Urban Exploration (TG)

"Is this really the best idea?" Andrew asked, walking behind his two friends Finn and Chris. "Yeah its called urban exploration, and this building is huge!" Finn motioned with his arms. "And currently occupied by like the city's largest corporation" Andrew mentioned. "Urban exploration is for exploring abandoned places, not breaking in!" "Eh I think its alright" Chris chimed in. "Plus wouldn't it be cool to sit behind the big CEO desk? In that comfy chair?" "So both of you are okay with actual breaking and entering!?" Andrew was dumfounded. "Eh yeah, im gonna tag the place" Finn smirked, his anarchist streak showing. "It'll be fine, sure we're entering in but there won't be any breaking" Chris stepped back and pat Andrew on the back. "You sure are the group worry wart" "Someone has to be... but fine. Whatever. We're already out here anyways. And at mo...