Engaged in cheering (Mega cap mass TG)
(Pretty much all the art in this was made by the talented: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=seityr&z=1 This thing would not exist if they didn’t have such great art)
Avery sat in his car, his head facing down towards his nintendo switch. He was waiting, waiting for the game. He was a big fan of his local football team, the Littleton lambs. They weren’t that big, and mainly consisted of guys who played locally and had jobs outside of it. All very small scale, heck they didn't even have a full stadium, just a small half a stadium and a locker room. They only had 1 real hard core fan, and he was currently sitting in his car playing Fire emblem engage. He’d been banned from the stadium for getting into a fight with a supporter of another team. He thought it was bull, all he did was punch a guy so hard he turned blond. Still, it meant he wasn’t even able to help or watch his favourite team play. And as his mind was focused on ignoring the annoyance and focusing on his fun little tactics game. And then his car got bumped. It was only minor, but his head fell forward and slammed into his switch.
As he tilted his head up, ready to punch the guy who did this till he was blond, he noticed his switch. Apparently the game had stopped because the cartridge had been ejected suddenly? He looked around the front seat of his car for it, not realising the game cartridge was jammed in his forehead. Instead of bleeding, it moved inwards. Slipping into his head leaving not even a scar. Yet what it would do would be far more than a scar.
His dull grey eyes began to shine, one turning a bright sapphire blue and the other a deep ruby red. His face softened, all the stubble going away leaving him with a cute complexion. His hair began to grow out, turning from a basic brunette brown to instead a red and blue split that seamlessly melds. It ties itself into a ponytail, a long one that falls back over the car seat and piling back on the floor of the car. His waist slimmed down, along with his shoulders and legs. All body hair seemed to vanish, except for his pubes which instead got a red blue split. His chest burned and bubbled like it had a match under it. And it expanded, becoming wide and soft. By no means the fattest in the land, but some perky C cups nonetheless. Her hourglass waist gained a bit of muscle tone and her hips jutted outwards. Becoming nice and round, once again not the fattest but still healthy and round. Her dick, which had become erect in the process, let out a spurt of rope like cum. And then another, and with each spurt it got shorter and shorter. Till all the was happening was precum leaking from her new vagina. Her legs shrunk, and as they did her shoes shifted.
Going from a pair of work boots to nice flats fit for doing tricks in. Her pants burst into a navy blue skirt, undies becoming some bike shorts that left little to the imagination. Her top shrunk to show her midriff and shoulders. It took on a fancy, almost regal design, gold, red and blue all meshing together. And finally her switch in her hands split in two, the pieces becoming a pair of red and blue pom poms. She was no longer salty football fan Avery, but instead busty and magical cheerleader Alear!
And well this was happening, in the car behind her sat the 2 guys who’d managed to ram her by accident while trying to park, Yeven and Chris. “I should get out and say sorry, we may have hurt them.” Yeven said. Chris replied with “Forget it, bumping cars just happens. Let's just get out and head to that food truck I saw. Looks like they’re selling Kangaroo sausages and Goldfish tails.” Yeven sighed angrily at his friend, snapping back “How about you care about other people rather than your fixation on weird foods!” Chris expected this and replied “Fine, Yeven levin from ben 10” Yeven sighed and got out of the car, Chris following, Yeven muttering under his breath “It’s Polish… I think ""No, I think your parents were just mean” Chris added.
Going up the driver's seat door, Yeven was shocked when it opened up and out got a cute young woman with split dyed hair and massive pom poms. Not your typical Football fan. Chris was equally as shocked as he came and stood behind Yeven, saying “Dude, I think we may have rammed into her well she was jackin it” pointing at the fluids dripping from her dress. Trying not to be rude Yeven said “Sorry about bumping your car miss.” She gave a warm smile and said “It's okay, do you two know if there are any cheerleaders around here?” She asked. Chris piped up and said “Nope, there hasn’t been a cheer team in Littleton since the 80’s cheernado incident” Alear sighed and rubbed her chin before seeming to get an idea. “Don’t worry, this won’t hurt” she said, before suddenly launching herself at Yeven, setting Chris scrambling.
Falling back on the concrete, Alear began to glow with red and blue sparkles. Lying on top of Yeven, she began to rub the pom poms in his face while humping his crotch. Yevens face changed from shock and confusion to enjoyment as his eyes turned an oak brown, hair turned maroon and grew longer. A black star tattoo appeared under his eye as white star flecks formed in his hair. His waist shrunk, body losing a lot of the fat that defined it and becoming a more slender, muscular build. Emphasis on her legs which became lean and mean, able to move fast and spread wide. Her legs weren’t the only thing to receive a buff, her chest grew. Fattening far more than Alears and becoming a pair of buxom D cups that bounced happily. Her dick, hard from the humping, shot a string of rope like cum, staining Alears bike shorts. Then it receded into her, becoming a ready vagina. Her clothes shifted, her shoes became dark purple runners with gold laces, her pants shot up, a similarly dark purple cheer skirt with gold accents. Her top naturally showed her midriff, and her bountiful cleavage with nipples threatening to burst out yet staying hidden. Her undies instead of turning to bike shorts became a pair of knife print panties, containing her new pussy. And for the final touch, gold and dark purple pom poms formed in her hands. The gold glimmered as Yunaka was ready to cheer on.
Getting off her, Alear said “Sorry about the rush job, I just didn’t want you to run away. So how do you feel?” Yunaka jumped up and did a little flip, before loudly saying “ZAPPY! I’m doing great. Don’t beat yourself up, I think I came out quite well.” And well the two girls conversed, Chris gently slunk away. He’d gotten it on video, and well he was tempted to rub one out to it, he also wanted to take this to the cops. Because it was hella weird. But before he could get far, he heard Yunaka yell “Hey! Alear, he is making a run for it!” “Hey stop, we can’t make a pyramid with only 2 girls!” Chris broke into a sprint. He didn’t get far. Yunaka, showing a frightening level of skill, lept through the air towards Chris and tackled him to the ground. She quickly pulled him up, holding him pushed against her bust. Considering that Chris was just arguing with Yeven and now had Yunaka's boobs pressed against his back, he was feeling a full range of emotions. “Sorry, we need to support the team. I promise it won’t hurt. Yunaka, how about you do this one. I’ll hold him still.” Yunaka pushed Chris into Alears waiting hug.
Feeling Alears' boobs pressed against his back, Chris was put at ease. But that quickly passed as he saw, with frightening precision, Yunaka pulled out a knife, which glowed with dark purple sparkles. Chris began to squirm, Alear leaning into his ear and said “Don’t worry, her transformation powers go through the knife, mine goes through my pom poms. I promise it only hurts a little.” Chris calmed a little. “Don’t lie to him, this’ll hurt.” Yunaka said. This did not make Chris calmer, much the opposite. Still, he wasn’t getting out of this now.
The first thing Yunaka did was a quick cut around Chris’s chest. His shirt fell open, there wasn’t any blood. Instead, it looked like there was a second skin under his, a much fairer. Alear reached to his chest and said, “We’ll need a couple more cuts before we can start peeling.” “Peeling?” “Yeah, that way you can be ready for the game Chloe” Alear replied to Chris. Chloe… that name felt familiar. Pulling on Chris’s outer skin, there was a loud rip noise and from the rip came two large DD cups. "Zappy! Those mommy milkers are really something.” Yunaka said, reaching a hand out and grabbing one nipple of the protruding tits. Chris let out a feminine moan. Then with a malicious smile, Yunaka twisted the nipple. Chris moaned louder as his dick became erect. Alear looked at Yunaka with a disapproving stare, and Yunaka replied “Sorry, I thought it’d be funny”.
Yunaka then did another cut, and a couple others around Chris’s neck. Cyan blue hair burst forth. Chloe was coming, as Chris was close to cumming. Alear slipped her hand in under the hair and in the openings. Then she began to tug, the skin separated from Chris’s face as there was a loud pop. Long strands of cyan blue hair flowed out as Alear held in her hands what looked like a Chris Halloween mask. Chloe took in a deep breath, as if she’d just been under water. Her hair piling up behind her, she said “That was just like the princess and the frog” “Heh, yeah, you were kinda toad like, sorry Chloe.” Yunaka said. “That's not very nice, now put the knife away and help me peel the rest off Chloe.” Alear added, as she began to pull on the remaining Chris skin, which looked like a tacky Halloween costume on Chloe. It came off her hands, it revealed her far daintier hands, along with the fact that as well as being the tallest of the 3, she was also the bustiest. Chris’s dick, still hard as can be, was hard to take off. But as it fell to the floor and Chloe stepped out of her former skin, she seemed not to care.
“I gotta say Chloe, you really do sweat the details, I can’t see a hint of hair anywhere but your head.” Yunaka said, getting a solid view of Chloe's exposed pussy. “Actually I've never grown any hair anywhere but my head.” Chloe said. “Weird, it must be nice to not have to shave.” Yunaka said, moving out of the way for Alear. Alears pom poms glowned, and quickly adorned Chloe in a cheer uniform. A white black and gold bra, green gold and white skirt, bike shorts and nice soft flats. Yunaka was glad, if Chloe had heel’s she'd have been even taller. Chloe took a deep breath, before striking a pose, loudly declaring “WE SHALL BE THE KNIGHTS TO SAVE THIS GAME!” Alear nodded, before adding “We will, but first we may need a few more cheerleaders.” “There’s that food truck over there with 2 people in front, we can get more cheerleaders and a snack!” Chloe added. Yunaka could vaguely remember the food Chloe said she wanted. Holding back a snarky comment, she instead said “Then let's get going, the game’s gonna start soon.” Alear and Chloe nodded and speed walked toward the food truck with her.
Ivan and Caleb stood in front of the food truck, the dude in the truck back turned around cooking up 2 burgers for the two. “Thanks for buying the burgers Caleb. You really didn’t need to” Ivan said, gently brushing his dyed purple hair out of his face. Caleb grinned and said “Course, though I do hope it lives up to what my servants can do.” Ivan sighed, Caleb loved talking about his servants, though it worked cause he always brought the food.
Just then 3 cheerleaders suddenly came up behind them, the one with the split dye saying “Okay Yunaka, you hold the blondish one and I’ll do him, Chloe can do her fairy tale thing to Mr. purple” “Actually my name is Iva-” he didn’t get to finish his sentence, as Chloe through herself onto him. She was taller and most certainly bustier.
Ivan blushed as she leaned down, gently cupping his face. She had a maturity to her yet a playfulness to her. Ivan was as red as a tomato and Chloe giggled and said “You're as cute as a princess, how about I be your knight?” She then lifted Ivan up and locked lips with him, sparkles radiating off her. Ivan melted into it, his face softened, eyes turning nice and maroon, her blush growing and eyelashes flickering. His loose hairs began to all turn purple. The dye mixes in with a new natural purple. Chloe began to feel Ivan up as he indulged into the pleasure of the kiss. His waist tightened and his body began to curve. A nice well-rounded waist that was made even better as his hands shrunk. And strength made dainty, better holding a book then a sword. His legs grew and became around the same height as Chloe, yet she didn’t let him out of her knightly kiss.
His chest began to grow, getting bigger and bigger. It soon matched Chloe, two nice big DD cups. Then pushed against Chloe’s, causing pleasure for both of them. Her hand reached down, and she grabbed his dick. She fiddled with it, pushing it inwards and causing Ivans body to shift, the dick that hadn’t even seen a flesh light was gone, a new purple haired pussy took its place. Her thighs grew with that, her body type matching Chloe's in some way, yet less aesthetic, a build more built out of diet then working out. The final touches were almost done. Her clothes shifted, a purple tube top with some straps, your standard issue cheer skirt like all the girls wore, a pair of black and pink rose pattern panties and white gloves that crept up her hands, which held a pair of purple pom poms. Ivan was now the lovely princess of anxiety Ivy.
As she was let out of Chloe's fantastical kiss, she quickly realised what had happened. “HUH!? Wh-why am I a girl? Why am I so busty? Caleb?” Ivy asked, turning to wear her friend. But Alear had done her work, instead standing there was the rich sweetie Citrinne, in her gold and brown cheer uniform. She turned to Ivy and said “Oh Ivy dear, you're so pale. Are you sick?” She then came up to ivy, placing her hand on Ivy’s cheek. “Ivy? But I’m Ivan..” “Ivan, sweetie that isn’t a name a princess like you would ever have.” Citrinne laughed a little as the man in the truck turned back, surprised at the sudden cheerleader crowd. Citrinne grabbed the burgers and looked at the man, saying “Thank you”. She began to chow into hers, well Ivy was too confused to eat hers. Yunaka wouldn’t let a good meal go to waste, and she snapped up Ivy's burger.
“Hey Chloe, I think you may have gotten a bit too caught up in the kissing and fumbled the mental change.” Alear whispered in Chloe’s ear. Chloe blushed a little, and fidgeted with her hair. “She was just so princess-like, I couldn’t help myself. I just wanted to sweep her off on a pegasus. Is that so wrong?” “It is when you can’t finish the mental changes. Still it shouldn’t be too much of a problem since she seems willing to go along with it since Citrinne seems happy. Let's just try and get to the game” Alear said, rubbing her forehead. All the transforming had taken its toll on her. Still they couldn’t slow down, they had a game to get too. So, dragging the confused Ivy, the still eating Yunaka and Citrinne and the daydreaming Chloe, Alear headed to the stadium.
The Littleton lambs were struggling. They’d started the game pretty badly, and they were in a downward spiral. They were considering forfeiting the game. Yet, from out of the stands came out a squad of 5 girls. They looked like a bunch of anime characters all in colourful cheer uniforms. “Go littleton lambs!” And began to do a rather extravagant cheer routine. They did flips and even formed a 5 person tower. The other team was in awe, their cheer team was 3 women who were probably the players' wives. This distracted the other team long enough for the littleton lambs to score a couple points. The match had turned from a slaughter into an actual proper match. But clearly the tone of the game had changed, and so the half time was called. And so the girls followed the players into the prep room.
“We don’t have a cheer team, so where did you lot come from?” One of the players asked, clearly befuddled by the cute girl swarm. Ivy raised her hand, ready to explain the insane series of events that had transpired. But she was cut off by Alear who said “We’re just fans who wanna make sure you win the game!” The player seemed even more confused and was about to complain but was cut off like Ivy by his friend, who said “When life gives you a squad of cute girls, you don’t question it.” They nodded together. Still, the team seemed off. Alear could tell, asking “You guys are normally a winning machine. Yet out on the field before we showed up you guys were struggling.” “It's because we’re all so tense and anxious, that’s a really good team we’re up against. We’re all so on edge.”
Alear quickly pulled the girls into a huddle and asked “Okay, how do we get the guys to loosen up and not be anxious about the game?” “With precise knife strikes we can render the enemy team unable to do anything without suffering immense pain” “That is a bit overly cruel Yunaka but that gives me an idea. Citrine you're smart, how do we decrease the players stress?” Citrinne pulled a book out of seemingly nowhere and began to flip through the pages, eventually arriving on one and blushing deeply. “Well it says that boys relieve stress by… Masturbating…” “Well we can’t just make them jack off. I know I've tried.” Chloe said, causing a series of eyebrow raises throughout the girls. “Hmm, what if instead you made them cum? Like through sex and stuff?” Alear suggested. Ivy turned red and said “But what if we get pregnant?” “It's fine, my magic will protect you from pregnancy. How about you four stay here and help the boys well I got and recruit some more cheerleaders to our team?” Most of the girls nodded except Ivy, who shook her head and said “No, I’ll come with you. And even if I did stay. There's not enough of us to satisfy all of them. It's a big team, and 5 girls can’t fuck each one in a half time.” Alear did seem to think about that, and clicked her fingers. “Okay, me and Ivy will recruit some cheerleaders on our way to the enemy teams rooms and send them back here to help. How does that sound?” The girls nodded, even Ivy sheepishly. “Okay! Let's all do our part team!” The girls all nodded and spit up, ready to make sure the littleton lambs won.
As Citrinne, Yunaka and Chloe stood in front of the boys, Citrinne loudly proclaimed “Okay boys, since you're all so tense we’ll be getting all the stress out via your dicks! So choose whichever girl you’d like and go at it! We’ve got work to do, so chop chop!” There was a general look of shock among the guys, but they decided to roll with it. Yunaka waved her hands and said “Okay! Which one of you big fellas think you can take me?” One guy put up his hand and she smiled “Zappy, lets see what you can do with this papaya~?” She then strutted over to him. Chloe was just as bold, saying “Who here is willing to be my knight?” Another guy quickly walked up, and in one fell swoop picked up Chloe. She was certainly into it, and gently caressed his chest with her hands, saying “Please be gentle, I scream easily”.
Citrinne was on her knees in front of one of the guys, as he whipped out his dick “I’ve done research on how to pleasure a dick, but I’ve never actually done it. So Sorry if I'm not very good.” She said, She gently gripped his shaft as it twitched, and began to jerk it with her two hands. The head of the dick poked out from the for skin, leaking pre cum so close to Citrinne's face. Still it didn’t get better as another guy came up and pulled out his dick. “Oh, another. Don’t worry, I have two hands for a reason.” Citrinne said, gently grabbing his dick with her other hand and jerking them off at the same time. It wasn’t too hard although she did feel a bit weird holding them. They were sorta slimy. Then a third guy came up, whipping out his dick. “Sorry, I don’t think I can help with that as both of my hands are fu-urgh!” Citrinne was cut off as instead he shoved his dick into her open mouth, having her give a blow job. It certainly took a bit of practice, but soon she was jerking and sucking in sync. Still it wouldn’t help when 3 more guys came along. Aroused by the display, they began to jack themselves off. Naturally, surrounded by 6 guys all extremely aroused, it was only a matter of time till one came. And it was the guy in her mouth, pulling his dick out and cumming directly into her hair. “Oh~! That worked but now my hair is-ah!” she was cut off as one of the guys jerking it came onto her as well. And then another one. And they kept cumming, each guy seemingly able to pump out a load despite just pumping out one a second before. Realising she wouldn’t get a chance to speak, she decided to wait till the boys were done coating her. She didn’t realize how long this would be.
Meanwhile, Chloe was moaning softly, as one player held her close. Her vagina tightly clamped on his dick. He gently thrusted into her, causing small spasms and moans as he did. There was another guy rick next to the two, leaning over as he roughly fucked Chloe’s supreme ass. She wasn’t able to do much other than moan and bite her lip. The only words escaping her mouth were “M-My knights~”.
Yunaka wasn’t fairing much better. A guy had her sitting on his lap as he bounced her ass on his dick. Each thrust into her velvet ass causing moans and cursing from Yunaka, who’d assumed they wouldn’t be this rough. Still these weren’t helped as another dude fondled her nipples as he jerked himself off, occasionally kissing her to shut up the swearing. It seemed like despite their efforts, the girls were the ones losing stress here, along with the ability to think! They wouldn’t get these guys mellow unless they had help. And luckily, help was on its way.
Andrew and Rex sat by the vending machine, Andrew gently nursed his drink well Rex downed his 3rd fanta. “So, did you get that call back about your T appointment?” Andrew asked, Rex gave a deep sigh, throwing his can into a nearby bin. “They said I wasn’t ‘Masc enough’. Apparently in order to be a guy I have to forgo doing anything they see as feminine” “Yeah I get cha, I got told I need to wait another 12 months to get E. After they told me to wait 12 months to get E in the first place. I’ll be 30 by the time I get E if this keeps up.” Andrew replied, searching on his phone for a nearby bar. Rex patted Andrew on the back, and said “Least we got each other. Now, where’s the nearest drink spot?” “It says the nearest bar i-” Andrew was cut off as suddenly 2 girls ran up to them. They looked rather colourful, and Andrew recognised them. “Hey Ivy, these two look like they could help!” “I dunno Alear, they seem busy. Maybe we should keep looking.” “Aww Ivy, you said this about the last 2. Plus, I think we could really help them!” “I m-mean I guess.” “Okay, let's see you do it Ivy!” Alear said giddy. Rex was confused at the anime duo and Andrew's recognition of them. “Hey Andrew, you know these girls?” “Yeah, they look like cosplayers of a game I like, Fire Emblem Engage. I dunno why they’re dressed like cheerleaders but they’re really accurate. I should ask for a photo.” Suddenly Alear pushed Ivy onto Andrew.
Ivy tumbled over Andrew, and, as she lay on top of him she was shocked to find her lips locked with Andrew. She was in shock although Andrew seem’d to like that. She pushed herself off him, a shocked look on her face and said “S-Sorry about that. I uh, I’m not really into boys.” Alear looked a bit shocked, walking up to Ivy and saying “Sorry, I didn’t know. But you did a good job.” Ivy wasn’t sure what she meant, till she turned around to see Andrew being enveloped by purple vines from the ground. Was this from her kiss? And the vine cocoon wasn’t half bad for Andrew, the vines began to make some odd goo that dripped onto him, and it began to change him.
His eyes, which were seashell blue turned more gold and with the shine of an autumn leaf. His eyelashes grew soft and feminine, his jawline and cheeks becoming soft and practically perfect. His ears were softly pierced with soft green pearls, the dark black hair that covered his face and chin turned a more light brown. The hairs on his chin slipped inwards, leaving him clean shaven, and the light brown hair began to grow out, becoming rather long and messy. This simply wouldn’t do, and it was cleaned up. A nice braid slung over her shoulder, held together by a white bow, perfection. Small white bow themed hair pieces accented her ears, bringing the whole thing together.
The goo was melting Andrews clothes, exposing his naked body. All the pubic hair gently vanished. Any blemish, bruises, freckles or even slightly uneven skin, except for a small mole right on his chest. It was perfect, or close. His arms began to shrink, gaining a dainty well-kept quality. You wouldn’t believe he’d done an ounce of physical labour from them. And his chest, well it began to balloon, top grow, to inflate like the market. Soon two large DD cups sat there, nipples pink and body aching for worship. But perfection was still a bit off. Andrew's dick was still there, though not for long. His thighs fattened, becoming round and pillow like, perfect for resting your head on. His ass was pushing him off the ground, and his legs became slender and clean. A pair of immaculate stilts to hold her perfect body on. But sadly, a final detail needed changing. Andrew's dick, a long standing stain on his body. Began to shrink. The goo amassed there, dense and constricting, pushing it downwards. Soon it was a bump, and then flat, and then inwards. She let out a soft moan as her new pussy formed, perfect… except for a birthmark right next to her pussy that looked confusingly like the troll face. She could never let anyone know, the shame would cause her to go grey which would make it even worse.
Now nude and exposed, the final bits of clothing were added as the vines cleared. A white and black cheer top, showing her ample cleavage and mole. A gold and orange sports skirt formed around her waist, struggling to cover her ample thighs. Luckily black bike shorts formed over them, covering the unsightly birthmark. White socks pulled up her legs, and a pair of orange sneakers slipped onto her feet. They helped tie her look together, as pom poms fell into her palms and the vines above her cleared, exposing her to the excited Alear and the confused Rex.
“Oh~, I just felt like I had such a nice nap. I see that I'm still perfect, as I should be.” Said the new Goldmary. “So, how does it feel Goldmary? It's Ivy's first try so it may have some issues.” Alear asked, giddy and trying to hype Ivy up. Goldmary gently grabbed her chest and then her ass, sizing them up and said “Perfect, you have quite a knack for it, princess~” Hearing that made Ivy blush deeply, she’d never been told that before. Rex had a confused look and his face and said “So uh, Goldmary was it? Guess that means you don’t have to worry about that 12 month wait anymore huh?” “Nope, HRT wouldn’t be able to compete with this~” “Well lucky you, bit jealous but I doubt the cheer team needs any fellas” Rex said, and Goldmary got a massive grin. Even on her sweet face, it looked rather evil. “Actually, we may have a slot open~”
Goldmary leaned forward, cupping Rex’s forehead and she gave it a soft kiss, leaving a yellow lipstick mark there. She then stepped back, Rex reaching up his hand to that point to clean it off, only for out of the mark, a marigold flower to burst forth. “... did you just turn me into a pikmin?” Rex asked. Goldmary only chuckled as Rex went to pluck the flower out. But then another burst forth, and another and another. And they kept on spreading till rex’s entire face was covered in flowers. It was a bit horrifying if you looked at it too much. But before it could turn into a horror movie the flowers fell off, revealing instead a cute face with long blue-ish white hair curled into drills near the bottom, the rest done into two horn-like buns. His eyes were a similar shade, sparkling softly. His new face was the very picture of cute. And in his new voice Rex said “Wow! I feel so… cute? Never felt before.” Goldmary chuckled and replied “Well it's nowhere near done yet, but I’ll make sure you're the cutest boy ever.” Rex nodded in agreement as Goldmary leaned down and gently kissed his chest and then his arms, leaving the yellow lipstick marks there.
There wasn’t much of a wait, as the flowers quickly burst from the spots and consumed both his arms and his upper half. “Tickles” Rosado giggled, confident the results would be good. The flowers then burst forth, his clothes scattering scraps across the ground. The effects of oestrogen were reversed as rosado was left with a flat chest, a lean waist and a hair of slim arms built for athletics. He was well and truly blurring the gender line, but that was only if you didn’t look down. His lower half still needed work. “Ah, finally! Do you know how much breast reduction costs?” Rex said, gently feeling his soft open chest, admiring the flatness. “I would bet a lot, now this bit will be a bit spicy so don’t squirm~” Goldmary said, not letting up. She got on her knees and pulled down Rex’s pants, exposing his ill fitting pussy and hips to the world. “Eww eww, get rid of it, that’s most certainly not cute.” Rex said, and Goldmary obliged. She leaned in and kissed his thigh, before kissing just below the knee and right next to the lips of his pussy. Rex’s legs shook a little but he remained composed. As goldmary stood back up the marigolds spread up and over his pussy, along with everything below it and a bit above it. He tried not to move, as to make sure the flowers did their work. And they certainly did, falling off to reveal a cute lower half, well shaped legs and a decent behind, along with a pair of implements that weren’t there before, a decently sized penis and balls, with the hair around it shaved to look like a heart. Goldmary blushed, hers certainly wasn’t that big when she had one. Still, a good outcome for the newly dubbed rosado.
The marigolds on the ground were certainly a mess, and rosado was a wee bit naked. So using her still active power, Goldmary summoned up the flowers, wrapping themselves around rosado. They formed two pink bows to go in rosados hair, a black tank top with no sleeves and a diamond shaped hole to show off his nonexistent cleavage. A purple pink and white skirt, much like the others hugged his waist. White rose themed panties hugged ass and genitals, white black bike shorts over them. Purple and pink socks slipped up his legs and black runners sat over them, done up with pink and purple laces. “So, like it, Rosado?” “It's super cute! Thanks goldmary. So I guess we’re cheerleaders now?” “Yep, though we should probably ask those 2 for instructions on what to do”
While Rosado and Goldmary had been busy, Alear and Ivy had brought some drinks from the vending machine. Alear gently sipped from a pepsi well Ivy chugged a grape fanta. This day was already exhausting, she needed more energy for the strange shit she knew was coming. “So uh, how many are we gonna transform after this div- Alear?” Ivy asked, not sure why she almost called Alear divine one. “Well I think a good way to end the game would be to do a ten person pyramid” “Isn’t that extremely dangerous?” “yeah but we’ll be fine. Our butts are big enough to take all the impact when we fall!” Ivy had a smaller realisation. Alear was a bit of an idiot. “But to answer your first question, 3 more. So we can just pick them off the enemy team.” Alear said, finishing her pepsi and throwing it into the bin. Ivy just tossed her can into the distance, and it got pretty far. Goldmary and Rosado walked up to them and Goldmary asked “so, what do you want us to do, divine one?” Ivy was confused why Alear was called that, but Alear just said. “Goldmary head to the lambs changing room and help the girls there relieve the players. Rosado you come with us to the enemy changing rooms and help us recruit our 3 extra players. Then we take the extras back to the changing room and help with the boys' tension. Do you think you can handle that goldmary?” Goldmary huffed and crossed her arms saying “I’m insulted you even questioned me” “That's good, best of luck goldmary!” Alear replied, smiling. She clearly didn’t pick up goldmarys hostility, but Ivy did and leaned into Goldmarys ear saying “Sorry for not wanting to kiss you earlier, I would be happy to now”. “Oh princess, don’t worry. I’ll make sure the next one is much better~” Ivy turned red, she didn’t expect that to be reciprocated. But she liked it. Still, Goldmary was off, and Ivy figured she should stick with Alear and Rosado, maybe she could figure out how to reverse this… although she didn’t know if she still wanted to.
The state of the changing room wasn’t particularly great. At this point, Citrinne was drenched in cum, Yunaka was lying and just being fucked in every hole, and Chloe? She was actually doing pretty well. More resilient then the others but even then her words were becoming incredibly slurred. Goldmary stepped in, a look on her face of confidence and a smile. She then loudly said “Don’t worry ladies, Goldamry is here and she’s going to stun you all~” “Are you one of the cheerleaders?” One of the guys asked, standing, quietly, having not had the chance to actually fuck any of the girls. He was clearly a meeker player. Heck, he was gently adjusting his contacts. If that doesn’t say stereotypical wallflower not much else does. “So big boy, wanna have your first time with me?” Goldmary said, leaning over him, her large round chest pushing against him. “Actually I had my first time in highschool with my girlfriend of the time.” He said, a meek grin from him. Goldmary was a bit stunned and struggled for words before saying “Oh uh- mine was the same. Yeah my uh, highschool gir-boyfriend took mine.” Goldmary lied badly.
“Would you uh, be okay with me?” The sheepish player said. Goldmary recentered herself, saying “Well if NO ONE ELSE will take me, then I’ll do it with you” Goldmary said, hoping that one of the other guys would offer. One of the guys made eye contact with her, and shook his head, while ten inches deep in Yunaka. Sighing, and looking back at the sheepish boy Goldmary said “How about you lie down and let me take care of you~”, pushing the sheepish boy onto his back as he lay on the bench. As he lay back Goldmary Got on her knees and pulled down his pants. Goldmary gasped as his fully erect meat came out. It was not a small one, and as it stood tall like the Eiffel tower, Goldmary blushing said “Ooo la la~” She then lifted up her top, her large milky tits falling out. Maybe it was just a trick of her eyes, but it seemed to get even more erect. Parting his legs, goldmary lifted her tits up and placing his dick between her tits. He let out a soft moan, and goldmary smiled. “No one does it better than me~”. She then began to lift her tits up and down, squishing the hard rod between. It was soft and the experience of the two fleshy pillows squishing between each other. The warmth of two flesh pillows rubbing, sweating from being trapped under her tight top. The warmth and softness combined, the meat of the sheepish boy squirming. She licked her lips and asked “About to cum?” “Y-Yeah” “heh” Then, mouth ready, Goldmary leaned down and wrapped her lips around his tip. Then, with a wiggle and a squirt, her mouth was filled with gooey, salty cum. Then, making eye contact with the sheepish boy, she took a big gulp, and swallowed it one gulp, grinning a slightly sticky smile.
“T-That was amazing” “No, It was Perfect. Like me~”. Goldmary said, being too wrapped up in her bj. One of the other guys came over and was looking up her skirt, lifting up her skirt and saying “Damn, not a bad booty tits.” Goldmary turned over, glaring at him and saying “Tits!?” The guy wasn’t phased, about to say why he was calling her that, only to get a smack on the back of her head from Yunaka, who’d finally escaped her gang bang. “Her name is Goldmary, not Tits. If you can’t say that I’ll just have to cut your mouth off” The guy gulped and backed away. As the sheepish guy got up and another guy sat down, a small smile, she was gonna have to work. “Hey uh, Yunaka?” “Yeah Goldmary?” “I’m going to get really pent up doing this, would you be able to help down there?” “Oh sure! I prefer that stuff to dicks, no offence.” She said to Goldmary and the guys. “Oh by the way, if you say anything about my birthmark, I will clasp my legs around your head and choke you to death.” “Zappy! I expect nothing less”. Yunaka replied, quickly getting on her knees. She came up behind Goldmary, and pulled down her panties, well Goldmary got to work on the next guy. Then seeing Goldmarys pussy (And holding herself from making a troll face joke), decided she needed a taste. And as Goldmary rubs her tits together around the hard dick, she felt an eager tongue run up her coochie. She let out a loud moan and said “Oh~ Yunaka, keep going!” And she did, and she would, but there were still plenty of guys needing to nut and still more girls to come.
As Ivy, Rosado and Alear walked to the other teams changing room Ivy gently prodded Rosado, asking “So, this is better then how it was? Isn’t it, like, too feminine for you?” “Huh, no. Gender doesn't really matter how you present. For me it was mainly the genitals less the presentation, and since that’s solved, I now get to be MEGA CUTE!” “Huh, I never thought about it like that.” “Really? Well you look mega cute as a girl. Must have been pretty standard as a guy!” “I… Yeah I did. I mean this isn’t… worst? I don’t know, this has been a weird day.” “Aww, it's okay Princess, it’ll make sense eventually.” Before Ivy could ask what he meant, Alear interrupted her saying “We’re here! Okay, me and Rosado will each do one, and you can watch Ivy. And we’ll let one of them do our third!” “And they’ll be the last ones?” “Yeah, we’ll have 10. That’ll be more than enough to make a mega pyramid!” “And that will probably end up with someone really hurt.” Ivy added, still anxious. Still they had a job to do, and Alear and rosado weren’t slowing down.
As the guys of the opposing team stood in their changing room, Tim and Leon locked eyes and Leon said “Okay, so we agree those cheerleaders on the other team were hella weird? Like, they were so loud and bright and out of place.” Tim sighed and replied “Yeah, plus they were all really white. Everyone in this town is really white. Legit pretty sure I’m the only dude for miles with a bit of melatonin. Weird ass town.” Leon nodded, before saying “Oh yeah, what cha drinking Cheren?”. Cheren turned, and after finishing his sip said “Some tea, this town only has a boba place and no proper tea shops. Thus I had to use my home supply” Tim took this chance to chug some of his water bottle. “Hey Leon, let's go stretch our legs. Then we can get back in the game.” Leon nodded, and Cheren added “I’ll wait here for you two to get back. Can't have you getting locked out.”
As the two walked out of their changing room, they quickly noticed 2 of the cheerleaders from the opposing team, and one guy, also in a cheer uniform. They also seemed to notice them, and the one with the red and blue split dye sprinted at them. “Whoa, if you like we can give you an auto gr-URK!” Leon didn’t get to finish his sentence as he was tackled by Alear, pinning him to the floor. Tim was about to comment, before the guy in the cheer uniform said “You look like you could be really cute, you just need a little push!” Tim backed up, wondering if the enemy team had sent them to attack? Ivy then said “Sorry, this will hurt a bit.” Before rosado began to clasp his hands together. He then began to chant the words “Cute, adorable, positively kawaii, cute, adorable, positively kawaii!” over and over. In his hands forming a pink energy ball, and with a final yelling of “ADORABLAST!” He flung it into Tims chest. Tim flew to the ground from the impact.
As Tim lay on his back, dazed, he felt his hair frizzle and begin to straighten out, the dreads losing their style and looking like he’d just attacked with a hair straightener, although some of the curls remained. Then he felt his face warm up, like it was close to a campfire. Details melted away, like his burgeoning moustache and his thick eyebrows. His eyes seem to light up with a unique sparkle pattern, the colour turning from dull brown to a nice scarlet. Cheeks rosy and voice now full of pep, the change crept down his body. His chest slimmed down, as did his other features. All that excess muscle became more refined and well done. He quickly developed a well toned waist that would be the envy of many, and it didn’t stop there. As his arms slimed down and became more dainty as his chest grew and got thicker and fatter. Soon two nice round boobs, about C cups, formed there. But the changes were far from over.
His dick, which the adorablast had left limp, was steadily shrinking, getting smaller and smaller until POP! It was gone, and a fresh top of the line princess pussy remained. The changes continued down her legs, the thighs became fat and sporty well the legs became lean and built for running. Her body was now less of a heavy man build and something more quick and lean. She couldn’t knock a man over with no effort, but she could easily slip past him without a glance. Her clothes, now ill fitting, began to change. The hair tie she’d been using for her braids burst and popped, changing and forming into a set of colourful balls that made for an excellent hair tie. His top turned pink and white, becoming a white cheer top. And like the others, pants became a skirt. A white and pink cheer skirt to be exact. The bike shorts underneath had to do a lot of work, as she wasn’t wearing panties.. Her shoes became a pair of rugged runners, clearly well used. She had completely changed, into the brand new party princess Timerra!

Timerra bounced back after her change, Rosado running up and ask “Hope I didn’t bruise you with the adorablast” “Nah, that was really cool though. Think I could do something like that Ivy?” Timerra said, turning to Ivy, who scratched her chin and replied “We all sort of have our own ways of doing it, maybe ask Alear?” Alear herself had just finished with Leon, now Lapis, and pulled her up along with her, saying “Now that's 2 more down, you were going to ask me something Timerra?” “Yeah, Rosado did this really cool blast thing, think I might be able to do it?” “Hmm, I’m not sure. Every time the power gets given to a new person it changes more and more. And no one but me can do it more than twice.” This led to the whole group scratching their chins, and Lapis said “Well I think I can transform people with these?” She said, manifesting a glowing potato into her hand. “Yeah, as for you Timerra, is there anything you feel an impulse to do?” Alear asked. Timerra blushed and replied “Yeah, but its embarrassing.” “Well don’t worry, we won’t judge. Now we need just one more guy, preferably from the enemy team” Alear said, Lapis’s eyes lit up and she said “Cheren! He’s still waiting for us, we can go and transform him, then head back to our team and help the others." "We can indeed! That's a great idea Lapis, and we should have Timerra do the transformation since it’d probably be hard to make him eat a whole potato.” There was a collective nod, except for Timerra who was suddenly uncharacteristically shy. So the 4 girls and rosado headed for their final member, and hopefully a fun power display.
Cheren sat in the room, the rest of the team were waiting for the Littleton lambs to come out of their changing rooms, they’d been in there a while. Still Cheren waited, until he heard a click of the locker room doors, and noticed a beautiful dark skinned girl in a cheerleader uniform step in. “Hey, are you one of the other team's cheerleaders? Well that doesn't matter, have you seen my friends? One's a dude with pinkish hair and the others a tall black dude, sorta like you but ya know, a guy.” Timer gulped, and then locked eyes with him. In one quick movement she leaned forward and lightly bit his cheek, before leaping back.
“What the hell? Why would you-” He couldn’t finish his sentence as his height suddenly dropped, becoming around 5’6, him wobbling with this change. The other girls watched from outside the room as his hair, which was short and blond, suddenly began to sprout out. It grew and grew fast, quickly piling up on the floor. Cherens face, which looked to be in a deep rage, only to change. Cheeks became soft, eyes became a lime green, lips well shaped and a nose unlike most royals. He looked more like he was pouting than a deep rage. His waist and legs slimmed up, a lot of the muscle from being a football player vanished. Instead, a more bookish build emerged. Thin arms and legs, thighs that wouldn’t turn many heads and a small A cup bust, which was only slightly bigger to what he already had. His dick however, was far too big for his new lean body, and thus it began to pop and bubble, like a kettle on the boil. Till it boiled away, leaving only a royal flower of a pussy, with the pubes shaved to look like flowers, how odd.
Her uniform quickly emerged, white long gloves above her elbows, a top which showed a bit of cleavage, despite it barely existing. A lime green and yellow corset, along with a white and yellow skirt, ready for the game. White long socks reached up to almost her thigh, and some nice yellow flats which complimented the whole look. Her panties were an odd set. They had the pattern of an old house's wallpaper, with a lot of gaudy flowers and an eye hurting pattern. Thankfully they were panties, not something people see a lot. Celine was ready, almost
Sighing, Celine said “That transformation was lovely, though now my hair is so messy, I’m bound to trip over it.” “Don’t worry, I got chu” Timerra said, coming up behind her with an orange hair tie. Despite how large and out of control the hair was, she managed to do it, putting Cleines hair in a ponytail. “Thank you Timerra, now we must get back to the others. The boys need to be ready for the game!”
Alear and the others quickly rushed back to the change rooms. And when they arrived, well the situation wasn’t great. Citrinne, Yunaka and Chloe were all too exhausted to do anything, and Goldmary was busy trying to give a boob job well fighting off a guy who really really wanted to see her pussy. “Oh Divine one, Rosado! Thank goodness, I could use a hand here!” The girls quickly spread out and got to work, dealing with the remaining tension.
Yunaka was quickly scooped up by Alear and Ivy, who took her over to the bench, and began to clean her off. “T-Thanks. I bit off more than I could chew. Goldmary squirts, like a lot” Yunaka weakly said. “Now now, you’ll be in top condition soon. Ale- The divine one's presence seems to do that to people.” Ivy said, adjusting Yunaka’s top. Yunaka grinned an evil grin. Alear glanced around the room, noticing that a lot of the guys' uniforms were covered in spunk. “Okay, Ivy, you keep helping Yunaka, I’m going to go clean up over there.” Ivy and Yunaka nodded, and Alear headed off. “You like her, don’t cha?” “I don’t have the faintest what you could mean.” “Don’t try to kid and kidder Ivy, it’s been clear you like her since the day started.” “Suppose I do, how do I tell that this is really how I feel and not just a result of this transformation?” “I mean you can’t really, but I don’t think the transformations changed that much. Sure some sexualities and moods but no one seems like they're a completely different person. Trust me when I say Chloe was always kinda a slut.” “But I feel different, I’m a different person then I was” “And you’ll be a different person tomorrow and then another one the next day, go for it. You only turn into a hot purple haired girl once” Ivy trusted those words, more than her anxious thoughts.
Lapis ran over and began to clean the cum off the drenched Citrinne “Oh Lapis thank you, I got myself in over my head. That was certainly more semen than the book said they could produce.” “Hey, no problem. A trick I learned is you need to treat them like a cow udder. Be quick and efficient, get it all out. And don’t let them surround you. That’s a trick I learned after being mobbed by chickens.” “You're certainly more experienced than me, would you be willing to help?” “Oh sure, leave it to me” Lapis said, as her a Citrinne made their way over to a brawny looking dude with his dick out. Lapis was quick, and he came without even realising. Citrinne tried, and it worked. Although she managed to get a lot on her, luckily she had Lapis to help. She’d master this yet!
Chloe was quickly helped by Citrinne and Timerra, they pulled her off the floor and back onto her feet. “Now that’s no way for my knight to be.” “Lady Celine?” “Yes it’s me Chloe, goodness you’ve managed to get yourself quite messy.” Celine said. Still, there was already a guy there, erect and ready to go. “Excuse me, she’s in no state to fuck” “Thats a pain, cause I got myself really tense all for nothing.” The guy said with a sigh, luckily Timerra was there saying “I can take you, I promise I’m just as good as Chloe” The guy tilted his head and said “You sure, cause I tend to be a bit rough” “Your underestimate me, I’ve got the best endurance from all the meat I eat!” “Huh, well okay.” The guy said, and in one quick motion picked up Timmera and laid her down on one of the temporary beds. As Celine cleaned Chloe off she noticed a pout on Chloe's face, and asked “What is bothering you Chloe, do you need some tea?” ‘It's not that, it's just I had a chance to be treated like a Princess, and I tried. But it didn't feel right. For all my hopes to be like a fairytale, yet it didn’t work” “Oh Chloe, you're not a princess. Your a knight, You’ve always been better at giving then taking, thats something thats been clear to me since we met” “That is a lovely thing to say Celine, I promise to be your faithful knight” “Simply being my friend is enough, and don’t try to sub again you’ll hurt your back. Now Do you think you could finish cleaning yourself off? Timerra has already been mind broken in under a minute. I should intervene” Celine said, pointing to the guy and Timerra, who he was 10 inches deep in and she was yelling out “Ooh~ Breed me, fill me with your meat till I can’t walk. I am yours forever!” and the guy replying “It’s just sex don’t be dramatic.” Seeing this, Chloe nodded. Hopefully her princess would be able to avoid making the mess even bigger.
Goldmary stood and whipped the sweat off her brow, she’d managed to fucking like 6 guys yet still more wanted a go. Rosado rolled up, saying “These guys treating you well?” “Oh Rosado, no not particularly. Several of them want to see my pussy or fuck my arm pits. I may be perfect and multitalented, but I am sadly not perfect and multitasking.” “Oh, in that case do you mind if I give them a demonstration on how to actually treat a lady?” Goldmary nodded, expecting him to probably just give a little talk about what girls like letting her rest. What she wasn’t expecting was for Rosado to push her forward onto all fours.
“Rosado, what are you doing?” “Giving a demonstration. Now, well most girls do like pussy, if you want to actually treat them you go for the ass” Rosado said, as he pulled down goldmarys panties just enough to expose her tight asshole, and not much else. Then pulling off his panties, Rosado lined his surprisingly big dick up with her ass, and thrust in. Goldmary moaned and the sensation, this was good, Really good. Her ass was tight yet velvet like, and watching her cheeks bounce as rosado doggy styled her was mesmerising to all there. “Now, you have to make sure you don’t be too rough. She needs to still enjoy it. Make sure to compliment her well you do it. Keeps her confidence up and makes sure she feels as good as you. You're doing great Goldmary!” “G-Great?” Goldmary asked. Her brain was a bit fried from the anal “Yep, your ass is perfect” “P-Perfect, heh.” She giggled as he continued to ram her, then saying “Now when you're ready to cum, make sure to tell her. If you don’t it might give her a fright, especially in this heightened state.I’m going to cum goldmary, ready?” “Y-Yep, give it your best shot!” She replied, before a load of rosados cum filled her insides. She moaned loudly, before going limp. As Rosado pulled out and she readjusted to lean herself over a bench, Rosado said “And make sure to leave her ready for the next guy. Keep this up and you’ll be all ready in no time.”
Some guys began to line up to have a go at Goldmarys ass, and as Rosado stood to the side, he was suddenly picked up from behind by one of the guys. “These girls aren’t really my type, but you certainly are, wanna go for a ride on the whirl-a-dick 2000?” Rosado chuckled, he figured this would happen. “Only if tickets are free” He replied, and they certainly were as the guy sat on one of the beds and dropped rosado onto his dick, bouncing him up and down. Needless to say, if Goldmary liked anal, then it melted Rosado. And he wouldn’t be going anywhere till his ass was as sore as hers.
As Alear made her way back to Ivy, she noticed that Yunaka was not there. “Hey Ivy, what happened to Yunaka?” “She thought she was ready to get back into it, needless to say she’s enjoying it” Ivy replied, pointing to Yunaka, who was enjoying her 4th cream pie of the day.
“Oh dear, I think this plan to take away the boy's stress has gone a bit far, this is just a orgie.” Alear sighed. “That is a bit of a problem, I’ve just been told by an official if they aren’t on the field in ten minutes, we forfeit the game.” Ivy said. Alear suddenly lit up, a panicked look on her face. Then, from a pocket which cannot logically exist Alear pulled out a whistle and blew it as loud as she could. That both shut up all the dirty talk, and the fucking as well. “LISTEN UP EVERYBODY, WE NEED TO BE ON THAT FIELD IN UNDER 10 MINUTES OR WE LOSE THAT GAME. AND IF THAT HAPPENS THEN ALL YOU BOYS WILL BE JOINING THE CHEER SQUAD FOR THE ENEMY TEAM AS PUNISHMENT, AM I CLEAR!” From the slightly shocked crowd came a collective “Yes ma’am”. As they all began cleaning up and getting ready, Alear came back to stand beside Ivy. “That worked, I can’t actually make them support the enemy team but I still think the threat of transformation helped, do you think so Ivy?” Alear said. Ivy wasn’t really listening, instead all that was going through her head was how hot Alear yelling was, and how she needed to kiss her with tongue.
The teams were soon on the field and the game was going hard. The Lambs were certainly doing better, but it was an uphill battle. One they couldn’t really carry. The cheerleaders tried their best, Celine Timerra and Lapis even tried taunting the other team with their transformations. The other team just thought they were being really weird. Eventually Alear decided to pull out the big guns. The 10 person pyramid, a move banned from cheerleading for risk of injury. But rules were made to be broken, at least that's what Alear was saying as she lined everyone up and got them ready. Timerra, Lapis, Chloe and Goldmary at the bottom, them there was Celine, Rosado and Citrinne on layer 2, and for layer 3 was Ivy and Yunaka, probably a bad choice as Ivy was feeling every wobble, but the most dangerous position was on top, which Alear was on, standing ready and loudly proclaiming the power of the lambs. Everyone was shocked, the enemy team stared in disbelief, enough disbelief to allow the lambs to kick several goals. They had won by a country mile, and everyone cheered. Alear, ecstatic, began to jump and cheer, which was not a smart move at the top of a cheerleader tower, and like the house of cards it was.
“-and your arm should recover after a week or so, but until then keep that cast on and avoid making more towers. Also the guys running the stadium wanted me to tell you that you are apparently ‘A mockery to the art of cheerleading and are forever banned for your stunts and also making the changing room permanently smell of jizz’, man you lot were busy. Anything else you’d like before I let you go?” The nurse said, taking a breath. Alear, who’d sort of zoned out and was looking at all her friends names they’d written on her cast replied “Would you be able to give me a ride home? I kinda overwhelmed my car with magic and it wont start.” "No” the nurse replied, leaving the room and the cheerleading bunch in it.
“Well we managed to help win the game, probably could have not had all that sex. But we won, and got ourselves banned from every cheerleading or entering that stadium again. Sorry for that Alear” Ivy said. “Oh it's fine, I was going to get banned anyway. But now we need something else to do.” The group soon began to fill with thought, before citrinne piped up and said “The local theatre is near being demolished, we could put on a production to save it!” “Sounds like a disney channel movie, I love it. But first let's all go get dinner.” Alear replied, causing Chloe to pipe up and say “There’s this restaurant in town that sells roast bear meat.” “Bear meat? Sounds like a good type of meat, I’m in!” Timerra added “I’ve seen that place, we have to go.” Rosado chimed in, and lapis finished off “I’ve eaten bear before, wonder how it’ll taste.” Soon the group was piling into their cars.
Everyone kinda knew who they’d be riding with, Yunaka, Chloe, Celine and Timmera all took Yunaka and Chloe’s car. Citrinne, Lapis, Rosado and Goldmary all took Citrinne fancy limo, and Ivy was left to drive with Alear in her shabby convertible. Still smelling of jizz, as Ivy and Alear hoped in and Ivy asked “So I’ve wanted to know, why did all this happen? Why did you turn us all into girls from fire emblem?” “It’s all fuzzy for me. I can remember being irrationally upset that this one thing I liked, no one else liked. And I wanted to enjoy it with other people. I wanted to be validated I guess. I let that desire run rampant and ended up with a new friend group.” “Huh, I assumed it was something more complicated. I mean I don’t hate it, it’s a fun experience. Like a new pair of shoes. I have new friends, a new purpose, even a new cru-” Ivy stopped herself there, remembering who she was talking to.
“Aww, don’t worry Ivy, I like you too.” Alear said, leaning over to Ivy, kissing her on the cheek. Probably a bad idea, as the flustered Ivy almost drove into a street lamp. After readjusting, Ivy replied with “I don’t suppose you’d be up for a bit of uh… Lesbian sex?” “Heh, sorry Ivy but I think I’ll take a vow of celibacy after today” Alear joked, Ivy however didn’t get it, looking at her seriously. “Joking, maybe in a day or two. Once I stop smelling” Ivy nodded and replied “I look forward to that, now, let's go eat bear meat and regret not just going for maccas.” Ivy said as they pulled up to the restaurant, getting out. The car sat there for a bit, neither of them noticing that from Alears head, had fallen a small nintendo switch cartridge, nestled between the cushions. THE END
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