Wedding Bells (TG)

My entire life my parents have been preparing me for marriage. They obviously wanted grandkids and couldn't wait for me to get married to a beautiful woman and start putting babies in her. I really didn't care to rush getting married. My parents were still relatively young and I figured I should wait, get a good job and maybe then settle down. Well that was my plan. But in college I realized a bunch of things about myself. The biggest one was that I wanted to be a woman, the second was that I was attracted to men and women. When I came home and opened up to my parents... things went surprisingly well, or so I thought. I wasn't kicked out or anything but my parents were really angry about any future children. You see my parents were rather old fashioned. They wished for their only male heir to have children and continue the bloodline. But if I was to become a girl, I wouldn't be able to have biological children thus ending thei...