Urban Exploration (TG)

 "Is this really the best idea?" Andrew asked, walking behind his two friends Finn and Chris. 

"Yeah its called urban exploration, and this building is huge!" Finn motioned with his arms. 

"And currently occupied by like the city's largest corporation" Andrew mentioned. "Urban exploration is for exploring abandoned places, not breaking in!" 

"Eh I think its alright" Chris chimed in. "Plus wouldn't it be cool to sit behind the big CEO desk? In that comfy chair?" 

"So both of you are okay with actual breaking and entering!?" Andrew was dumfounded. 

"Eh yeah, im gonna tag the place" Finn smirked, his anarchist streak showing. 

"It'll be fine, sure we're entering in but there won't be any breaking" Chris stepped back and pat Andrew on the back. "You sure are the group worry wart" 

"Someone has to be... but fine. Whatever. We're already out here anyways. And at most we'll just get a slap on the wrist for being dumb kids" Andrew caved rather easily, mostly from years and years of hijinks and shenanigans over the years. 

Walking up towards the massive skyscraper, Finn twirled his handy lockpick tool in his hand. Sure, Finn talked a big game, but this was really the first time he would actually be breaking in and tagging something. He once even claimed he tagged up his old high school for tough points. But after fiddling with the lock the trio were inside the building. Of course they took the back entrance, so they were stuck in a hallway cluttered with boxes and cleaning supplies. 

"Did you even check if there was going to be night staff?" Chris asked. Maybe now being in the actual building he was getting nervous. 

"Oh uh... I'm sure there won't be. It's a Sunday after all" Finn said, faking confidence in his answer. "Nobody works late on a Sunday"

"True enough" Chris shrugged. The trio began looking and making their way through the back hallways and closets. It was all just storage space. 

"I'm so glad we broke in to just see cleaning supplies Finn" Andrew rolled his eyes. 

"Listen we had to come through the back, I'm sure the front door had a silent alarm or something." Finn assumed. He was doing that a lot this night. 

After some more searching the trio made it into the lobby area of the building. The lobby was pitch dark of course, but the city lights illuminated just enough for the boys to see. There was a giant front desk, and many different chairs and tables with crummy business magazines for those waiting for appointments. To the left and right of the front desk were elevators. 

"Bingo. Our ticket up" Finn walked over to one of the elevators and tapped the up button. 

"Okay, let's go up to the CEOs office and get out of here" Andrew said, looking around and clearly ready to leave. 

"Well, the CEOs office is just one place to visit, there's a ton of other stuff we could do. Maybe pull some pranks for the workers when they come into the office tomorrow" Chris pushed Andrew inside the elevator that had opened, the trio now inside and riding up to the 50th floor. 

"Alright as long as we don't get separated, we-" Andrew was cut off as the elevator door dinged and opened at the 50th floor, Finn and Chris instantly going different directions. "Should be fine... why do I even bother?" Andrew shook his head and walked out of the elevator. The office was actually quite large, cubicles running for what felt like miles. "What could go wrong eh?" 


Chris walked around the office, not even worrying about Andrew and Finn. He had only one thing on his mind at the moment, breaking into the CEOs office for some fun. After half an hour of searching, Chris found it. Two big doors with a golden plaque saying CEO on it. "Bingo." Chris walked up and jostled the doorknob. Of course it was locked. But the good ole credit card trick did the work and Chris entered the office. Giving an impressed whistle, Chris looked around the swanky office. It definitely looked like the office of some big shot, wealthy CEO. So, Chris licked his lips, rubbed his hands together and took a big ole seat in the chair. "Dang this thing is comfy" Chris let out a comfortable sigh and leaned back in the large, leather-bound chair. 

Relaxing a bit, Chris sat up and began to open drawers to see what exactly a big bad CEO had in their desk. The desk's contents were mostly in the ordinary, papers, office supplies, that sort of thing. But opening up another drawer Chris hit the jackpot, a cabinet filled with liquor and cigars. Chris reached down and opened the bottle sniffing it, then a cigar. Made a drink and a light wouldn't hurt. Plus the guy probably wouldn't even notice. So Chris poured himself a full glass and lit the cigar with a fancy golden lighter, puffing and sipping away, leaning back in the chair. 

Chris had never really smoke nor drank before, so he was quickly in a coughing fit. But the coughs did not sound like his own. No, they sounded a lot more... feminine. "What's going... my voice!?" Chris coughed and grabbed his throat. But around his slim neck he felt a simple choker. In fact all his clothes felt different. Looking down Chris almost screamed seeing that he was now wearing feminine office attire! A white blazer, a blue shirt, black bra that hung loose. A black pencil skirt, and black stockings, along with blue heels that matched the shirt. On his face sat a pair of glasses, and ears, adorned with earrings. "That cigar must've been way too strong for me..." Chris coughed some, not used to the tobacco. That had to be it right? Just some high. It wasn't like he was about to become an office girl, that'd be ridiculous. 

Chris's brown hair began to lighten, which no one could tell without lights. It lightened up into silky blonde hair, billowing out and down Chris's back, to about its mid-point. Chris felt the chair grow around him become larger and larger, but also comfier. "This is nice..." Chris said, puffing away on the cigar, at this point ignoring his female sounding voice. Chris's face began to shift, becoming softer, and features slowly changing. His brows thinned, turning blonde in color. His dull brown eyes became bright, shining blue, framed by long, batting eyelashes. Chris's nose shrank, and his lips, wrapped around the cigar, plumped out into puffy pillows. 

Sipping on the glass of liquor, Chris sank into relaxation, not even registering the changes that washed over his body. His shoulders narrowed down, making his feminine shirt and blazer fit just a little better. Chris's arms lost mass and body hair. In fact, his entire body was losing hair and blemishes, changing from its natural tanned pigment to pasty, creamy white. Chris's hands shrunk down, digits becoming slender, with long manicured nails, painted the same matching blue colour of the shirt and heels. Chris's coughing fit broke out again, with each cough his waist narrowed, and his stomach did the opposite, expanded. Fat and flesh pushed out from Chris's chest, causing him to let out a soft moan. It felt good, really good, especially as Chris felt the fat and nipples poking into the black bra, stretching out and out. Soon enough, Christ had two massive tits hanging from his chest, now paired with a flat tummy, like all his body fat and muscle had been moved upwards. Christ let out a grunt, almost spilling his drink as his hips grew outwards, into literal handlebars. So wide they pushed into the sides of the leather chair, also stretching the pencil skirt to become even tighter. Chris then began to feel himself rise up on the seat of the chair, looking down he almost fell over. His vision was dominated by massive, fleshy knockers. And by the feeling of it, he was about to grow a glorious ass as well. 

Looking down and groping his new chest, Christ moaned feeling his hands sink into the tit fat. His vision became obscured a bit as blond hair grew over and covered his right eye, giving a sexy and mature look to any onlookers. And speaking of mature, Chris felt his body age, somehow, he could tell. Years passed into decades as right as Chris's butt finished growing into a plump bubble, his age settled at a nice, refined 40. Fat inflated up his thighs, and Chris's hands shot down to his crotch, feeling his cock and balls slink away, away into a pair of open lips. 

Chris panted, now realizing... "Holy shit im a woman..." Chris felt up his body, trying to take in the inch of every curve. "Im sure the boss won't mind if I sit here a bit~" Chris giggled, too busy groping to notice what he had just said. But as he groped and groped, he began to feel... hazy, sleepy. His long-lashed eyelids closed and everything went dark.... 


Finn walked around the office space, looking around for anything to swipe, and maybe where to pull a prank or two. With one hand in his hoodie pocket, the other shook around a can of spray paint. Might as well tag some stuff with generic anti-capitalist slogans. That'd teach the minimum wage employee who would have to clean it up! Finn finally found a break room. The perfect place for some snooping around. Heading inside he saw the general stuff a break room would have, a fridge, oven, microwave, couch, tables and chairs. So boring! Finn opened the fridge and checked the spoils. Ah nice, jackpot. Finn grabbed an unopened Pepsi and some leftover Chinese food. Perfect. Slapping the Chinese food into the microwave Finn looked around and decided to tag the wall during the wait. He began to spray the red paint onto the empty wall. 

Even as the microwave beeped, Finn continued his tagging, writing something so profane I fear I cannot transcribe it down or face being banned. (In reality he just said Capitalism Sucks, but just saying that outright wouldn't be as cool, would it?). Putting the cap on his spray can, Finn opened up the microwave and began to chow down on the food. At least it was still fresh, and oh so delicious. Chowing down on the spicy beef and noodles, Finn was in hog heaven. Not only had he broken into one of the nation's largest corporations, but he also got to steal some food and tag the place! This was the dream. As Finn munched, the amounts of corporate msg coursed through his veins, and suddenly Finn's body and world started to change, started to corporatize. 

"At my age I need to be careful of my weight..." Finn said to himself then stopped. "My age? Im like 23, not... ugh..." Finn hunched over a bit, feeling his stomach churn and ache. Finn first began to shrink in height, going from 6'0 to 5'6. "I feel like im going to gag..." Finn covered his mouth as the churning feeling felt like it was now over his entire body. Finn's skin lost its hair and blemishes, becoming hairless, but looking older, with wrinkles and age. Finn's green dyed hair began to lose its dye, shedding the way for the green dye to let out a natural, soft brown color. The hair grew out, before styling itself back into a professional bob cut. Finn's bushy browns thinned, now obviously well-trimmed and maintained. Finn's eyes turned an alluring, soft brown, framed by long lashes and heavy orange eyeshadow. Some wrinkles appeared around his eyes, showing the ever-increasing age that was washing down over his body. Finn's nose shrank, a beauty mark appeared underneath his eye and another by his mouth. 

Finn let out a soft moan, as his lips plumped up, into perfect puckers, painted in light orange lipstick. Wrinkles appeared around his mouth as well, mostly from the smokes that Finn suddenly remembered taking during work breaks. Finn's neck and shoulders slimmed, Finn's voice turning mature and very feminine, capable of influencing almost any man. Finn's arms thinned out, hands shrinking as his nails grew out, now perfectly manicured, maintained, and painted the same soft orange as his lips and eyes. Finn hunched over even more, his stomach flattening up, but memories of struggling to keep off weight due to age entering his brain. More and more years applied themself to Finn, as his waist narrowed, and hips jutted outwards, into hips that swung oh so perfectly. 

Finn's clothes began to tighten and rip from the growing features and changing body. Finn's thighs fattened up, stretching out his jeans, which were already struggling due to his wide, shapely hips. But Finn's jeans and underwear had to say goodbye as fat flushed into his rear, growing out and out, bursting the seams of two fat, jiggly cheeks. But the shredded clothes would continue to grow as Finn felt a rumbling in both his loins and chest. Finn's chest suddenly exploded out in fat and flesh, meat rushing forth and tearing his tee shirt as they kept growing and growing. growing so large, they began to sag with age, showing so, before they began to perk up, unnaturally so as Finn could remember getting implants a decade prior paid for by her third husband. "Implants...Husband... what the...?" Finn looked down and was met with the canyon of flesh. That was it. Of course, the curious boy reached up and groped the new melons, unable to silence the moan that escaped his plump lips. The last vestige of manhood was now receding away, away into a loose pussy having seen decades of use. Finn's inner clock finally ticking to its new age of a whopping 55 years old. 

Finn's tattered clothes finally began to re-shift around his new, hyper feminine form. A very revealing, and questionable green top hugged up on his massive breasts. How HR hadn't heard about this was probably due to Finn remembering flirting with the head of HR. A tight, and extremely short skirt hugged deep into his ass and hips. A lacy and raunchy thong wedged up between Finn's butt cheeks and pussy, causing Finn to squirm in his seat. Finn stood up in shock from the feeling, just for his sneakers to become high heels. 

"Fuck... fuck this can't be real!?" Finn stumbled and held onto the breakroom table. He had become a woman, a rather... gifted and endowed one at that. "I-I have to find the others... and get out..." Finn was panting, feeling a pressure deep down. A warmth. But the warmth made him... sleepy. "Maybe after a quick work nap..." Finn yawned and spread out on the break room's sofa, quickly dozing off, not worrying that his legs were spread wide, showing any passersby a generous look up his skirt.... 


Andrew looked out the window onto the nighttime city scape. "It's kinda pretty" Andrew sighed as he looked at the lights on the other skyscrapers and cars far down below. "Too bad we had to break in just to see it. I better find Finn to make sure he hasn't trashed the place. Chris probably wouldn't trash anything." Andrew went back on his search through the cubicles and different office rooms. The layout was quite confusing to one uninitiated to office life. "If I was Finn, where would I go to?" Andrew rubbed the back of his head as he walked around. Yeah, this would be tough. Andrew walked around and around before ending up in a presentation room, with one of those huge, long tables and chair circling around it. During the day who knows what important meetings and decisions were made here. But for now, it was empty and quiet. Andrew looked around the table. There were some files on it. "Could Finn have moved these here? I'm not sure someone would just leave business documents out" 

So, Andrew took a seat and opened up the manila folder. Yawn. Snooze fest. It was nothing but boring business reports and charts. Nothing spicy, no corporate secrets. "While I'm here I might as well read them over fully, right?" Andrew said to himself and began to earnestly read through the documents. "I have to be prepared for the meeting tomorrow anyhow" Andrew smiled, then stopped. "Huh? Meeting? What am I even saying?" Shaking his head a little confused. Andrew's brain however was telling him to continue reading, and so he did. But as he read, his body began to slowly shift and change over him. 

Andrew's short black hair began to grow out slowly and surely, growing down past and over his ears into a messy but still styled cut. Gray hairs began appearing amongst the pitch-black strands, but not enough to overpower the black color. Andrew's thick brows thinned out, his brown eyes now framed with longer, fuller eyelashes. His facial features softened, all while his skin lost body hair and scars and scabs he earned from exploring in the woods. Andrew's nose shrank down, and lips plumped up quite significantly. Andrew licked his lips, and turned the page, his hands shrinking down, nails becoming manicured and longer. In turn, Andrew's arms thinned out, shoulders slimming down. 

Squirming and repositioning in his seat, Andrew turned another page, his waist narrowing and stomach flattening and tightening up. Andrew gasped a bit, not noticing his voice had changed to sound, well feminine. As Andrew read, the seat began to slowly become more comfortable as his ass expanded outwards, flooding with fat and flesh. In tandem, his hips widened out into shapely, child rearing width. With a now large booty, fat also rushed into Andrew's thighs, the two inflating and softly applying pressure to his cock and balls. 

Andrew reached down between his legs. "Really? Now? At work... err here?" Andrew felt his cock begin to stiffen as arousal began to grow within him. Andrew's breath grew heavy as he tried to focus on the files. But he struggled, especially as pangs of pleasure pulsed in his chest and crotch. Andrew let out a womanly moan as his chest began to expand outwards into his shirt, pushing it out as mounds grew and grew. Andrew leaned back in the office chair, his breath deepening as his chest continued to expand and expand, outwards and outwards into massive melons, tearing his shirt a bit. "B-Boobs... I have... no way." In disbelief, Andrew reached up and grabbed onto his chest, instantly moaning as his hands sunk into the supple flesh. Lastly, Andrew's hard cock began to shrink back and away, receding back into a pair of tight lips, between glistening thighs. Unknowingly, Andrew's body aged up a decade from his mid-twenties, now resting on 36. 

Andrew kept up the gropes as his stretched-out clothes began to transform and shift up around him. His shirt transformed, splitting in two as half formed a simple white top, the rest forming into a low-cut yellow blazer, tight around his chest and waist. His shorts changed into a blue skirt, and underwear some simple white panties. Lastly his sneakers became a pair of simple black flats. Andrew looked down at his cleavage, still panting from the pleasure. His hand shakily reached down to his skirt. He wanted to touch his new equipment so badly, but that was when he was hit by a sudden wave of drowsiness. Eyelids growing heavy Andrew fell asleep right there and then. 


Chris gently woke up as somebody nudged him on the shoulder. "Wake up" Chris groaned a bit as his eyes opened, still heavy from the sleep. "Now what do you think you're doing in my chair Cassidy?" the voice said. Chris opened his eyes more and blinked. He looked over the man and saw a man, had to be nearing sixty in an expensive looking suit. 

"I-I uhh..." Chris stammered, he didn't know what to really say. But he did have such a weird dream last night where he... became... "A woman!?" Chris shot up out of the chair, running right into the man. Having now closed the gap, Chris was face to face with him, smelling his cologne, and taking in his body. Chris gulped as the man brushed some hair out of Chris's face. 

"I must say this was quite a surprise for the start of my day, thank you for that Cassidy" 

"Y-You're welcome...?" Christ was confused, and looked down, watching the man actively begin unbuttoning his blazer. "W-What are you doing!?" 

"Heh really? You're such a tease Cassidy" the suited man said, having fully unbuttoned Chris's blazer and now working on the shirt, rubbing up on Chris's sensitive mounds, forcing a soft moan to escape his lips. The man began kissing Chris's neck, Chris feeling his body rapidly heating up. "Ah here you dropped this" the man smiled and handed Chris a card. Chris shakily took it and read its description

Cassidy, 42. Secretary. That was an identity card. Chris's identity card. His new personhood, who he was. Memories and the new intensity rushed from the card, through Chris's manicured hands and straight into his brain. That's right, Cassidy remembered everything. Being hired at the company over ten years ago, serving in various different positions. For now, however, she was the CEOs secretary fling of the month. After the CEO tired of her hot body, she'd be moved to another, comfy position. Cassidy didn't mind however, the sex was good, and the pay raise was oh so worth it. And of course it was nothing her husband had to know about. Full of need and desire, Cassidy propped up on the CEO's desk and looked him over, paying particular attention to his bulge.

"Let's be quick sir~ Your 9:30 appointment is coming up soon~" she licked her lips. "And maybe we can have some more fun after your 3:00 PM meeting sir"  

Finn woke up to the sound of some murmuring. His eyes slowly opened to see a number of men standing over him, all wearing suits of differing colors and talking among themselves, some even snapping pictures. 

"Damn looks like Ms. Finley had a fun night."

"Yeah, some intern must've gotten real lucky" 

"Either that or she had another drinking bender" 

"Knowing her it was probably both" 

Finn sat up, his head pounding and quite annoyed by the comments. "Get lost everybody, leave me alone!" The stern feminine voice sent chills down the spines of the men, who scattered away. "Assholes..." Finn stood up and almost fell over from the new center of gravity. "Ah right, somehow I became a woman..." Finn was really too hung over feeling to really be worried about having become a woman. His head was pounding, and he felt like he needed a smoke, or a drink. Finn may have acted bad, but he had never smoke or drank in his entire life. These cravings were new to him. Finn stumbled over to the table where he had eaten last night. But instead of a dirty plate, the only things on the table were what looked like an id card, a pack of cigarettes, and a small flask. Finn picked up the id card and saw, well his own face. His new womanly face. So, he read the card. 

Finley, 55. Senior Employee. Memories rushed into Finn's brain. Having worked at the company for over thirty years, Finley had worked her way up slowly through the ranks of the corporate world. Through her life she had had multiple husbands, now divorced of course, and a total of four children who mostly annoyed her. During her younger years she was quite the sex pot, and now in her older age, Finley tried to hold onto her beauty as much as possible, with heavy makeup, and some implants that she regretted just a smidge. Even at her age she was truly a refined beauty, much to is dismay. She hated the attention she once reveled in. What had once been office hookups were now just annoying rumors, and younger employees hoping they'd get lucky with the woman. 

Finley picked up her cigarettes and flask, stuffing them between her ample cleavage, and she headed to work. Knowing that wherever she went, men's gazes would follow. Hopefully today that damned printer would work. Finley had a lot of copies to run off after all.  


Andrew woke up face first into a scramble of papers and files he had been reading from the past day. Andrew sat up and rubbed his neck. Course. It'd probably be aching for days due to this impromptu sleeping position. The first and foremost thing on Andrew's mind of course was his new female body. He needed to find the others and find a way to change back. No way did he want to be stuck as some 30-year-old woman like this. Carefully putting the papers back into the file as to not raise suspicion Andrew stood up right as the door to the meeting room opened. 

"Oh? Amy you're already here?" the figure opening the door was a man, in a suit. Duh. It was an office building. Had Andrew slept so long work had begun!? Must have been the case. "New employees like yourself always act like this. Just give it a few months" the man chuckled to himself and took a seat at the head of the long meeting table. Andrew sat back down in the chair. maybe it'd be best to not raise suspicion by just barging out or saying something stupid. 

"Oh, by the way Amy. You dropped this outside the room" the man slid a card towards Andrew, who picked it up and glanced it over. That picture, it was him! Or well his new female body. He could just tell it was, even if he hadn't seen his new reflection. But Andrew kept examining the id. 

It read, Amy. Age 36. Junior Employee. Reading his new identity, that identity became true, taking over his mind. Memories of Amy's new life coursed through her. Once a teacher who quit due to pay, the long hours and the lack of appreciation. Now she was just hired a month ago as one of the company's newest employees. Amy fit in quite well, and her natural beauty had caught the eyes of a number of men, some Amy found to be quite cute herself. She had even made fast friends with a much older colleague, who feeling pity for the poor young woman took her under her wing. Maybe after this meeting she'd take a break and catch up. 

Amy came too as other men entered the workroom. It was time to give her first presentation. Wanting to impress, she confidently stood up and placed a hand on her popped hip, "Let's go over these quarterly analytics shall we~?" 


The day was long, and all three of our newly minted women went about their days. But finally, after hours of work, or hardly working in some instances, it was break time. Finley took her usual position out back of the building, taking out the sweaty cigarette pack from between her lips and lighting up. 

"Fuck... needed that" Finley sighed, taking a slow drag from the cigarette she now needed just to function. 

"Hiya Finley~!" Finley knew that voice and she sighed. 

"You don't have to act all cheerful like that Amy" Finley said, holding the cigarette between her plump lips as she spoke. "This place will destroy you soon enough."

"What are you even talking about Finley?" Amy took a spot right next to her adopted mentor. The pair didn't even work in the same department but had met by chance in the elevator one day. "I just aced my first presentation to my boss. I got to say this is a lot more fun than dealing with uninterested students all day" 

"Yeah you just have to deal with pigs who think you're open and easy" Finley groaned, this time taking a much longer drag. 

"Well, I do think there's a couple cuties out there" Amy blushed a bit thinking of a guy she had her eyes on. 

"Be careful with office romance. It always backfires" Finley. "I should know heh." 

"Hey Finley~?" Amy stepped out to be in front of Finley, Finley now having to turn her head to blow out smoke. "Mind if I try one? I bet it'd make me look bad ass!" 

"You want to try cigarette? What're you twelve? Just ask and I'd give you one. But you'll owe me a case down the road." Finley took the pack out from between her sweaty tits and handed one to Amy. 

"That's fine, I just wanted to try one for once. Try and be like my mentor" Amy winked. 

"Listen you don't want to be like me" Finley reached over and lit Amy's cigarette. "Three divorced, dead-beat husbands and four shit head kids. And who knows how many office flings. I'm pretty sure two of my kids aren't even my husbands" Finley sighed then laughed as Amy immediately started coughing heavily from the cigarette. 

"God who likes that!?" Amy put out the cigarette coughing. 

"Me. I like them. But here, wash it down" Reaching between her massive mounds again, Finley procured her flask, Amy taking a swig. 

"You always put yourself down Finley, but I really admire you. I mean you're a woman operating in a man's world. Not giving a shit and becoming the boss of your own floor. It really is admirable" Amy gushed. Finley blushed a bit. Amy was cute, like really pretty cute... maybe they could... become a thing? Finley shook her head for now.

"Yeah... t-thanks Amy" Finley tried to hide her blushing face much to Amy's amusement. But both were cut off as the door swung open, a blondie clad in blue with disheveled clothes and hair stepped out. 

"God..." she shook her head and glanced over at Finley and Amy. "Oh, I didn't see you two." 

"Hey there, my name is Amy and this is Finley, nice to meet you" Amy cheerily said, Finley just giving a slight wave. 

"Nice to meet you two... I'm Cassidy... err mind if I join you on break?" Cassidy awkwardly asked. Being the boss's personal CEO was very isolating. Much of the other women employees steered clear, and the men, only cared about you know what. 

"Aren't you the broad currently banging the CEO?" Finley asked plainly, making Cassidy splutter and Amy punch Finley in the shoulder. 

"Umm yes... for now anyways. A woman has to make her way up in the world anyhow." Cassidy stood her ground, grinding in her heel. "And don't call me broad, bitch" 

Finley just smirked, "Here you need this more than me" Finley tossed over the flask, which Cassidy caught and drank from. 

"God I needed that, thank you Finley" Cassidy smiled.

Amy just laughed, throwing an arm around the two other women, "I can tell we are going to become the best of friends! The best of office buddies! We can hang out after work somedays!" 

"That wouldn't... be the worst" Finley smiled, looking over to Amy then Cassidy. 

"Yes, that could be a lovely idea" Cassidy smiled. 

And so, the three office ladies would become fast friends, taking their breaks together and looking out for one another in their new office roles. Even through the midst of office drama and heavy work loads, the three: Cassidy, Finley, and Amy always had each other to lean on for support and help. 


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