Spoiled Rotten (TG)
You were well off in life. Well, a lot more than just well off. You were the son of a mega-billionaire CEO, who owned companies across the globe. Because of this you always got what you want, when you wanted it. You were, in simple terms, a spoiled brat. Even in school, you got your way. Because of your family's wealth and power, no teacher dared fail you, and no student dared to make you upset or angry. You ruled the school, and you loved every second of it. Of course it was something like you deserved. It was your birthright to be over all the other poor students.
Everything was going according to plan anyways. You'd cruise through school, then get into some Ivy league school due to your name, and after graduating (of course just coursing through with minimum to no work) would have a comfy job in your dad's business. Your graduation in high school and college was just a formality anyways. You were sitting in the classroom of the newest teacher, Ms. Amy, smirking as the hot teacher passed out your latest exam. You stared directly at her ass, which was hugged tight by a pencil skirt. If it wasn't illegal, you'd bang her. Hell, you decided to use your power to bang her anyways. There's no way she could say no to you and your family's power and wealth. Your dream came crashing down when she placed your exam on your desk. Of course you hadn't studied. You never had too. You always got the best grades due to how much funding your dad pumped into the school. It'd probably have to close without his donations. Several of the buildings were named after him anyways. But looking down on your exam you saw in a big red letter, "F" circled on the top of the page. There had to be some kind of mistake! That bitch actually had the nerve to fail you!
You began to stand up when Ms. Amy turned directly towards you, "See me after class. Understood," she said sternly. You slumped back in your chair. Maybe you'd make the new teacher give you a blow job for attempting to fail you. Hell, you could probably force her to do anything your twisted desires could want. So, you sat through the rest of class, bored out of your mind. You'd usually skip class anyways, but it was raining, and you didn't feel like walking over to your sports car in the downpour. Too much of a hassle for a kid like you. And so, class ended, and the other students funneled out of the classroom, leaving you with Ms. Amy. You stood up and immediately began trying to close the distance between you and her. You'd have to show this broad her place.
"I'd slow down if I were you" Ms. Amy's face held a scowl. She was very upset with you.
"Why should I? You're the bitch who failed me" you smirked. "I own this school. I can do what I want."
"That's what you think. Im putting a stop to it. You failed fair and square. Next time study harder." Ms. Amy said, crossing her legs as she sat on her desk.
"How about no. You're new here I get that. My family owns this school. You can't fail me! in fact you have to do everything I say" you were grinning ear to ear. "How about you drop to your knees slut and blow me. That'll make me overlook this" Ms. Amy laughed, as you stared on at her. This bitch was crazy! "Did you hear me cunt? Suck me off!"
"Silence!" Ms. Amy's voiced echoed out. "You little shit think you own the school. Well, I got some news for you. If you keep acting like a spoiled brat, then I know exactly what your future will be!"
"Future? What are you some dumb psychic whore?" you chuckled.
"If you don't have a change in attitude and behavior by the end of school tomorrow then you will have to reckon with the future you truly deserve! Now get out of my sight!" You rolled your eyes and walked out. Ms. Amy was such a bitch, with her panties in a wad. You'd have to tell your dad about her if you got failed again or if she didn't toe the line like all the other teachers.
The Next day, you headed to school, not even thinking about what Ms. Amy had said about behavior or anything like that. You kept acting like you always had, with no regard to others, completely self-serving. At the end of the day, as you were heading out of school the intercom buzzed to life, calling you not to the principal's office but instead to Ms. Amy's classroom. You laughed and kept walking out, until you suddenly ran smack dab into nothing. Trying again and blocked. Someway, somehow there was something invisible blocking the door for you and only you. You quickly rushed around, checking other doors all for the same invisible barrier to be impeding you. How was this possible? If at all! So with a groan, you rushed up to Ms. Amy's room to figure out the problem.
Upon entering the classroom, you saw Ms. Amy, sitting smug on her desk, reading a book casually. "About time you showed up"
"Shut the fuck up! What did you do!?" You yelled. It wasn't often you got this upset, but this damn teacher was getting on your last nerves.
"How rude. And didn't I tell you yesterday? Something about improving your behavior and attitude or there would be consequences." Ms. Amy placed down the book.
"Screw that! Just tell me what's going on!" You dropped your bookbag to the floor.
"Fine I will!" Ms. Amy stood up and yelled back at you. "You've been acting like a spoiled rotten brat for years! It's time to put you in your place! You thought your future would be easy. Cruising by on your daddy's dollar. Not anymore!"
"Pssh yeah right" you scoffed. This lady was crazy. You turned to leave but your body suddenly became frozen in place.
"Im not finished. Instead of being some rich spoiled kid with no qualifications, I think a change of future will be best for you" Ms. Amy's hand became surrounded in some sort of red colored mist. "Your future has just been changed~ Instead of being some asshole rich kid to cruise through life, you'll instead be nothing more than the school slut. With no prospects in life after being disowned for daddy, you'll end up as a prostitute, stripper, whore, who cares about the finer details. And if you're lucky, maybe some rich businessman client will take a liking to you and marry you, making you just some dumb trophy wife fuck toy. Doesn't that sound appropriate for you?"
You were taken aback by what Ms. Amy said. "What!? Fuck no it isn't! You're out of your fucking mind bitch!" You were going to say more, but your voice cut silent.
"You blabber way too much. Just shut up for this next part why don't you!" Ms. Amy waved her hand, and your body became surrounded by the same red mist that you had seen around her hand. You tried to bat it away, but your body movement was hard. You struggled to move an inch, and in the struggle, you couldn't help but breathe in the mist. You coughed and coughed as the mist was sucked into your body. As it spread throughout your body, you began to feel tingly and numb. Your height began dipping down slowly, skin smoothing out becoming soft and creamy, blemish and hair no existent. Your height kept shrinking, Ms. Amy towering over you as you reached your knew stature of 5'4. Your hair turned a crimson red, which you think would be dyed, but no, down to the roots your hair was a bright, shiny red. Your eyes changed to match, pupils becoming red, each of your new eyes framed by longer and fuller lashes. Your hair began lengthening out, reaching down your lower back now silky and smooth. Your face slimmed up, becoming softer and smoother, nose shrinking, and lips plumping up drastically. Your neck slimmed, adams apple being obliterated into a new soft, and sultry voice, sounding like a woman, not some teenaged boy. Your shoulders narrowed, arms losing muscle and fat to become thinner overall. You watched in horror as your hands shrunk, each hand slowly thinning out and cracking down to a small size, each of your nails growing out in length. Your waist narrowed and stomach flattened and tightened up. Your chest began to tingle even more than the rest of his body, but this time it felt pleasurable. Your chest began to blossom out, pushing forth your flesh with supple fat. Your sensitive, perky breasts finished growing out into supple C-Cups. Your hands instantly cupped your new prominent features, squishing into the fat, eliciting a feminine moan out of your lips. Your hips jutted outwards some, snapping you out of the trance you had fallen into as you groped yourself. Your new wide hips led to an expansion of jiggly fat rushing into your thighs and butt. Your thighs plumped up enticingly, but your ass grew even more, finishing out into a jiggly rump. You embarrassingly rubbed your butt, not used to such a shelf hanging behind you.
"Looking hot~ Lucky girl this is what your DNA was hiding. Too bad you had to be born an asshole male" Ms. Amy chuckled. Your legs and feet slimmed down to a dainty size. "And here comes the big part~!" You shuddered, knowing what exactly your teacher meant. You had hardly been paying attention to your cock this whole time, obviously more focused on your new tits and ass. But your cock was so tingly and throbbing hard. You desperately tried to grab at it, to prevent it from inevitably shrinking, but to no avail. Your cock slurped back inside of you, opening up a pair of tight lips. Your balls, each with a satisfying pop, retreated back into you, your insides being rearranged into female plumbing and a womb. You squirmed, not used to your new body whatsoever.
"Such a sexy fox! Well, we can't have you all exposed like this, so let's get you stuffed in a girl's uniform!" Ms. Amy clapped her hands. Your male uniform was so ill fitting now, some tears forming especially where your new body was most curvy. Your clothes suddenly ripped off and began to swirl around your body, conveniently blocking Ms. Amy's view of your chest and crotch, and luckily any peeping toms. "Better get used to showing off! Soon enough you'll love it" Ms. Amy teased. A simple red lace bra and panties shot onto you, covering your tits and crotch and ass enticingly. Your lower body was covered in a knee length skirt, along with some knee-high heeled boots. A white top, along with a red ribbon neckerchief finished your outfit. But Ms. Amy wasn't done with you yet. Your face was caked in makeup, especially your lips, with a pinkish-red lipstick. Your nails were also painted red, still an inch or so long. Ms. Amy snapped and a mirror appeared in front of you, giving you the first good view of your new body.
Y-You were hot, easily the hottest woman you had ever seen. Your reflection matched your actions to the tee, but your amazement and bewilderment of your new form would not last long. Ms. Amy quickly chimed in, "Now remember the next step~? Im sure you do. Enjoy your new trashy life skank~" Before you could protest, Amy snapped, and your vision went blurry.
Blinking heavily your vision slowly returned, or well half of it. Some of your hair annoying covered one of your eyes but every time you tried to swipe it aside, just for it to go back into the same position. You looked around and saw you were located in the bathroom, on your knees. Looking up you gulped. It was a male student!
"I can't believe this is happening... holy shit" the student was clearly breathless, his hands fiddling with his belt. "Who knew I'd have Kirijo on her knees about to..." You gulped, and wanted to scramble out of the situation, but this knot and twinge, down in your crotch region was beckoning you to stay. The boy finally got his pants dropped and you could see the bulge in his underwear. But as he slipped those down, the students cock slapped your face. You wanted to be repulsed, but the musky, sweaty rod just smelled so addicting. You needed a taste. Without command, you began kissing all over the cock with your plump lips, leaving satisfying red lipstick prints all over the salty shaft. "F-Fuck your lips feel amazing!" The student moaned, as you kept kissing his cock. Your lower lips were leaking, and somehow you were finding this the most pleasurable thing you had ever done. Not satisfied, you repositioned yourself under his cock, the slick and sweaty shaft resting on your head, some of your hair stuck to it. You then wrapped your plump lips around the students' balls, feeling how heavy and virile they were. You were sucking on his balls so hard, drool constantly dripped down your lips and onto the floor.

The boy couldn't last forever with your expert sucking of his balls, and with a grunt he released his balls all over your pretty red hair, his steamy cum getting stuck in between your silky locks. "Holy fuck that was amazing! I gotta go tell everyone!" The boy quickly stuffed his cock back into his underwear and pants and ran out. Within minutes another boy appeared, and you were quickly guzzling his cock down as well.
For the rest of your school career, you were the school slut. Sleeping with anyone and everyone, student and teacher alike. Hell you even slept with a few girls. You didn't care. Sex was just so addicting, and you loved it. You tried to maintain your old bitchy rich boy attitude but realized you had been in the wrong when you were bent over Ms. Amy's desk as she fucked you from behind for the third time that week. And the worst part. You loved it. After being held back a year, you finally dropped out of high school and well, did the only thing a girl of your education, and sex drive could do.
You had been a prostitute for... who knows how long at this point. It was definitely several years. It paid well, and you got to continue doing what you loved, sex. Nasty, nasty, sex. Depending on the day and the desires of your clients, you may be....
A submissive and obedient maid....
Or an eager, promiscuous bunny girl...
It didn't matter, you dressed and acted however your client wanted. You had dressed in dozens of slutty outfits, taking cock in every possible way imaginable. Your skills became more and more refined over the years of your career, gaining a number of regulars with your skills. One such regular was a wealthy businessperson who ran a massive company. He was very handsome, and had the cash to spare, always tipping you well for your services. Unlike other patrons he loved taking you out to dinner and to his place, instead of just staying at the club and brothel. You knew he had fallen for you, hook, line and sinker. Eventually he proposed, and you accepted, the two of you having the best sex of your life that night.
Your days as a prostitute were over. Now you were the sexy arm candy trophy wife for a rich businessman. You spent your days lazing about and shopping while your hubby was at work. It truly was the life. When your husband got home after a long day you made sure to greet him in a sexy pair of lingerie, your face and body dolled to the nines.
And then after a nut busting blowjob, the two of you would head into the master bedroom for a night of love making. Sex with your husband never got boring. You loved how he made you feel. And after years of marriage, you began to realize, you loved him for more than just his money and dick. No, you actually loved him! You had fallen in love. After years of wild sex with various men, you now only wished to be with one man, your husband. You began dreaming of having a family and a good life with your husband. More than just a trophy wife. And so, one afternoon during a lovemaking session, you made a very important decision:
"Hah... Are you close? Please, do it inside... Put a baby inside me! Make me a mother!" You panted and moaned out as you rode your husband's cock, your fat tits wobbling all over. Your husband obliged. Usually, he would've pulled out or make sure you were on the pill, but not this time. He also wanted what you wanted and so, he filled you to the brim with his hot baby batter, eliciting a moan out from your plump lips.
It took a long time, but you had finally mellowed out of your sex obsessed life. You found true love and had a baby on the way. While you had used to hate her with a passion, now, you wished you could see Ms. Amy again to thank her with the bottom of your heart. You were spoiled rotten. Spoiled rotten with a loving family.
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