Pop Sensation, Alternate Story (TG)

     Richard was a freshman in college, exploring campus, and adult life for the first time. Classes were a lot of fun, and Richard even found a large group of friends. Richard had a dream to one day become a singer and songwriter. No one really knew this dream as he kept it a close secret. One night, Richard and his friends went out to an open mic night at a bar downtown. Richard and his group of friends sat in the back and watched act after act. For hours they laughed and joked at the bad acts, and applauded the good ones, drinking more and more as the night went on. Eventually, there was no one left to act, and Richard's drunk friends egged him on. Richard of course didn't want to go up on an open mic night, but his drunk friends pushed him on stage, the whole place clapping and cheering. The slightly buzzed Richard held onto the mic and looked around nervous. He slowly started to sing the only song he really knew, a cheesy teen idol pop song. His friends burst out laughing, but Richard's singing voice was actually really good, and really feminine sounding. As Richard sang, he got less and less nervous, and actually began getting into the song, gripping the mic and swaying on stage. As he ended the song the whole place erupted in applause and cheers, his friends dumbfounded.  

    Richard got off stage with pats on the back and headed back to his friends. As he sat down in the both a man came up and handed him his card. "I really enjoyed your song... Richard was it?" the man said. Richard looked up at him, "Oh... um thank you" Richard blushed a bit. "I'm a music producer and I think you have what it takes to be a star. Contact me anytime after you think over it." The man walked away as Richard looked at the card, pocketing it. After a couple more drinks Richard and his friends headed back to their dorms

    Several weeks passed as Richard got distracted by classes. One day he found the card he had been given in the drawer of his desk. "Oh yeah. I forgot about this..." Richard said looking at the card. It had the music producers email and phone number. Richard sat down at his desk and stared down at the card in his hand. Richard picked up his phone and typed in the number, hesitating to call. After several minutes of thought and hesitation, Richard pressed the call button and put the phone up to his ear.

    "Hello? This is Mark Anderson" the phone answered. "Oh hello... this is Richard, from that open mic night a couple weeks ago..." Richard said nervous. "Ah Richard how are you?" "G-Good..." "Listen Richard, there is no need to be nervous. How about you come in one day and we can talk in person?" "Uh sure... can we do it on a Friday? I don't have class then" "Of course. I'll see you Friday at 3 PM. That work?" "Uh... yes sir it does" "Good. My agency's address is on the card. See you then" The call ended and Richard sighed in relief. It seemed he had an appointment, so he started practicing his singing. Richard's singing voice made him sound like a young woman, and he was rather small in stature. In fact he had been confused with a girl when people just heard his voice. 

    Richard's free time was spent practicing singing in his dorm. His friends tried contacting Richard outside of class, but found him seemingly always busy. But Richard dutifully practiced and practiced, and eventually the fated day arrived. Richard arrived at Anderson Agency, and he headed inside. Sitting in the lobby behind a reception counter was a cute secretary, wearing glasses and her hair in a neat bun. "Hello sir. Are you Richard perchance?" she asked with a smile. "Yes ma'am I am" "Good, Mr. Anderson will see you in his office. Its just upstairs" she said pointing at a stairway. Richard nodded, "Thank you miss" and began walking up the stairs. 

    Richard hesitated outside the room before entering after knocking. Mark Anderson's office was rather spacious, it had a large desk, comfortable chairs, anything a top executive could need. "Ah Richard please sit" Anderson said, motioning to a chair, the opposite side of the desk. Richard quickly sat down, nervous out of his mind. "Let me get straight to the point Richard" Anderson said leaning forward, "Your voice is amazing, especially your singing voice. The issue is... well your looks" "M-my looks?" Richard asked worried. "Yes your looks. Your singing and even your speaking voice sounds like that of a woman's, but you look like any run of the mill guy" Richard looked down... "Sorry for wasting your time... I'll get going. Thank you Mr..." "Richard stay seated. I wouldn't have handed you my card if I didn't think you had potential. Just listen to what I have to say." Richard looked back up at Anderson. "A plan? What sort of plan?" "Well like I said Richard your voice and your singing voice sound very feminine, so in order to make you a proper star we could... dress you up... as a girl..." Anderson said, unsure if his plan would land. Richard blinked staring at Anderson like he was crazy. "I knew this was stupid!" Richard quickly got up and walked out. 

    Richard quickly walked out of the agency, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Unbelievable..." he muttered walking briskly back to campus. Richard was fuming angry. He had thought this would maybe be a big break for him, but no. Learning that he could only become a star if he was a girl, it was insulting. Richard quickly made his way back to his room and slammed the door, plopping down on his bed. Richard spent the rest of the weekend sulking, his friends trying multiple times to get him out of his room to figure out what happened. But come Sunday night, Richard couldn't get to sleep. He sat up in bed and began to think. He did want to become a singer one day, but becoming a girl? That seemed outlandish. Sure his voice was feminine, but he should still be able to be a male singer right? But as Richard thought on he started to think the whole situation over. I mean coming from Mr. Anderson's point of view, it made more sense. His voice was feminine, and it might hurt not only Richard's reputation and success but also Anderson's agency. Richard laid back down and sighed. What would be the worst thing about trying it out yeah? He could always quit if things went too far or he got uncomfortable. Richard smiled and decided to go back to Anderson's agency tomorrow. 

    After school, and a couple of emails to Mr. Anderson, Richard found himself sitting in the office yet again. "S-Sorry for the other day..." Richard said apologetic. "Hey it's okay Richard, my idea was rather out there. I'm sure we can work something out without making you uncomfortable... but chances would be slim" Anderson explains. Richard nods, "I know... I spent the weekend thinking things over and decided to at least try out the whole girl thing..." Richard was a little embarrassed, his face showing it with a slight blush. "You agree to my whole girl idea?" Anderson asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yes sir... I do." Richard nodded blushing a little harder. "It would make a good story... well I'm glad you agree Richard. I have drawn up a contract as well for you to take a look" Richard said pushing a sheet of paper across the desk. Richard looked over the contract carefully, he wasn't no sucker. "Wow this is pretty fair" Richard said reading the conditions. Richard would work for Anderson Agency for three albums. Richard would get 75% of the proceeds and go on tour for three months after each album was released. Richard gave the contract a once over and signed it. 

    Anderson smiled and took the paper, signing it as well. "Don't worry Richard, we will get to work on your image right away. After that then you can work on a single, or even an album" Anderson explained. "So how will the whole image thing work?" Richard asked. "Our dressing room expert Melissa will help you get situated. Which you can go see her now" Anderson smiled. "She's downstairs" 'Thank you Mr. Anderson" Richard stood up and shook hands with Anderson, leaving the office confident and a little excited too. 
    Richard quickly headed downstairs and got directed to the dressing room. With a knock he entered seeing a cute brunette girl looking through outfits. "Hi you must be Rich" she said turning to see the person entering the dressing room. "Yes I'm Richard... are you Melissa?" "Yep! I'm a fashion designer and an expert at dressing up up and coming idols like yourself" Melissa said proudly. "Well I'm still not sure about the whole girl thing yet..." Richard admitted rubbing the back of his neck. "Maybe not yet, but you will be~!" Melissa winked. "Now lemme get your measurement!" Melissa grabbed some measuring tape and began taking in all of Richard's measurements. Richard tried to stand still as Melissa measured every inch, head to toe, of Richard. After ten or so minutes of measurements Melissa shot up, "Okie! You're all measured. I got the perfect stage fit!" Melissa giggled and ran over to a rack filled with girly clothes. Richard blushed looking at Maggie talk to herself, flipping through outfits, "Hmmm... No. No... maybe, no... hell no... wait... Perfect!" Melissa pulled an outfit from the rack and placed it on the table in the dressing room. Richard looked over the outfit, his face red. The outfit was very pink, and very revealing. "Uh... what now? You want me to wear that?" "Yep! I do. And don't worry I won't peak when you put the panties on" Melissa giggled. Richard looked at the outfit, then the door, and then at Melissa. "Ugh... fine." 

    Melissa pulled out a movable divider, giving Richard some privacy. Richard looked over the outfit, blushing in embarrassment. The outfit was cute alright, but could Richard even pull it off? Probably not. But Richard figured he should at least try. Richard undressed himself and picked up some black panties. Richard closed his eyes and sighed. With a quick movement Richard pulled up the panties, blushing deeply seeing the bulge in the front. "I-I got the panties on Melissa!" he called out, worry on his voice. "Got it!" she said quickly pushing back the sliding divider. She laughed when she saw Richard. "Oh. My. God!" "S-Shut up!" Richard replied, ready to die from embarrassment. "I know, I know now sit still" Melissa said as she grabbed a razor. "Bye bye to that pesky hair" Melissa quickly shaved off unneeded body hair, even Richard's pubes. "S-Stop! Not down there!" Richard squirmed, but it was too late. Melissa giggled. She was clearly having fun with this. "Now for the clothes!" Melissa started to dress Richard, telling him to lift a leg, or an arm, as he was dressed up in the tight, feminine clothes. Richard couldn't help but blush as Melissa slipped item after item onto him. A tight black bra, some thigh highs, a skirt, jacket, gloves, a choker. Richard did nothing but blush and squirm as the dressing expert dressed him up. "Okay Richy you are turning out great! We're almost done and then you'll get to have a peek~!" Melissa smiled. Richard sighed again, unable to stop blushing as suddenly several assistants rushed in with makeup supplies. "Don't worry they won't tell Richy!' Melissa giggled fixing up a brown wig, that matched Richard's hair perfectly. Melissa worked on the the wig, adorning it with a cute bow and styling it perfectly. The other assistants applied fake nails, blush, eyeliner, mascara, the whole nine yards. While he didn't want to admit it, Richard smiled a bit as his face was caked in layer after layer of makeup. Soon he was turned to face the mirror, the hands still working. 

    "T-That's me!?" Richard said dumbfounded by the reflection. "Yep that's you~" Melissa giggled. "You're a real cutie too!" Richard stared at his reflection in the mirror as the assistants kept up their work, Richard staring straight into the mirror. After an unknown while the assistants left, leaving a dolled up Richard and Melissa alone. "Wow... that's me?" Richard muttered out. "Yep! You really look good Richy. Now to show you to the boss. Come on!" Melissa pulled up Richard and pulled him upstairs to Anderson's office. "Wait I'm not ready!" Richard cried out, sounding like a girl, "I can't be seen like this!" "Why not Richy? You're really convincing." But Richard's protesting mattered not, as he was thrusted into Anderson's office. "Wow Melissa good work on Richard." Richard looked down blushing hard as Mr. Anderson got up and walked up to Richard. "Aww thanks boss. Personally I think this is my best work yet." Melissa smiled patting Richard's back. "I agree Melissa but how do you feel about this Richard?" Richard looked up at Mr. Anderson. "Well... I mean this fits better than I thought... but I still can't believe I look like this now" Richard said blushing. "Good well please take a seat Richard. Richard nodded and sat down, Melissa doing the same.  Anderson cleared his throat, "Now Richard several things. First you need to start growing out your hair, so we don't have to use that wig longer than we have too" Richard nodded, "I guess that won't be hard..." "Second Richard, you need to speak feminine while in that costume. If people knew you were a boy too early, before official release it might make things difficult. But we do have a voice trainer" Richard replied, trying to sound feminine, "Y-Yes sir" Anderson smiled. "Last thing, you need a stage name. Its up to you, but it needs to be easy to say and easily brandable." Richard had never thought of a stage name, but he had thought of a girl name for himself. "H-How about Rise? It sounds kinda cute..." Richard squeaked out, his normal talking feminine voice needing some work. "That is so perfect!" Melissa clapped her hands together. "Ooo! I got it! Her stage name can be Risette!" Melissa said standing as she got her idea. Anderson nodded, smiling. "Risette? I like it. Is that alright with you Richard?" Richard also nodded in agreement. It actually fitted Rise very well. After a good meeting, and getting undressed Richard rushed back to his dorm room, more happy than ever.

    Months passed as Richard practiced his singing, talking, walking, and mannerisms. In fact Richard had even written and recorded his first single, and it was ready to drop. Richard's style was very close to pop, and his singing was flawless. He really did sound like a girl, in both singing and talking normally. Richard had slowly began to let part of his hidden identity slip, especially around his friends. He'd constantly get caught speaking like a girl and get embarrassed. But after months of prep Richard's first single was ready to drop. And in order to help it sell Richard had to get dolled up for a photoshoot to publicize it. Richard initially was stiff in the photoshoot, but as it went on, he began to naturally pose, even doing cutesy, feminine poses on his own. After the several hour shoot, Richard sat down, naturally crossing his legs as he chugged on some water. "Man that was hot... but fun." Mr. Anderson smiled, "We picked a photo for your single. Trust me it'll be a hit. Its currently being edited right now" Richard nodded, "Sweet. I'm nervous about this single but... I'm excited too! When can I see the picture?" Richard asked "Soon. Just relax some Rise. That was good work. You're a natural" "Thanks~!" Richard giggled, sipping on her water. After a short wait Richard and Anderson finally were able to see the picture that would grace the single, advertisements, billboards, you name it. 

"Oh wow!" Richard said looking at the photo. "I look good" "Yes you do Rise. We did add some affects, and a larger bust but the rest is all natural" Richard looked at the photo closely. "Can I keep a copy?" "Of course Rise. We'll get you one" Anderson replied. 

    Rise's first single was a hit, quickly hitting number one on almost every chart. So much of a hit, the fans demanded a performance before Richard could even push out an album. Richard went in for more training, for another month he trained and trained, learning dances and how to handle the public. Being Risette was taking over Richard's life and he couldn't be happier. Richard dropped out of school, deciding to focus on his new idol career. He even began thinking of himself as Rise in private. His hair had even grown out, and his chest had began growing out too, as Richard started taking hormones on his own will, two small, but noticeable, breasts beginning to bud out. Mr. Anderson and Melissa were actually surprised by how serious Richard, or Rise as he wished to be called now, was taking the whole idol thing. They didn't mind at all, and actually helped support Rise however they could. 

    On the night of Rise's first concert, Rise paced in her dressing room. She could hear the cheers and talking of the huge crowd, which had sold out way in advance. "Rise calm down" Melissa pleaded, "I need to finish your makeup!" "I'm not nervous Melissa. I'm more excited!" Rise said sitting down as Melissa hurriedly added makeup. Rise's showtime was soon, very soon. "I can't wait to debut my new song tonight as well. Think they'll enjoy it?" Rise asked. "Oh no doubt. Fans are eating up anything and everything Rise right now. Just go out there and do your best" Melissa said finishing with a couple more dabs of makeup. Rise happily skipped near stage, and when the curtains opened Rise skipped out onto stage happily to thunderous cheering and applause. "Hello everyone~! I hope you enjoy the show~!" Rise yelled out excited, taking in the huge crowd of adoring fans. "Let's get this show started~!" Rise began to sing, and sing expertly she did. Her performance was moving, some fans even fainting from it. After a ten minute standing ovation Rise debuted her newest song, to yet another standing ovation. After the concert Rise signed autographs and took selfies with fans, enjoying every minute. Rise would go on to become the world's top pop star, extending her contract, and fully converting into a girl with the support of her new friends Mark and Melissa. Rise loved being a Pop Sensation, her dream finally fulfilled. 



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