Wedding Bells (TG)


    My entire life my parents have been preparing me for marriage. They obviously wanted grandkids and couldn't wait for me to get married to a beautiful woman and start putting babies in her. I really didn't care to rush getting married. My parents were still relatively young and I figured I should wait, get a good job and maybe then settle down. Well that was my plan. But in college I realized a bunch of things about myself. The biggest one was that I wanted to be a woman, the second was that I was attracted to men and women. When I came home and opened up to my parents... things went surprisingly well, or so I thought. I wasn't kicked out or anything but my parents were really angry about any future children. You see my parents were rather old fashioned. They wished for their only male heir to have children and continue the bloodline. But if I was to become a girl, I wouldn't be able to have biological children thus ending their bloodline. 

    I went to bed that night in a very awkward situation. My parents luckily weren't super pissed, but really only upset about the children thing. My mother and father were up for hours, unknown to me discussing what to do. It was too late for them to have another child, and if I was to become a transwoman I wouldn't be able to carry on the bloodline. Children only through adoption? My parents couldn't just accept that. My parents decided to act, drastically, and without my consent. My mother went into the basement and found a potion of some kind on a dusty shelf. "I'm sorry Andrew..." my mother said grabbing the potion and heading back up to my room. As I slept peacefully my mother opened the potion and poured it all over my body. 

    The potion's liquid instantly seeped into my skin as I jolted awake in pain. "W-What's going on!?" I cried out in pain as my entire body felt on fire. My mother stayed in the shadows, ignoring my cries, crying herself. My body began to shake as my body hair burned off. My height started to shrink down as I felt my body snap and shake. My hips snapped out wide and shapely, as my waist narrowed, making way for curves. I started to cry as the pain seeped through my body, my height shrinking down to 5'4 and my stomach flattening to become toned and fit. My dark black hair turned a light blue, and grew out long down my back. My face scrunched, my eyes growing larger, my eyebrows thinning and lips plumping up. I cried out again in pain as my face took on softer features, like a smaller nose and jawline. My neck collapsed on itself, my voice turning airy and very feminine. I cried out, able to breathe again, noticing my new voice. My shoulders narrowed and arms lost all muscle. My hands grew small with a loud crack, my digits thinning and nails growing out longer. My chest suddenly pushing out flesh as I grew two hefty H-Cups, with swollen nipples and large areolas. I groaned out as my hips snapped out again, making way for my ass to gain fat and mass. My lower body was pushed up on the bed, as my ass gained volume and volume, quickly growing out into a huge, plump ass. I squirmed as my dick started to recede, becoming squished between my ever growing thighs. "O-Oh... fuck..." I moan as my dick and balls slurped up into my body, my legs becoming slender and feet small. Slowly a new slit opened when my dick had receded. I cried out in pain, I felt tears hit my bear chest, as a slit opened in my crotch, my insides rearranging to a womb waiting to be filled. 

    I continued to cry as the pain slowly started to subside. Suddenly I felt something hug me and the lights turn on. It was my mother. "M-Mom?" "Its okay Andrew... this is what you wanted right? To become a woman?" my mother said trying to calm me down. "I do want to be a girl... but I wasn't ready... at all..." I admitted. "Don't worry dear. I will help you" she smiled wiping a tear off my cheek. 

    Three years have passed and I had become a full on woman named Marianne. Adapting as a woman was tough, and it took my mother almost half a year to get me fully situated on womanhood. Mother worked overtime to teach me every little detail about being a woman. She obviously started with how to clean and bathe, plus proper hygiene. Soon enough I was learning to put on bras, and walking in heels. A wrench was thrown into everything when my first period hit. I don't even know how I got through my first period. But it meant one thing, I was a biological woman! I could actually have children! That at least made my father happier. My mother and I continued my girl training, as I learned how to do makeup, put up my hair and even do nails. Basically after about five months I could do anything a female could. 
    Going back to school was what made me the most scared. How would my friends react to the new me? Luckily they reacted very well. My old friends fully accepted me as Marianne, and for the first time in three years, I got back into the dating scene. I wasn't sure how to date as a girl and I was worried if I would come on as too strong. But after a couple of bad first dates I had an amazing date with a guy named Sam. Sam was really handsome and we got along so well, and he was really handsome to boot. We started dating in full, and a year ago we got engaged. Now here I am on my wedding day. My mother and my friends (that are girls) helped me get dressed up in a flowing wedding dress. I could hardly believe my eyes looking at my reflection. My hair tied up (which I had been doing since I turned into a girl. I couldn't stand long hair but I didn't want to just cut it away), faint yet alluring makeup, my shoulders and cleavage on display. I blushed looking at myself and I couldn't wait to marry my man. 

    It was finally time. I blushed deeply as my father took my arm. "I'm so proud of you Marianne." he smiled kissing my head. "Thanks dad..." I hugged him and then the music played. The door open and my father and I walked down the aisle towards Sam, soon to be my husband. I blushed even deeper, if that was possible as Sam and I locked eyes. Both of us teared up as I was slowly escorted up to the altar. My heart was beating out of my chest as I took Sam's hands in mine. I was barely paying attention to the priest, focusing entirely on Sam, and I am sure Sam was doing the same. Suddenly my shoulder was tapped. "Marianne your vows?" The priest asked. Looking around I realized I hadn't been paying attention for so long. Even Sam had given his vows. I felt embarrassed for missing such an important moment. I looked down and then up. "Sam... you are so good to me. I love you and you were the first person to truly make me feel like a woman. I-I want to be with you forever and ever" I said my vows, tearing up from the emotion. It was all true, everything I said. Eventually it was time for the rings. I took a ring and as I looked at Sam, pushed it onto his ring finger. And then he did the same. The way he held my hand made me blush deeply. His hands were so big, and soft. He gently pushed the ring onto my own ring finger, and finally it was the moment I was waiting for. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Sam smiled and I looked up at him, and then he dipped me, kissing me deeply on the lips. Kissing him back felt so good too as he pulled me up. We walked back down the aisle, hand in hand, now husband and wife. And I couldn't wait for our wedding night.

    The wedding reception was amazing. All my friends and family congratulated me and I got to have a first dance with my now husband. I felt so beautiful wearing the luxurious dress, enjoying dancing, and hugging my husbands arm the entire night. But the party died down, and it was time to go on our honeymoon. Sam and I had planned an extensive two week trip to the mountains. We had an entire cabin to ourselves. The car ride would be long, but I didn't mind. We were together. Sam and I chatted for the first couple of hours, we were so excited. And I had something very intimate to show him once we got unpacked. As the drive dragged on I looked at Sam. We had agreed to have no sexual activity until we were married, and now we were. Both of us were way to inexperienced and nervous to try during our dating years. "Hey hun. Focus on the road okay?" I giggled shuffling a bit in my seat. I was still wearing the huge wedding dress, which was very difficult to maneuver in. "Focus on the road? I've only occasionally glanced at your bust M-Marianne! Promise!" Sam stammered blushing. "Only occasionally? I'm insulted!" I giggled again crawling over a bit and unzipping the fly to his pants. "M-Marianne?" He looked down as I pressed a finger to his lips. "Shh babe. Just drive." I grinned. Sam did as told and I fished out his cock between his fly. I was entirely new to this, so I just would have to try my best. I started jerking the shaft slowly with my left hand. Sam squirmed a bit and I giggled again. "Don't look down at all dear~!" I smiled as his cock quickly hardened in my hand. Breathing in and nodding I slowly wrapped my lips around the head of the cock. I closed my eyes and started to suck gently, my tongue wrapping around the head of the cock as I began to bob my head. I had never done anything like this, and I knew my sucking and licking wasn't that good, but Sam didn't say anything. I continued to suck dutifully, my tongue licking up and down the shaft. I blushed deeply as I felt Sam's head rest on top of my head, holding me gently in the act. As I sucked I felt Sam's dick begin to twitch and pulse. I opened my eyes as Sam's hand pushed my head down. I squirmed a bit as Sam pushed my head onto his entire length and then came, shooting cum straight down my throat. Sam's hand let go and I shot up back into my seat coughing. "Yuck! That's nasty!" I complained looking for water. Sam blushed as he looked over at his bride scrambling for water. Eventually I found some and chugged it down. "Ahh... that tastes better..." I say putting the water bottle down. I looked over at Sam who was blushing. "D-Did you enjoy it Sam?" I asked blushing. "Of course I did Marianne... you are amazing." I couldn't help but smile and kiss his cheek. 

    An hour or so later we arrived at our cabin. I barely had time to look at the building before I felt Sam grab me and pick me up out of the car bridal style. I blushed, hugging his neck as he carried me inside the cabin. The cabin looked really nice. It had a huge fireplace, a kitchen, living area all right in the front. Sam sat me down and I leaned up to kiss him. "Its so nice dear. While you unpack I need to pee!" I said half lying. I walked to the back of the cabin finding a large bedroom with a king-sized bed and a huge bathroom with a walk in shower and two person tub in it as well. I quickly used the bathroom and peeked out seeing Sam place a bag in the bedroom, my bag. Perfect! As he walked away I snuck into the room and grabbed some certain items. Going back into the bathroom I carefully took off my wedding dress hanging it up in a walk in closet that was connected to the bathroom. Then I slipped into a little certain something. Once I heard Sam leave the room again, dropping off another bag I made my move and got onto the bed. With one last quick move I undid my hair, letting it flow down my back. 

    As soon as Sam entered the bedroom he dropped the bags he was carrying. He blushed deeply looking over me. Sam smiled and climbed into bed pulling me into him. "Unpacking can wait until tomorrow Marianne..." he whispered into my ear causing me to shudder. We started to kiss as he pushed me down on the bed, our lips and tongue intertwined in passion. I could feel something rub up on me as we deeply made out. I could feel my whole body heat up as we kissed deeper and deeper. I felt Sam's hands touch my shoulders and drop the straps of my negligee. I wiggled out of my bra top, my chest exposed to my husband for the first time. We both blushed heavily as he ran his hands over my sensitive breasts. "H-Honey! They're so sensitive..." I squirmed to his touch something large rubbing up on me. I knew what it was and nodded. "S-Sam... I want you..." I squeaked cutely as Sam tweaked a nipple. "I want you too Marianne... now and always..." Sam started to undress himself as I watched. He took off his shirt as I waited eagerly, sitting up on the bed. When he dropped his pants I felt my body heat up more. Sam walked up to me and laid me back down kissing me deeply before sliding off my panties. Sam fiddled with a condom. "Really Sam? Struggling?" I giggled rolling my eyes. I opened the packet and took out the rubber, slowly pushing it onto his cock. "M-Marianne... I love you..." Sam breathed out his cock twitching as he spread my legs. I looked up at him submissively. "B-Be gentle..."  "I will dear" he smiled and then I felt it. The push of my husband's cock splitting my pussy and pushing up towards my womb. The feeling was overwhelming, intense even, and Sam hadn't even begun. "Oh... oh god..." I moaned out hugging my arms around Sam's back. Sam smiled down at me and began to thrust into me slowly, his hands gently holding my hips. It was our first time, no need to be fast or rough. Just slow, and steady. We could always experiment later. My pussy pulsed and tightened around his cock as he thrusted up into me slowly. "A-Ah... Sam! K-Keep going~!" I moaned squirming as his cock pushed in and out of me. I wrapped my legs around Sam, forcing him more into me as our bodies got closer. The feeling of being penetrated was so good, and I was soon lost in the pleasure, cumming for the first time as a woman. (I had tried masturbating when I first turned but it felt to weird so I stopped). Sam pulled back a bit feeling warm juices squirt onto him and I began panting heavily, my tongue falling out. Sam kept thrusting slowly, my body slowly shaking as pleasure spasmed through me. I felt Sam tense, and well, I was tensing up again. I looked up at Sam and kissed deeply as we both came, Sam filling up the condom inside me, and me squirting more juices onto him and the bed. Sam pulled out slowly, the both of us panting. "M-Marianne... holy..." Sam panted. "Moly..." I panted in response. "I love you Sam" "I love you Marianne. 

(I really tried to find another long haired Marianne for this for continuity but I failed)

    Sam and I enjoyed a night full of passion, having sex until we both fell asleep in the early hours of the movie. I woke up the next morning, still coated in cum and sweat (We ran out of condoms). Sam was already up, and I could smell something good from the kitchen. I blushed as Sam walked in carrying a tray of breakfast into the bedroom. "Oh... Sam... sorry if I'm not exactly... clean for breakfast..." I blushed glancing down to the beads of sweat and drops of cum on my bust. Sam blushed and put the breakfast aside. "Morning round?" he grinned. "Sure thing dear" I smiled as he climbed onto me. 

    My marriage with Sam was fully of fun and excitement. We moved in together, found good jobs, and settled down as a married couple. Its been five years since we've been married and today we're going to visit my parents for Christmas. After warm greetings from my parents we all sit down with some eggnog and chat. Eventually the conversation turned to me and I blushed. "E-Everyone I have something to say..." Everyone looked at me. "I'm... pregnant!" Sam, and my parents both hugged me. Looking back now I am so happy my mom used that potion on me. Not only have I become who I wanted to be, I've become a loving wife and soon to be mother. So in the end both me and my parents got what we wanted. 




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