Horny for World War 2 Era Warships (TG)

     Jaina and Amy (I) were friends,. Having met on discord they were close but still quite distant considering the internet and geography barrier. Amy and Jaina chatted on a semi-regular basis, but one day Jaina and Amy were talking about anime girls. Huzzah two women of culture. Well Jaina had found a new game, called Azur Lane, which had a bunch of anime girls named after World War Two warships. I was mostly confused by this fascination, especially considering Azur Lane was one of those hated gacha games. Also, I was a historian and anime stuff like Azur Lane, or Girls und Panzer, or Hetalia just were weird to me. 

    So the next time Jaina brought up Azur Lane and her newest waifu, Taihou I had had enough. See because I had paid for years of Discord Nitro I had unlocked special powers. I could use TG powers, but only over Discord. So I decided to teach Jaina a lesson she'd never forget. 

"So Jaina you like Taihou right?" I asked. 

"Yeah she's cute and sweet I guess" 

"Good so you think this ship here is hot right?" I replied, posting this image. 

(Public Domain)
"Goddamn that's a hot aircraft carrier~" Jaina replied. Yep. It was what I feared most. Jaina was a Shiposexual, one sexually attracted to ships. I figured turning Jaina into a 1940s aircraft carrier would be of poor taste, I went another route. Deciding to turn her into the anime girl version instead. 

"Whelp here you go Jaina. I would say you deserve this but you'll probably end up thanking me" I use my discord powers and blast Jaina with Gay Trans powers. Jaina stopped mid reply as their whole entire body changed. Long, ink black hair grew down, tying up into twintails that were like 7 feet in length. Honestly this was a tripping hazard. Jaina's eyes turned alluring red as her face matured some, with milf lips, perfect for licking. Jaina's booba, whatever size they may be got larger. Becoming massive sacks of tit fat making way for a thinning waist, flattening tummy tum, and wider hips. Jaina was gaining some serious curves. Jaina's ass which I guarantee was already cute grew into a massive lump. 

"Holy shit Amy! Im Taihou!" Jaina typed quickly. 

"Yeah I know lol" I typed back. "Plus you need to change your clothes" With that I used my powers again to change Jaina's clothes. Some weird looking heels, some nice thigh highs, and a tight, short Japanese style outfit that showed off the thighs, boobs, and shoulders. For the final act was a massive fan with feathers and also a model of an aircraft carrier which attached to Jaina via a buttplug, stuffed right up her big ass. I imagine Jaina moaning out all sexy like. I must admit it did arouse me some. Anyways for those curious here is what Jaina ended up as. 
(SAUCE: Offical Azur Lane Artwork) 

Jaina made sure to send me some saucy pics :) and was, as expected happy with their change. Still it is pretty weird to be horny for World War 2 ear warships. I mean I wonder if Jaina cums every time she plays World of Warships? Anyways enjoy being an aircraft carrier hun~



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