

Day 13:

Sorry I missed day 11 and 12, I was feeling super weird that day. My hair got super long and it reached my feet, so I’ve been taking to tying it up into pigtails. And I’ve also been watching a lot of makeup tutorials and even some guides to padding. I even took this really cute one wearing one of your sweaters, I’ll send it with the email but you can see how well the padding looks right? I look like a pretty convincing girl with the filters on. And I kid you not, well I was taking this photo when my clothes arrived. They look so good on me so I ordered some more right away. Don’t worry, I'm not buying expensive stuff. I’m going cheap and efficient. I promise to send you more photos in my other outfits.


Day 14:

Oh right my hair being pink, i’d forgotten to mention it but it just sorta changed as it grew. I know it's out of nowhere but I like it, it makes me look cute.My animal crossing island is going so well, they finally added the clothes shop and I’ve been trying to get outfits that match my new ones. Also you may have noticed in that last picture I sent, I’ve taken to shaving my legs. I know it's a lot of work for something trivial but I like it, and it looks cute with my new shorts. I’ve been wanting to get back on the treadmill but it's so boring. I tried to listen to music but I just ended up doing a little dance and tripping over. Do you know of any things to do to make exercise fun?

Day 15:

Okay today was super interesting, and I know you love naughty details so here they are girlie. My dildo arrived and I immediately took it to my room to use. I know it's not healthy to be so obsessed but for a while my dick has been so small it doesn't even appear in my panties, so this was my only option. And man, they weren’t kidding when they said it feels different from the otherside. I feel like there's some invisible guy going absolutely ham on my behind and it's like, so nice. I spent most of today using it and trying on more of my new clothes. Your bras barely fit me anymore so I've been using the ones I ordered online. They were so comfy and snug, I even found myself staring in the mirror. I dunno if I can really call myself a guy anymore with how cute I look.

Day 17:

Sorry about day 16 I was too busy with my new toy and some other stuff I’ll tell you about. A while ago I noticed my ankle bracelet wasn’t fitting anymore, and so I took it off. I can now leave the house lol, it's kinda a surprise it would come off. But this month has been full of surprises. I haven’t been using it to go for walks though, I’ve mainly been getting exercise from the dildo. But I’ve been using it to go shopping, not like anyone recognises me as Andrew anyway. I just told everyone who asked my name was Amy. It's cute right? It's a nice short one too, I’ve been struggling to spell a lot recently so it is easy to use.

Day 18:
I picked up a new game at the shops today, this thing called ring fit adventure. It's got this hot dragon dude and it's a game so like, it makes exercising way more fun. I know you say not to worry about weight but like, if I get chubby my boobies won’t look as big in comparison. The girl at the bra fitting place said they were E’s which is like, big. So I can’t risk them getting over shadowed. I also bought this cute bikini at the shops, it is summer after all so I should try and get to the beach some time. Why don’t we go when you get back? That way I can show everyone how cute you are.

Day 20: 

Sorry for day 19, I promise there's like a reason. I met this cute dude at the shops and he was like, hawt, like really hot. He was really nice and even brought me this cute hair clip. So we went out, brought some dinner and it was all super cute. He asks if he can come over and of course I say yes, I’m not turning down an offer like this. And like as soon as we got home we were on the couch going at it (Don’t worry I cleaned it after) And it turns out my penis is so small it works as a vagina which is like, so cool. Anyway we had a great night and I forgot to send an email. But then when I woke up I found him rummaging through your stuff! Making crass comments and being really transphobic. I can’t believe I let him fool me, I’m so sorry Fi. Don’t worry though, I kicked him out and made sure he didn’t steal anything. I’m going to avoid bringing people over after this.

Day 21:

I’ve been playing a lot of ring fit and even signed up for a self defence course. I know it wasn’t even a violent incident but like, gotta be prepared. I also got a pepper spray bottle, but I couldn’t help myself so I bedazzled it. I know you're not meant to but like, hello everything i own has to be cute. I also brought this cute pair of shades, round like your glasses.

Day 22: 

I finally got my animal crossing island just how I like it, I’m not going to stop playing. There's so many cute clothes and villagers I just have to have. I realised I was playing xenoblade but it's not cute at all. It's all muddy and weird looking, and why is the combat so complicated? I did see some of the second game, those girls look so cute. Especially that cat one I like her funny accent. Dunno where it's from though. Maybe I’ll buy that game and play it instead.

Day 25:

So for day 23, 24 and today my self defence class decided to go to the beach and do a whole section on harassment at beaches and what to do. But there was a lot of downtime so i’ve basically just been hanging out at the beach for 2 days. Played some volleyball, played around in rock pools and even took this really cute selfie. I honestly can’t even remember not being like this. Is that weird? I dunno either way this was so much fun. I am totally taking you next time and introducing you to the girls.


Day 26:

Okay so I know this is like, super gross but it turns out nintendo switch controllers are like, really good at vibrating. And I may have gotten a bit carried and accidentally ended up cumming on one of the controllers well I was using it like that. I totes promise it was a mistake, and I’ll buy another one so you never have to touch that one.

Day 27:

Okay so i got a bit carried away buying a gift for you and like, bought us matching sweaters! I know it's like, tacky and all that but you're my bestie and I wanted to say thank you for letting me use your money for all this stuff. I know you're coming home soon so I'll clean up the house and get it ready for you. I’m like those 50’s wives lol, except with better tits obviously.

Day 28:

Today I brought this cute crop top that said “bubble gum is in my blood” cause like, my hair is pink. Nothing much else happened.

Day 29:

So like, I know you're arriving home tomorrow so I’ll keep it brief. I didn’t do much but clean up, put away some clothes and went to self defence class. So here's a selfie I took, can’t wait to see you tomorrow bestie!


Finley finished reading Amy's final email as she stepped through the door, what greeted her was as she expected. It was Amy in a crop top and a skirt, running up and giving her a hug. “OMG your back I missed you so much bestie!” It was more a tackle hug, and as Finley wobbled back to standing up straight she said “Thanks, though careful not to knock me over.” Amy gave one big squeeze and let go saying “So what was that case you had to deal with in the west coast?” Finley sighed, knowing this would probably stir up Amy, and sat on the couch, patting next to her for Amy to sit beside her. “So you know those pills you’ve been taking since the court case?” “Yeah, those bubblegum flavoured ones.” “Well it turns out they are produced by the guy who sued you for scratching his car.” “No way!” “Yes way, there's more. I’ve been investigating him for a while and the scheme has been using. He sets it up so he can sue people, and using this power he makes them take the pills that turn them into pink haired air headed girls. He then sends his guys to scoop them up and add them to his bubblegum themed harem. The reason you weren’t grabbed was because at the time I was engaging him in court. He went after you because he knew I was preparing a case against him, and I went to the west coast to fight him on his own turf. Luckily several other victims of his were willing to take the stand and we managed to get him a life sentence to having to take them himself and also community service. But it came at the cost of your manhood and identity. I’m so sorry, I understand if you hate me.” Finley said, tears welling up.

Amy didn’t hesitate, pulling Finley into a hug “I don’t like, blame you. It sounds like you were really busy and stressed. Well I was having summer fun. Sure my new body is weird and having periods is annoying but I’m not upset. I’m happy, I’m a new me, but I still love my bestie.” Finley, through tears, asked “P-Promise?” “I promise” And the two engaged in a 5 minute long hugging and crying session. Once they were all cried out and tissues had been used, Amy asked “Hey finley, wanna fuck?” “Huh?” “Like as besties, I’m not asking you out lol. But I can tell your tense and if I’m real the dildo isn’t doing it for me anymore.” “But I thought the pills had turned you straight?” “Eww no, just made me bisexual. I would ask the girls at the self defence club but that’d be weird. Plus you can call me rude stuff I don’t mind.” “You promise?” “Prommy”

Finley felt herself inside Amy's velvet pussy, each thrust making her shake as she moaned each and every word. Her new pink hair shaking as they fucked. “You know how much you cost me! Ring fit adventure is a weirdly expensive game!” “H-Harder mommy harder!” “Your gonna make it up to me by being my own personal fuck toy, got it?” Finley yelled, Amy, red in the face replying “Yes mommy~” Finley then came, making Amy squirm from the hot T girl cum. Finley was being hyperbolic, but they both knew. Amy would happily let her, after all she wasn’t anxious Andrew anymore, she was pink haired ditzy Amy, and that's how she liked it.



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