Trophy (TG)


    It had been decades since you had seen your best friend. You both grew up poor, and in the bad side of town. But while you had remained in the neighborhood, your friend, had received a scholarship to the best university in the country. But one day, decades after last seeing your friend, you received a letter in your mailbox. It was from your friend. Inviting you over for a long weekend. You had just been laid off, and so, you decided to go see your friend. Taking your old rust bucket, you headed out to the given address. What you weren't prepared for was the sight. It was a massive mansion in the hills outside the city. Acres and acres of land, and a mansion hundreds of thousands of square feet. You pulled in after giving your name at the gate, pulling up. You were led by a maid through the building and there you saw your friend. He was sitting in a large study, bookcases and such reaching from the floor to ceiling. There was a massive fire in the fireplace. You joined your friend, offered some whiskey and sitting on the expensive looking furniture. 

"How have you been friend?" your friend asked, you two clinking glasses. 

"Could be worse" you shrugged. "I mean you can look and tell..." you trailed off. 

"Im so sorry I haven't been there... I just got done traveling all over the world for work..." your friend seemed genuinely sad he couldn't help. "But that's why I invited you here actually." 

"Hmm? Why did you exactly?" You were curious about why your friend suddenly reached out after years of no contact. You figured he had forgotten all about you, and your old neighborhood. 

"Well... I need a favor. A Big favor..." your friend shifted in his seat, clearly uncomfortable at asking such a thing. 

"Hell... I got your back. But what is the favor?" You would never give up your friend. 

"You see, to make a long story short, I need a wife. Or else, there's a big chance my company can be taken over by the board. But if both a potential partner and I could have ownership within the company, well then, I would be able to keep control" Your friend explained. 

"Wait hold on. Wife? Im a dude" You had been hung up on the wife part. 

"Thats the tough part, and the big favor. Im not gay, and well I have horrible luck with women. Most if not all the women I want just want my money. But you, I know you, and you know me. It'd work." Your friend explained. 

"Yeah but, being a wife... it's outrageous! And how is it even possible!?" 

"I know it sounds impossible, but my chemistry team has worked on a serum that can turn men into women, and vice versa. I plan on producing it for transgender people once it gets FDA clearance. But trust me it's safe." Your friend assured you. 

"But as a wife, I'd have to... yuck!" you stuck out your tongue thinking about... well that. 

"Ah but you wouldn't. The only thing that you would have to do is maybe show up to a dinner or two a month. Maybe a meeting or two. The rest of the time you can do whatever you want. Full freedom of travel. You'll even have your own room and money. I wouldn't dare expect you to fulfill any wifely duties." Your friend had lost his marbles, you thought. But the more you thought about it, the more appealing the offer was. You'd finally have money to help your old neighborhood, and you'd get to spend more time with your old friend. 

"I'll do it" You said directly. 

"Listen I understand if- wait what?"

"Yes, that's right. I agree to your terms. I'll become your pretend wife and in turn, you help fix up our neighborhood." You stood up and extended your hand. 

Your friend smirked and stood, taking your hand and shaking it. "Of course I agree to that. We can go ahead with it now if you want" 

"Yeah, why not, I dont exactly have anything or anyone to go home to" You sighed. Your friend took out his phone and called someone. 

"Make sure you strip naked. Its required to not interfere with any changes." He informed you. You were a little embarrassed but stripped naked. A maid entered carrying a syringe, your friend taking it. "This'll sting a little" You nodded knowing that shots hurt. Carefully your friend stuck the syringe into your shoulder and pushed the contents into your bloodstream. 

    The effects were almost, instantaneously. Your height shrunk to 5'4. Your skin smoothed out, losing hair and blemishes, giving way to creamy and smooth skin. Your hair turned a dirty blonde, growing out in silky locks. Your face feminized up, with long lashes, a small nose, and massively plumped lips, clearly with filler. Your neck slimmed, your voice becoming feminine. Each of your shoulders narrowed down, arms becoming thin, losing muscle you had gained on the streets. Your hands shrunk down, each nail becoming perfectly manicured. You felt a rumbling as your chest exploded out into two massive lumps of fat, so large you couldn't even hold them back with your small hands. Your waist narrowed, and hips jutted out, your stomach losing muscle to become pudgy. Your ass expanded as well, growing into a perfectly fat rear. Your thighs followed suit, plumping up thicker and thicker, losing any thigh gap. Your cock was under a lot of stress, all the while your legs and feet shrank down. Your cock was throbbing with need, but instead in shrunk back into you, forming a pair of puffy lips, the need for release still there. 

    You tried to cover up your thick body, but with your small hands, you failed. You felt wobbly, not used to all the new center of gravity, and thick weights all over your body. You noticed your friend looking at your body, and while you wanted to shout, you couldn't blame him. You assumed you were hot. You felt hot. He politely gave you a gown to cover yourself. You knew deep down your body was drop dead gorgeous. You were taken by a maid, up through the mansion and into the area that would be your room. It was luxurious. Huge bed, and a huge TV with game consoles, even a mini fridge with your favorite beer. He truly had thought this through. To the side was a full bathroom, and a walk in closet. You figured you should get dressed, as the gown you were in left you still rather exposed. And so you walked into the closet and looked around. 

There were so many options, and you dropped the gown to the floor as you browsed. The closet had everything. Styles of all kinds ranging from masculine to feminine, casual and formal. At least you wouldn't be forced to wear tight little cocktail dresses all the time. But, a part of you wanted to try on an outfit that was more... feminine. At the very least you'd need underwear. You opened a drawer to see dozens of pairs of bras and panties. With your massive chest, and lack of knowledge of women's clothing, you knew putting on a bra would be a hassle. So you decided on a one piece set of underwear, unaware it was actually lingerie. Along with some silk stockings, you felt you looked pretty good, and posed in the mirror with the closet jacket you saw on the racks. 

You looked at your reflection, and decided to stick with the leopard print theme. You thought it looked sexy. And so you started digging through clothes. First was a leopard print skintight dress, hugging your fat ass and massive tits, showing off a ton of camel toe. Thinking you needed more, you grabbed an expensive mink coat and draped it over your shoulders. Nodding at your reflection, you agreed the look was coming along perfectly. A part of you wanted to try on heels, and so you found a pair with three inch heels, strapping them on your feet. Not the best idea as you wobbled about, but you figured you'd learn to walk in them eventually. You sat down at a large vanity. Did you actually want to put on makeup and jewelry? Considering you were now fully female, you were sorta curious what it would be like. And so, you pulled out your phone and spent hours experimenting with makeup tutorials. You tied up your hair into a large, messy bun. Your face was caked in heavy makeup, with eyeliner and eyeshadow and gloss on your thick, plump lips. You had even put some large hoop earrings in your ears. You were about to sit and relax, when your friend, or now husband shot you a text. He wanted to go out to dinner. And so, throwing on some shades, you shakily made your way downstairs. 

You couldn't help but laugh when you saw your friends, now husbands' reaction when you carefully walked down the stairs. He had assumed you'd be wearing jeans and a tee, not a tight-fitting dress and perfectly made-up face. His face was beet red, and you didn't blame him. With a little tease, you walked past him, flipping your hair and ready for the night. 

Months had passed and you settled into your new role as a wife. You spent most of your time either at the mansion, at boring dinners and meetings, or helping out your old neighborhood. In fact, you were now completely used to your body. In fact, you enjoyed being a hot woman. You loved applying makeup and wearing cute and sexy clothes. But there was one part of your body, that you were still curious, but scared to deal with, your vagina. Whenever you had felt horny or needed, you hid away, but now months into your womanhood, you wanted to feel the full thing. One day, while your husband was at work, you felt just so horny. You longed for your husband. This sort of feeling was foreign to you. But deep down, you knew you wanted him. And so, you did something you never thought you would, send a thirst trap. You picked some especially horny clothes, and snapped a pic, sending it his way. 

"Daddy~ I'm so horny for your fat cock~" You embarrassingly texted, in too much of a horny daze to have regret. You waited eagerly for your husband to reply, rubbing yourself in need of release. 

"I'll be over shortly" he replied after several tense minutes. He must've been shocked. You moaned and got yourself ready in his bedroom, where you had never slept considering your previous arrangements. But now, you were willing to give up your virginity for your best friend and husband. You stripped down to your underwear, still rubbing yourself through your moist panties. You needed it and him. When the door to his bedroom swung open, your husband walked in and began undoing his tie. This was it. Were you about to go all the way? Yes, you were. The next few nights and weeks would be spent in passion, the mansion filled with his grunts, and your loud moans. You loved being his wife, and hopefully, with all this fucking you two were doing, maybe a new family member would be on the way soon. 


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