
Pen is (TF)

*SNAP* Monika clenched her pencil in her hand watching the sight that was before her. She could hardly contain her rage as she watched Yuri, that creep, explain to MC what she used his pen for.  "I love you so much that I even touch myself with the pen I stole from you" Yuri panted, steam around her hot breath and face as she showed MC just a tease of what she did with his pen.  What made Monika even more enraged was MC wasn't even rebuking Yuri. He was kinda into it. That book slut! How dare she show her perverted side like that without even Monika's meddling. But then Monika had a dastardly idea. A smirk crossed her lips. How could she forget. She controlled the code of Yuri. She could shape Yuri into anything. And the perfect way to make MC notice her would be if Yuri, wasn't even a girl anymore.  Monika opened up Yuri's file and entered edit mode. This would be so hilarious. And knowing MC he'd see the changes happening in real time, while Yuri would r...

Just Another Palace Infiltration (TG, Trashification)

     Ren and the Phantom Thieves had infiltrated the palace of one Sae Niijima. Her heart needed changing as she was spending a lot of time investigating the team. The ritzy and gaudy casino had been rather easy to traverse for the Thieves, who by this point were quite experienced. For them, this would just be another palace infiltration. None of the shadows and guards stood a chance to the crack team. The time had finally come to steal Shadow Sae's heart. The infiltration was going well, until in the midst of the treasure room, Shadow Sae appeared, looking for a fight. The fight was certainly not easy, the Thieves struggling to keep up to Shadow Sae's relentless attacks. Ren and Ann were all that was left standing, Ann trying her best to heal the rest of the Thieves while Joker dished out attacks. At this rate, just maybe they could win. Or not. Ann was wiped clean to the floor by an attack from Shadow Sae, who laughs filled the giant roulette table the battle took place...

Urban Exploration (TG)

 "Is this really the best idea?" Andrew asked, walking behind his two friends Finn and Chris.  "Yeah its called urban exploration, and this building is huge!" Finn motioned with his arms.  "And currently occupied by like the city's largest corporation" Andrew mentioned. "Urban exploration is for exploring abandoned places, not breaking in!"  "Eh I think its alright" Chris chimed in. "Plus wouldn't it be cool to sit behind the big CEO desk? In that comfy chair?"  "So both of you are okay with actual breaking and entering!?" Andrew was dumfounded.  "Eh yeah, im gonna tag the place" Finn smirked, his anarchist streak showing.  "It'll be fine, sure we're entering in but there won't be any breaking" Chris stepped back and pat Andrew on the back. "You sure are the group worry wart"  "Someone has to be... but fine. Whatever. We're already out here anyways. And at mo...

Karaoke (TG)

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Winter Storm

  Sam and his girlfriend Alice were trapped in their home, in the midst of a terrible winter storm. Snow was falling, ice clung to trees and power lines, and the roads were a disaster. Things were so bad the governor of their state shut down almost everything. At least the power was still on... nope, it just went out. Teeth clattering and bodies shivering Sam and Alice gathered as many blankets and pillows as they could find, huddling together for warmth as the temperature fell below zero. Warmth was fleeting, and feeling pretty fed up with the entire situation Sam joked with his girlfriend.  "Man wish we could be in the tropics right about now. At least it'd be warm"  "Aww that would be nice. Maybe we can go there one day, maybe on our honeymoon~" Alice stressed, nudging into Sam, hoping he'd take a hint.  "Yeah maybe so babe" Sam wrapped his arm around Alice even closer, the two slowly falling asleep cuddled together and underneath layers and lay...

Stick to the Mission (TG)

       Agent 37 was one of his agency's best assassins. He had travelled the globe taking out targets of both high and low profile. This newest contract however was one of the toughest Agent 37 had ever seen. His target was a man by the name of Alex Stevenson. He may sound normal to you, and to the world he is. To the world he is a successful CEO, in charge of dozens of different companies that he had bought up over the years. His companies include everything from cars, to crypto, to social media and everything in between. Truly a wide and varied portfolio. But look inside that portfolio and you would see Stevenson's shadier dealings. Corruption and crime ran rampant, under the table deals with governments and politicians, lobbying against bills and laws. Hell, Stevenson even had gangs and drug cartels on his payroll to target opponents and business rivals, or those government officials so stupid they would dare oppose him. Because of these reasons, the Agency put ou...