Persona 3 Portable Out on All Platforms Now! (TF)

 Makoto Yuki was devastated. In his most recent venture into Tartarus, Aigis, SEES powerful anti-shadow weapon was destroyed. The rest of the team wasn't too upset, considering Aigis was a robot and all. But Makoto, he was entirely sad over it. He would mope in his room, barely get out. And come home straight from school, instead of running around the town like a snake with no head. Misturu felt sorta bad for Makoto, so in hopes of healing, she took Makoto to the laboratory where Aigis was built. Makoto walked around, hands in his pockets on the verge of tears. Seeing where Aigis was created, and lived, made him feel even worse. So worse he wondered away absentmindedly from Mitsuru. 

    The factory floor was dark. Makoto walked around not caring about his surroundings. He just wanted to be alone, and think about Aigis. Something about her... made Makoto feel some sort of strong connection. As Makoto went to put on his headphones, his arm accidentally switched a lever, all the machinery whirling to life. Makoto looked around as all the lights turned on, and weird looking claws started moving around and about. Makoto shrugged and started walking, until a claw grabbed him! Makoto reached for his evoker but a pair of comically sized scissors cut off all his clothes, save his white underwear. Makoto squirmed as more claws and arms grabbed at his body. Small razors went over Makoto's skin, shaving it off, and leaving his skin shiny and smooth. Next another claw came in and began spraying a shiny, sticky substance all over Makoto, all while a simple white gag was placed over Makoto's mouth to prevent his screams. The arms kept working on Makoto, two arms pulling up some sort of white high heeled boots, that reached well past Makoto's knees. Paint followed along the new clothes, spraying on gold accents. A larger casing, looking like Aigis's body slammed into Makoto's torso, the sticky substance, now known as glue, keeping the pieces night and snug on his body. The body forms gave Makoto wider hips, a prominent ass, a thinner waist, and some perky breasts. This gave Makoto a now very feminine frame. Paint followed, spraying parts of the torso piece to look like exposed machinery and gold. Makoto squirmed even more as he felt some sort of helmet lowered over his blue hair, giving him Aigis's blonde bob and headphone combo. Gloves were placed up Makoto's arms, painted with gauntlets and joints. Makoto then stared at the final piece, the face mask, slowly moving towards his face. Makoto's eyes shook in their socket as the mask placed, locking with the hair helmet. Makoto tried to yell out, to no avail. His voice had no chance of escaping. Instead a cutesy, robotic voice talked for him. "Aigis Bot 2.0 booting up!" The voice was so cheery, and sounded like a young girl. As soon as the clamps released Makoto, the door to the factory floor opened and Mitsuru ran in. 

    "Makoto? Where are you?" She called out, Aigis Bot 2.0 turning around. "Are you looking for someone Mitsuru Senpai~?" Mitsuru stood confused as the Aigis looking figure waddled towards her. Mitsuru put her hand on her Evoker, ready to fight if this was some sort of shadow. "Im not a shadow Mitsuru Senpai~ I am Aigis Bot 2.0!" the robo girl giggled, all while Makoto struggled. "I have been made to help your team!" Mitsuru calmed down. "Have you seen my friend Makoto then? He has blue hair and is very quiet?" Mitsuru asked. "Nope~ But I can help look! Im good at looking at things!" Aigis 2.0 beamed. She started waddling around looking for Makoto, her heels making clicks as she held her arms out. She could only waddle, not run, or even walk normally. She certainly wouldn't be useful as a anti-shadow weapon. After looking for Makoto for hours, it was clear he had vanished. Mitsuru and Aigis 2.0, quickly dubbed Aigis-Chan, went back to the dorms. The coming fights were going to be much tougher without SEES leader, but luckily for the team, Aigis-Chan was there to raise their morale after every fight! She was such a good little robot. 


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