A Trip to Remember (TG)

(Sauce: https://www.fakku.net/hentai/non-virgin-english)

    Kris and I were relaxing after a day out on the town. We had met up after finally clearing our busy schedules and managed to meet up. We had decided to hang out for a week, before we would have to go our separate ways again. We had just gotten back from dinner and were chilling at the hotel, which we now were sharing a room. The hotel we were staying in was super nice, easily a 5-Star hotel with any and every amenity one could desire. Our room was huge and with some extreme couponing both Kris and I had this entire trip paid for free. I was slightly buzzed after our night on the town, but not to the point where I was too far overboard, and I collapsed on my bed first thing when we got back, “Man tonight was fun” I smiled my face a slight red. Kris sat down on his bed and shook his head at me, “Yeah it was, but you drink too much…” “What?” I sat up on my bed, “I only had two drinks. We were at a bar, and then dinner. Its fine.” “No… you had three… good grief man…” “Oh? My bad” I laugh, “But its all good. We got back safe” I shut my eyes and laid on my bed again as Kris got up to explore the room. It was more than a room. It was a suite actually. We both were kinda curious how we managed to land a room like this for free. Kris opened drawers and checked out the bathroom. All of it was way too nice for any normal hotel room. As Kris explored the bathroom he found a large vanity, with tons of makeup, and other feminine hygiene products, like hair care, perfume, on top of the insane amounts of makeup. Kris traced his hand over the counter, looking at the products. He had always wanted to be a girl, and now he had the opportunity to at least make up his face.

    Kris spent several minutes applying makeup to his face, he was a makeup expert after all. Too bad the room didn’t have crossdressing supplies. Kris wasn’t disheartened for long as he found two lacy chokers sitting on the vanity counter, one purple and one white. Kris was instantly drawn to the purple one and picked it up examining it. It was exquisite quality of soft lace. Without hesitation Kris latched it onto his neck and smiled in the mirror. Kris stood up and nodded, ready to head back to the bedroom. Kris knew Andrew wouldn’t make fun of him, plus the already buzzed Andrew could probably be convinced into having makeup put on him too. As Kris turned to walk he froze as he felt a pressure in his neck. Was it something he ate? An allergic reaction? Kris coughed a couple of times to clear his throat but instead of his normal voice, a sultry, mature sounding voice exited his mouth. Was this choker one of those new fangled voice changing ones? Kris shrugged figuring it was and took another step before freezing. He scratched his head which started to itch. His scalp started growing out more and more hair, which turned blond and quickly reached down to his shoulders. “No way… please let this be real!” Kris begged closing his eyes quickly catching on to what was happening. His closed eyes turns a vibrant blue as his face slimmed and contorted, now with thin brows, long lashes, a small nose, and very plump lips. Kris squealed with delight. He was actually becoming a girl. Kris’s skin began to tingle as his height changed to 5’4 and his shoulders crunched inwards becoming less broad. Kris’s new skin was free of what little body hair he had, and now it was smooth, free of blemish. Kris’s arms narrowed losing some muscle and his hands became dainty, his fingers growing slender, and nails long and manicured. Kris held up one of his new hands and smiled, “It really is happening…” Kris smiled. Kris yelped as his waist suddenly caved inwards suddenly, leading way for his stomach to flatten and tone out. Kris’s hips snapped out with a loud *snap* sound (Yes I’m really good at describing sounds) and Kris wiggled his new wide, childbearing hips. Kris’s ass bubbled out turning into a sexy heart shaped bubble, just the while his thighs fattened up quite a bit. Kris’s legs elongated, and his feet became smaller. Kris looked down, knowing exactly what two changes were left. He tore off his now stretched out clothing and glanced at his naked body. It was almost fully developed, almost his dream body. Kris moaned out, in his sultry voice as flesh gathered on his chest. It felt so good, causing him to get hard from the pleasure. But as his breasts were swelling, his dick was shrinking. Kris squirmed and heard an audible pop, his dick becoming a tight slit. At the same time Kris heard an audible boing, her tits finishing growing out to EE cups. Lace swirled around Kris’ body and in a flash Kris was wearing a purple lacy, lingerie set. Kris giggled and skipped back over to the mirror, her tits bouncing with each step, and her large hips and ass swaying. It felt so right to Kris. She was a natural beauty, a total milf too, well without the kid part. Kris felt sexy, mature, confident, and well herself now.

    I sat back up on the bed after realizing Kris never came back, and it had been close to an hour. I stretched and stood up, my buzz having worn off. “Kris what the hell are you up too?” I asked myself scratching the back of my head as I walked to the bathroom. I knocked on the bathroom door leaning on it, “Kris you good? Got stuck on the toilet or something?” The door swung open from out of me, and since I had been leaning on it I feel forward, right into a pair of tits? “Hmm?!” I muffled into the chest. I felt a hand cup my chin and turn my head up, “So how do I look Andrew?” I blushed, I mean I couldn’t not blush seeing a hot milf wearing lingerie. The woman was beautiful, I tried to cover my growing bulge. The woman giggled, “That’s the reaction I expected. You’re so predictable Andrew” “Wait… Kris?! Is that you?” The woman nodded, “Yep its me! But I’m not Kris anymore. Call me Mindy” “R-Right…” I blushed heavily, my mind overwhelmed and turned on at the sight in front of me. “Don’t you want to join me Andrew?” Mindy asked, placing a hand on her hip. “J-Join you…?” I blushed heavily knowing what she meant. “S-Sure Kri….Mindy” I went to get undressed but Mindy stopped me placing a finger over my lips to shush me. “Just hold tight” Mindy turned and walked to the vanity, my eyes glued to watching the sway of her perfect bubble butt. Mindy grabbed something and trotted back over to me, placing a white lace choker around my neck before I could say anything.

    “Huh? What’s that?” I asked holding my hand over the choker. “You’ll see…” Mindy purred, winking at me. “R-Right… Wait… My voice!?” I cried out, my voice now sounding mature, sexy, sultry all bundled together. I grabbed my neck and tried to take the choker off but it wouldn’t budge. “You said you wanted to join me right?” Mindy smiled, stripping my clothes in seconds leaving me naked. “I’m going to enjoy this” Mindy cooed, her hand reaching inside her own panties. I felt an intense heat covering my body to the point it was almost unbearable. My black hair lengthened down to my shoulders and turned a soft brown. My face started to contort as my skin started to bubble. My skin became silky smooth, as all my hair, both facial and bodily simply vanished in an instant. My face kept contorting, now that it was free of my beard and moustache combo. My brown eyes stayed the same, but everything else changed. My brows thinned, my eyelashes grew long and full, my nose shrank, and my lips plumped up considerably. My height dipped down to 5’4, almost a full foot shorter than my male height. My shoulders crashed inwards, and my arms thinned, losing muscle mass in an instant. I felt weaker, which was true. My hands shrank and my fingers grew dainty. I couldn’t believe it when I held my hand up to my face to see longer, perfectly manicured nails. My waist turned inwards and stomach flattened. “W-Why…? Mindy why?” I asked right before I cried out as my hips snapped out painfully. “Why? Because I know you’ll enjoy this way more than being a guy” Mindy said, not stopping her furious masturbating to my transformation. My ass bubbled into a huge, heart shaped rear perfect for slapping or groping. My thighs fattening up squishing my dick, right as my feet shrank and legs elongated. My dick and chest both started to tingle. I moaned as my chest blossomed two massive mounds of flesh, which quickly grew to an EE-Cup. They say perky and supple up on my chest. I looked down blushing but was distracted by my dick, which was by this point almost sucked back into my body. I rubbed my shrinking bulge but stopped when it became a foreign feeling tight slit. I grabbed my head right as lace swirled around my body, encompassing my massive tits in a lace bra, and my new womanhood in lace panties. There were also some stockings, gloves, and I could feel earrings, meaning I now had pierced ears. I now had an ‘outfit” if you could even call it that, matching Mindy.

    “I-I’m a chick!?” I cried out cupping my massive boobs. “Yeah a super-hot one” Mindy giggled groping my rear. I was super flustered. This body felt so weird to me, and it was even weirder seeing how quickly Kris… er Mindy adapted to it. “Andrew… Wait come up with a name already” Mindy said pulling me close to her, our tits mashing into each other’s. “A name? Andrew.” Mindy rolled her eyes and pinched my nipple, which was poking through my bra top. I moaned and squirmed. “A girl name stupid!” “I uh… A-Amy then…” I blushed heavily. Mindy nodded and then changed tone immediately. “Amy… you’re so hot…” Mindy’s plump lips pressed against mine and I instantly melted in her touch. I could feel my body just accept it as I kissed her back. My panties were starting to feel moist (Why do people hate this word?) as Mindy and I kept kissing, our tongues beginning to intertwine in passion. This felt so right. It felt right to be kissing Mindy, and to have Mindy be kissing me. I broke off, the both of us panting slightly. Mindy grabbed my hand and smiled, “I have a surprise for you.” Mindy pulled me along to a different bedroom, this one a massive bed. But on the bed were tons of sex toys. Mindy got down on the bed and beckoned me to join. “Use whatever you like Amy” she blushed, wiggling down her panties. “I don’t need a toy” I replied pressing my lips into hers as I unclasped the back of her bra top, it falling effortlessly onto the bed. My left hand reached down and entered Mindy’s slit, gently massaging it and slowly pumping. “A-Amy…” Mindy moaned out softly. Deciding to help out Mindy I unclasped my own bra and wiggled off my own panties. Soon Mindy had her hand in my own slit, each one fingering the other. Our lips stayed together, all the while our hands pumped rhythmically in the others wet slit. Of course there was the occasional tit grope or nipple pinch. All of a sudden Mindy stopped and screamed as my hand got covered in a thick coat of juices, Mindy’s slit tightening down on my own hand. Mindy just panted and then pushed me down, my back on the bed. “I’m going… to make you cum so hard…” she breathed out, panting. I couldn’t see much over my boobs, except Mindy disappear. But I quickly felt where she went, her warm tongue soon entering my slit and licking deep. “AH! M-Mindy!” I moaned as I squirmed helplessly on the bed. It felt so good, I couldn’t help it. My body was overwhelmed in pleasure and I came, squirting my juices all over Mindy’s pretty face. 

    The two of us remained laying in bed panting. We both had just experienced an orgasm as a female for the first time. After about five minutes I sat up and smiled down at Mindy, “Hey Mindy? Wanna try a toy next?” Mindy and I were supposed to go our separate ways but we never did. In fact we moved in together after deciding we were in love. Our relationship quickly got serious and we got married. Of course our honeymoon was full of hot and heavy lesbian sex, and we became quite infamous in our neighborhood. Every boy wanted a change to score with the hot lesbian milfs down the street. Mindy and I would adopt four kids, raising a big happy family. That trip all those years ago really was one to remember. 



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