Mistletoe Woe (TG)


Daniel was feeling the Christmas time blues. Everyone else was so lively and happy. Meanwhile he was decorating his home, alone. His singleness, plus living hundreds of miles from family, didn't bother him. Except at Christmas time. Something about the season made him feel just plain bad. Hanging the mistletoe, Danile sighed. He had never had the opportunity to kiss someone underneath it. Meanwhile everywhere he looked, he saw people smooching under a lively green bunch of the stuff. But tradition was tradition, and Daniel hung the Mistletoe above the door frame. One night, after drinking a little too much eggnog, Daniel began drunkenly cursing at the mistletoe, blaming it for all his loneliness and sadness. The mistletoe, obvious didn't reply. It's a fake plant for decoration. Duh. But an older, more fragile leaf of the mistletoe fell off, floating down and landing on Daniel's head. Maybe there would be a Christmas miracle?

Hiccupping, Daniel stumbled around the leaf still resting on his head. But from underneath the leaf, Daniel's dark hair began to turn a bright pink, slowly growing out around his scalp. The pink strands started growing out, Daniel's short hair growing down and down his back, into silky locks. The pink hair reached his but, before being forcibly tied up into twintails. Daniel's height began dipping down, from 6'0 to 5'5 or so. His skin smoothed out, losing hair and pesky blemishes. Daniel's face slimmed up. His brows thinned narrowly, lashes growing out long and full, as his eyes turned a bright pink. His nose slimmed down, lips plumping up significantly. His neck slimmed, adams apple vanishing and giving Daniel a new cutsey voice. His shoulders narrowed, each arm thinning out, losing muscle and mass. Daniel's large hands shrank down, each digit thinning out, and nails growing out. Moaning out, Daniel's chest began to bubble and pop. His nipples stiffened, areolas growing in size. Fat and flesh rushed onto Daniel's chest, growing out the mounds more and more until they were massive EE cup tits, sitting high and mighty. Daniel's waist narrowed, and pudgy tummy flattened out. Still pretty drunk, Daniel collapsed on the couch in a daze, his vision swirling around. His hips jutted out with a loud snap! His flat butt began to grow out in a similar way as his chest did. Ass cheeks flared to life, expanding with fat and flesh, both cheeks growing into a thick rump. The new booty jiggled to life, the last remaining fat centering on Daniel's thighs, thick and creamy. His legs and feet slimmed down. With no fanfare, Daniel's cock and balls started to recede back into his body. With a pop... pop Daniel's balls vanished into him, his cock slinking away rapidly, opening up into a pair of new lips. With that, Daniel passed out in a daze.

Danielle got used to her new body pretty easily. Probably due to some brain rewiring. That night, Danielle went to a Christmas party wearing a cute little Christmas outfit. A Christmas Party was something Daniel would have avoided like the plague. But now, Danielle was sexy, and confident, and if she had anything to say about it, she'd find someone to kiss underneath the mistletoe. 


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