Hefty (TG)


    Andrew sighed as he sat down on his bed after another monotonous day. Every day to him was the same, work, drives, going to an empty home. It really took his toil on him. Andrew was also forced to hide a lot of secrets, even from his loved ones. You see Andrew had always wanted to be a girl. That might not sound too crazy to you, but where Andrew was from it was. If Andrew told even his parents, or friends, he would be ostracized from town, losing all his life long connections. It was tough. And it was gnawing at his insides. Andrew of course couldn’t start transitioning into a girl. Everyone would figure him out, and then he’d lose everything. Andrew started to cry as he collapsed on his bed. As Andrew started crying himself to sleep yet again, a passerby heard his cries. You see the world is inhabited by fairies. I know sounds stupid but its true. Most fairies are total jerks, but this one was really nice, priding himself by helping humans in need. As Andrew cried the fairy flew in the open window. “Hey Human!” the fairy shouted. “Hmm…?” Andrew looked up trying to find the voice. “Up here human!” The fairy giggled waving as it floated in the air. “Oh shit! A bug!” Andrew not really the bug killing type uncharacteristically grabbed a fly swatter. “I’m not a bug I’m a fairy!” the Fairy yelled, as loud as a person would. No more of that cute squeaky voice. “Wait… are you one of those fairies that turn people into random things?” Andrew asked still holding the fly swatter. “No I’m a good one! I’m Fhguytjghhjt the fairy!” he smiled. “What now…?” Andrew was confused by this point dropping the fly swatter. “Listen pal just call me Fred. Anyways I heard you crying and I’m here to help!” Fred said pulling out his magic fairy wand of friendship and magic. “You heard me crying… no biggie….” Andrew said wiping a tear from his red eyes. “Why do you care anyways F-Fred…?” “Because I’m a good fairy and I help people in trouble!” Fred said cheerily. “Other fairies are jerks. But I’m a nice fairy. And we help people. I can make your dreams reality!” Andrew looked down, he had dreams all right. A pretty big one in fact. “You can make my dreams real?” Andrew asked, then slowly looked up. “I-I want to be a woman! A woman… and make it so my family, friends, everyone I know has always believed I was a woman” Andrew said, his hopes raising. “Sure thing pal!” Fred the fairy flew to Andrew and tapped his head. “Ooo more juicy desires. Okay let’s whip this spell up! Look at the flick of the wrist!” With a flick of the wrist Fred used his spell and disappeared.

    Andrew felt dust trickle all around him, his room, hell his entire apartment causing him to sneeze. “F-Fred?” Andrew asked rubbing his eyes. Was he seeing things? Andrew was about to sit back down on his bed but suddenly felt dizzy. He didn’t hurt, he just saw everything begin to spin. Andrew started to shrink in height, going from 6’3 to 5’0 in a matter of seconds. Andrew was too dizzy to see what was going on as his black hair turned green and grew down to his shoulders. It was silky and smooth, but rather unkempt. Andrew’s eyebrows thinned, also becoming green as his eyes grew large, bright and blue. His nose shrank, lips plumped, and face slimmed and narrowed. His beard receded back into his face, as his skin lost all body hair, becoming smooth and creamy. Andrew’s shoulders narrowed, arms narrowed, and hands shrank. Andrew tried to look at his dizzy hands as his nails grew out long and manicured. Andrew wobbled in place as his waist narrowed, and stomach flattened, becoming toned, showing a rather fit lifestyle. Andrew could hardly see anything, the room spinning. And that’s because it actually was spinning. Andrew’s hips snapped out wide, not painfully, since Fred had made sure every change was pleasant. Andrew’s ass grew out, becoming a fat, sexy rump ready to be grabbed. Andrew’s thighs fattened, rubbing up together. Andrew’s legs slendered and feet shrank. Andrew started to grow hard as pleasure started surging through his body. Andrew’s dick began to tingle as it slowly began receding back into her body. Andrew could feel this happening and smiled. With a slurp Andrew’s dick and balls became a tight pussy, with some dark green pubes growing, nice and short of course. Andrew’s chest started to pulse. Andrew’s areolas and nipples grew larger, the nipples in particular becoming puffy. Andrew almost squealed with delight as she felt a tug on his chest as fat started to center on it. Andrew’s chest grew out to I-Cups (Canon Byleth Breast size) heavy and heft. Andrew then felt them get heavier, but from what she couldn’t tell.

    Andrew stopped spinning finally catching her balance. When Andrew looked down everything was different. Andrew was not in her male clothes. Instead she was in a short sweater crop top hugging her massive tits, and some tight latex booty shorts, with pink panties on underneath. Andrew’s hands immediately gravitated to her chest, squeezing them. “They’re so soft… and hefty…” Andrew complained. “Why are they so hefty…” Andrew said as she began to feel wet spots grow on the front of her sweater. “No… that fairy… didn’t…” Andrew blushed as milk started to dribbled over her fingers. “I’m freaking lactating… no wonder they’re so hefty…” Andrew let go of her bust and looked around her bedroom. Opening a closet she found girl clothes galore. Andrew smiled and fell back on her bed smiling. “I can finally be Amy…” Amy smiled. This is exactly what she always wanted. Amy reached over and grabbed her phone. The cover had changed, and all the texts were the same, except with female context. Looking through social media, all had been converted to Amy. Everything in her life finally felt right. She was a woman, a sexy one at that. And if the fairy had done its job right her entire family, friends, co-workers, would always think she had been a girl. A quick check at her messages, again, confirmed this. "Wow... that fairy did everything it promised" Amy could help but smile. "Well maybe the tits are a little much" she blushed as she felt tiny droplets of milk trickle out of her teats. "That'll get annoying. I didn't even ask for lactating breasts..." Amy sighed. Even with one setback, this was all too good to be true. As Amy smiled and looked at her ceiling, her hand slowly began gravitating down her body. She felt her curvy waist, flat stomach, wide hips, and lastly her thick thighs. "I wonder how it feels..." Amy's face was a deep red as her hand rubbed the crotch area of her latex booty shorts. Even then she could feel her privates pulse a bit. "Ooo... that's sensitive..." she squirmed a bit. She could feel her panties get a little damp. "And it feels weird..." Amy breathed out rubbing her thick thighs together. "I'll just quickly..." Amy started sliding down her booty shorts when she heard a loud knock. 

    Amy jumped when she heard the  knock. Amy quickly sat up embarrassed. "I'll be there in a sec!" she yelled out. Amy jumped out of bed and didn't think about her current attire, already walking to the door. On the way she passed her new ID, her school registration, work records, all of it had changed to match her new identity. When she opened the door, there stood a boy, a handsome boy. Amy couldn’t help but blush. “Hey babe” he smiled kissing Amy on the cheek as she stood dumbfounded. Amy blinked at the man as he walked inside. “Babe? Are you okay?” he asked. Amy blinked a couple more times, it finally clicking in her head about her boyfriend. She still knew she used to be Andrew, and had all her old memories, its just her love and affection for her boyfriend was added on top. “Yep! I’m okay babe” she grinned. “I’ve been having a bit of an issue though…” she led on, her boyfriend raising an eyebrow. “And that is?” he questioned looking down at his short girlfriend. Amy giggled. "Does it matter? You'll enjoy it" Amy grinned up at her boyfriend. She was a foot shorter than him and she loved it. It made her feel safe and protective when they cuddled. Amy and her boyfriend Sean had only been dating for a couple of months. Neither were ready to take things to the next level and that's okay. But they loved the occasional make out sesh or cuddle fest. They were both working and in school so they saw each other when they could. Amy and Sean walked into Amy's room, Amy forgetting how disheveled it was. "S-Sorry babe..." Amy blushed, noticing the strands of female clothes on the floor. "Its alright Amy. I always enjoyed your messy side." Amy couldn't help but blush at being complimented. As a guy she never was, and now she had a boyfriend who would compliment her every move and detail. "So what's this surprise?" Sean asked sitting on Amy's bed. Amy looked down blushing. "Its kinda embarrassing... but can you um... m-m-milk me....?" Amy said her face as bright as a tomato. Sean laughed. "Milk you? What are you talking about?" Amy pulled up her crop top sweater, showing her bare breasts, puffy nipples, to her boyfriend for the first time. They had seen each other in underwear before, well only once and it was too embarrassing. Sean blushed as his crotch began to stir, which Amy couldn't help but look at. As a boy she was bi with a preference for women, but now she could only think about guys. "J-Just milk me please! They're so hefty!" Amy complained as Sean cupped her breasts. "Oh my they're full" he smiled. "Sure I'll milk you, but only if you moo for me." Amy would never do something so degrading, for anyone other than her boyfriend. Amy sat on the bed and looked up at Sean. "M-Mooo...." her face a bright red. Sean crawled up to Amy. "Good girl" Sean kissed Amy on the lips and lowered his head, wrapping his lips around Amy's right puffy nipple. Amy squirmed as milk started trickling out. It felt really good as her boyfriend softly suckled on her breasts. Sean also made sure to balance Amy's boobs out, suckling several minutes from each. "That should help. I can't drink it all sorry babe" Sean said wiping his mouth of warm milk. "I-It's okay Sean. They feel lighter already" Amy smiled weakly from the pleasure. She was lying, her tits were still hefty. Amy threw on her top and cuddled into Sean as they laid together on the bed. "you know Amy with lactation like that, and well everything about you, you'll make a great mother one day" Sean smiled rubbing her back. Amy blushed deeply. "Spend the night... please..." Amy begged. "Don't worry Amy i'm not going anywhere" Sean said, his and Amy's face less than an inch apart. Amy and Sean's lips met softly as they started a deep make out session, falling asleep in each others arms an hour or two later. 

    As the two slept peacefully together, Fred looked on and smiled at his work. Amy was now happy, and who she always wanted to be. Sure it required some illegal magic techniques, but who cared right? Amy was happy, and hefty. Amy woke up the next morning sitting up and yawning. She found a note on the other pillow and read it. Of course Sean had work. "Last night was so fun" Amy smiled, her mind settling on Sean. Amy recalled last night, how damp her panties got just from the breastfeeding and making out. "I have to try it!" Amy cried out sliding down her tight booty shorts and tossing them on the floor. Amy couldn't really see her lower body over her massive bust. "Guess we better go all in..." Amy took off her top and looked down at her puffy nipples. Breathing out Amy reached down and felt the front of her panties. They were damp. "H-Here goes nothing..." Amy wiggled her panties off and tossed them on the floor. She was naked for the first time as a woman. Amy got up and wobbled into the bathroom. She didn't have much experience as a woman, especially walking. Looking in the mirror Amy blushed seeing her naked body. "It's really me..." Amy stared at her reflection. She couldn't even take her eyes off of it. She was beautiful after all. Sean was a very lucky man. Amy looked down at her waiting slit. It was nice and tight, with short, dark green pubes. She clearly kept herself groomed down there. "H-Here goes nothing..." Amy's hand rubbed the outside of her slit and shuddered. "F-Fuck... okay maybe I should sit down..." Amy quickly ran to her bed and collapsed on it spreading her legs. "This is going to be really different..." Amy stuck a finger in her new pussy, eliciting a soft moan. "ooh... god..." Amy then dipped in another finger, and another as she started pumping her hand into her slit. "Oh fuck... okay... why does this feel so good..." Amy moaned with each pump of her hand. It felt weird to feel her entire pussy pulse and clench as her hand went to town. Pleasure washed over her entire body, causing her nipples to harden and start trickling out milk. As Amy pumped she could only think of one thing, Sean. "S-Sean..." she moaned his name, imagining it was Sean having his way with her. "SEAN!" Amy moan screamed his name as she came, squirting her juices all over her thighs and bed-sheets. Amy laid on the bed panting and sweating as pleasure washed over her body. Being a woman felt so much better. 

    Amy and Sean kept on dating, and eventually got married after being together for three years. The two had a very close, intimate relationship, enjoying each other's company quite often. That lifestyle ended up getting Amy pregnant, roughly four years after getting married. Amy would give birth to two adorable twins. Even as Amy and Sean, and their family grew one thing remained the same. Amy and her hefty tits. 


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