Just Another Palace Infiltration (TG, Trashification)
"Everyone get out of here! I'll cover your exfil!" Ren shouted to the Thieves behind him as he stood to face Shadow Sae.
"Not so fast little Joker~" Shadow Sae teased. "I only want you anyhow. I know you've been shagging up my sister and I cannot have that!" Makoto blushed a bit hearing how protective the shadow version of her sister could be. And it was true, Makoto and Ren had started a relationship. "Plus I'd prefer an audience~" She snapped her fingers as multiple shadows appeared, holding down the exhausted Thieves.
"Let them go, and you can have me. Fair deal?" Ren tried to negotiate, somehow. It worked with lower ranking shadows anyhow.
"I'm going to let you all go, once I make sure you'll never touch my Makoto ever again!" Sae shouted and with some sort of force, pulled Ren closer and closer towards her.
The team shouted out for their leader as Shadow Sae grabbed a hold of the Thief. Ren squirmed, his knife and gun having been strewn far across the floor. Sae licked her lips and placed her hand on the rim of Ren's mask. "Let's see the boy who's trying to corrupt my little sister" Ren tired his darndest to escape, but to no avail. His mask was pulled off and Sae got a good look at Ren's true face. "Its you, that Shujin boy I've seen about." Sae was quiet in thought for a few tense seconds before licking her lips. "This will be oh so fun~!" Applying a thick layer of pitch black lipstick, Shadow Sae laughed and kisses Ren straight on the lips, a long and deep kiss that sent the leader of the Phantom Thieves into a tizzy.
Ren fell to the floor, his lips and face covered in black lipstick prints. "Oh let's wipe those off" Sae laughed, taking a glove and wiping off the dark prints everywhere on Ren's face, except his lips. "Now go on, face your friends~!" Sae pushed Ren towards his friends, as he stumbled to the floor. Ren looked up at his friends, who all gasped. Ren had begun to change, and now his lips were plump and juicy, coated nicely with dark black lipstick.
Ren cried out as his body continued to change further. Sae laughed, while the other Thieves were forced to simply look on in vain as their leader was being transformed. Ren's height began to dip down, shrinking down only some to about 5'5, the perfect match of a certain other Phantom Thief. His skin smoothed over, losing hair and blemishes, but also gaining some Caucasian heritage. Slowly and surely his black hair began to be overtaken by bright blonde strands. When the hair began sprawling out the Thieves knew just exactly what Ren was becoming... an Ann look alike. Ren yelped as his long blonde hair was tied up into two large twintails, his eyes now a bright blue, framed with long lashes. Ren's nose and face softened up, his visage becoming exactly like his teammate Ann, except with much larger lips and oddly enough, heavy black eyeshadow and eyeliner around the bright blue eyes.
"If your leader here thought he could turn my sister into a slut, I will just have to turn him into the sluttiest member of your little group!" Sae explained, Ann cursed back at the shadow. That was a Kamoshida tier insult at the woman, and it still stung to hear. Ren cried out, his voice sounding just like Ann's as his neck slimmed and voice shifted in octaves and sounds. "This will be oh so good. Your leader won't just change in body, he'll gain some very important upgrades for a girl of his caliber!" Sae smirked. Suddenly Ren cried out in pain as a septum piercing appeared in his nose. Next a stud appeared on his tongue, with a matching one below his lip. His face was getting bombarded with piercings. Turning the visage of Ann, that he now borrowed, who was a natural beauty, into that of a trashy goth. His ears became adorned with rings and studs and piercings, one including a chain that hung a small golden cross from it.
"S-Stop this!" Ann cried out, only to be met with the moans of Ren. As his arms thinned, losing muscle, and shoulders narrowed, Ren began to feel intense pleasure begin to center around his chest. Ren squirmed on the floor as his chest began to slowly develop into two mounds of fat. His hands instantly gravitated to the new orbs, in the process his hands shrinking down to be much smaller, now with long nails, painted pitch black. Ren continued to moan and squirm, as his chest continued to expand out and out, nipples standing oh so firm, just to become pierced with some nipple rings. Ren was growing rock hard from the transformation, and his suit was being slowly torn to shreds as his body popped and shifted. At last Ren's chest finished growing out, half exposed, now two massive F cup tits, bouncing and jiggling.
Some of the Thieves were crying, others cursing and struggling. For Shadow Sae, this was all so perfect. She almost wished she had some popcorn. Ren's waist narrowed down, stomach flattening, losing the muscle he had gained from fighting shadows. A loud snap reverberated throughout the area as Ren's hips widened and grew outwards, so wide and shapely and slutty. Ren flipped over as his ass began to expand with fat and flesh, growing out as meat rushed into his cheeks. His rear was about to rival, maybe even surpass Makoto's as it jiggled to life right in front of the eyes of the Phantom Thieves. In tandem, Ren's thighs inflated up, legs becoming so long and slender, quite enticing to the passerby. The Phantom Thieves continued to sob as they saw ink will itself into existence above Ren's ass, creating an ever so trashy tramp stamp with "Joker" labelled in the middle. Ren's hands shot down to his crotch, his cock wobbling and throbbing, wanting release, but to no avail. There would be no fanfare as Ren's cock reverted into a tight cunt, already wet and ready for use. With that, Ren had become a copy of Ann, albeit much sluttier.
"Show yourself off why don't you" Sae gave a laugh as Ren was forced to stand up and show off his body to the other thieves. "Still needs some more don't you think?" Sae pondered. "I mean she's clearly not slutty enough yet! That's it!" Sae snapped her fingers. Ren squirmed as a womb tattoo appeared, encompassing the word "Panther" in the midst of a few hearts. Ren's belly button became pierced with a gaudy diamond stud. Handprints appeared on the sides on her hips, saying "Handlebars" within each hand. On the inside of the left thigh "Juicy Kitty" was willed into existence, an arrow pointing towards Ren's new tight pussy. Now a permanent feature of the woman. On Ren's right jiggly cheek, "Butt Slut" next to a little heart with an arrow through it appeared.
"So what do you all think?" Sae addressed the thieves. "Is she ready yet?"
"W-Why would you do this sis!" Makoto was full on sobbing. She had just watched her boyfriend become, no offense to Ann, a trashy slut.
"Why? I thought I made it obvious! That boy wanted to turn you into a slut, so Im making him one!" Shadow Sae had become enraged, and as a result added more tattoos to the poor changed girl. In between the new girl's hefty cleavage became a tattooed cock which said, "Place here." On her left wrist was a cock, spewing out some cum onto the word "Trashy Whore Slut". While her right arm willed in the words, "Handjob Queen" paired with two little cocks. The right thigh was soon granted with a tattoo, saying "Tight Cunt", an arrow also pointing at the womans slit. On her boobs, a cock spewing cum onto the words "Cum Here" burned onto her skin. On her stomach, right above her belly button piercing placed a short straight line which read, "Snort Coke Here" on one side and "Druggie For Life" on the other.
"Sis please! This has to stop!" Makoto cried out. Sae wasn't having any of it, covering Ren's back and arms and shoulders, in various tattoos. Cocks, cum splotches, and hearts framed each word that sketched itself onto Ren's canvass body. "Worthless Bitch" "Whore" "Cunt" "Slut" "Pretty Kitty" "Panther Whore" "Cum Thief" "Steal my Pussy" "Cum Dump" "Wannabe Prostitute" "Goth Ho" "Ditz" "Bimbo" "Pussycat" "Ash Tray" "Bring Your Own Condom" "Will Fuck for Drugs, Food, Money, or Cum" Then came the list. Oh god the list. Makoto was beyond crying as a list of actions and prices wrote themselves onto Ren's back, with enough room for a tally mark to be entered for each time one of the actions was taken on poor Ren.
"Facial- 100 Yen
Handjob- 150 Yen
Boobjob- 200 Yen
Blowjob- 300 Yen
Anal- 500 Yen
Vaginal, Pull Out- 700 Yen
Vaginal, Cum Inside- 1000 Yen
Jack Off Onto Me- FREE"
"There. Think that's enough now dear sister?" Sae smirked. "Or would you like me to do more?"
"P-Please Sae... Just let him go! Let us go!" Makoto sobbed.
"Yes, you're right. It is time to let you all go" Sae nodded in agreement. "Just one more thing. A perfect outfit for her. Once she's all dressed, you're all free to go as promised" Sae turned to Ren, the trashed up, feminized, whore of a shell that used to be Ren. A black, latex cat suit stuffed itself onto Ren's body, the various zippers being an enticing gold. Long gloves reaching past his elbows covered Ren's arms, with thigh high, high heel boots adorning his feet.
Ren wobbled over to his teammates, as they were suddenly transported to the entrance of the palace. Ren was in a daze, and it was decided to end the infiltration right there and then. They still had time to defeat Shadow Sae, hopefully.
The Thieves continued to infiltrate and fight against Shadow Sae, but with roadblocks. While Ren still had his old mind, whatever Shadow Sae had done to him had led to some corruption. Corruption where Ren struggled with his new body, and feelings, wants and desires. Some nights he'd be raring to go for a fight, others, and especially increasingly more often he'd spend the whole night around in the Red-Light district. It got so bad half the time Ren was missing school, and if he was at school he was fooling around and not doing any classwork.
Even as the Thieves managed to defeat Shadow Sae at the last possible opportunity, their once leader had become a major hindrance. And when the team found out she had a hook up with Shido, their next target, their plans simply fell apart. The life of debauchery and sin would overtake Ren as he became nothing more than a trashy whore working the bars and streets of Tokyo, all while Shido took over the political world.
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