Wish Upon a Star (TG)

    Charlie was lonely and depressed. His love life was nonexistent, and it had been years since he even went on a single date. He'd spend his nights, unable to sleep, mind racing with thoughts. Then one faithful night he saw a flash of light through the window. He quickly got up and drew open the blinds to see, a shooting star! As everyone learned as a kid, a shooting star meant you had to make a wish! So, Charlie thought long and hard as he gazed at the star. Then it hit him, "I wish I could go on a date!" As soon as he said that, without really thinking, the star vanished. "What am I even doing..." Charlie sighed. "Just a stupid kid's story." And so, Charlie went back to bed. 

    The next day was the same old, Charlie went about his day as usual. Daytime was never that bad, Charlie could distract himself with work and other things. It was at night, when Charlie was truly alone at his home, that his depression and loneliness seep in. He made some cheap frozen dinner, watched some YouTube and played some games, and laid down in bed, ready for another sleepless night, at 8 PM. That was, until he saw a bright light at his window again! Groaning Charlie got up. It was probably just a passing car, but as he opened the window, Charlie saw... a floating yellow star creature! The star shaped creature tapped on the window, like it wanted to come in. So, Charlie did so. 

"About damn time you let me in!" the star creature bemoaned. "I've been out there for like a few hours and we're running out of time!" 

"Umm excuse me? Who are you?" Charlie asked, wondering if he was still dreaming. 

"Are you dumb? Must be. I'm the star you wished upon last night! I could only arrive today, considering I was like thousands of miles away and I can only float so fast. But that's beside the point, I'm here to grant your wish!" 

"Huh? Oh right, the wish I made... about getting a date" Charlie wasn't even sure why he was even communing with this star creature. 

"Yeah, and it's already 8 PM dammit! We're running out of time!" The star creature pulled out a phone and looked through it. "Let's see... yeah okay I got a date lined up for you at a bar downtown that closes at 10, so you got like an hour and a half if you get ready right now!"

"Huh? Now!? Crap I gotta get ready then!" Charlie rushed into his closet and began looking for any clothes that would put forward a good impression. "Fuck... its dirty!" Charlie was about to cry, seeing his only nice dress shirt hadn't been cleaned since its last use. 

"Well, you're screwed" the little star laughed. "Actually, you aren't, because I am here to help!" the star did a little twirl, glitter floating down and covering Charlie. 

"Hey what gives! I'm covered in glitter now you stupid star!" Charlie tried brushing off the glitter, but if anyone knows anything about glitter, it's that you can't get it off easily. 

"Okay, well I was just gonna give you a suit for the date, but nope. Since you chose to be a slight jerk, your ass gets to go on a date, as a GIRL!" the star laughed maniacally. 

"A-A girl!?" Charlie sputtered, as the glitter began to tingle on his skin. His skin turned creamy and pasty white, losing the natural tan hue that Charlie's skin had. Hair and blemishes vanished away for smooth, bare skin. Charlie's short blackish hair bleached itself to a luxurious blonde colour growing out in silky locks down to about his mid back. Charlie's height grows to 6'2 quite tall for a woman, so tall you could get two Netflix movies made about you. Charlie's face softened up, his sharp features giving away for softer, smoother ones. Charlie's bushy eyebrows thinned drastically, his brown eyes turning bright blue, framed by fluttery, long lashes. His nose shrank to a cute button size. Suddenly Charlie felt the urge to lick his lips, each time his tongue did so, plumping up his lips, more and more until they finished puffing out into a perfect pair of DSLs. Coughing suddenly, probably because some glitter got down his throat, With each cough, Charlie's voice began sounding more and more feminine, each cough also eroding away at his Adams apple. Charlie let out a gasp as his shoulders narrowed, both of his arms thinning out, with hands shrinking down, fingers slimming, and nails growing out, quickly painted a blue color. Small pangs of pleasure began to build inside Charlie as his waist narrowed, and stomach flattened and tightened up. The pleasure continued to build and build, the results obvious as Charlie grew erect. 

"Okay buddy calm down there!" The star laughed, sparkling some more glitter over Charlie. "That should speed this whole process up!" 

"Stop this dammit!" Charlie moaned out, still not entirely used to the voice that was escaping between his plump lips. The pleasure finally peaked, Charlie cumming and his cock quickly deflating, sounding like a balloon losing air as it receded into his body. Each ball slurped up with a pop, Charlie squirming as his inner working was redone, and a pair of tight lips opened up where his penis once was. With a loud snap, Charlie's hips jutted outwards, now his body frame ready to add some curves. With another dose of glitter, the pleasure spiked again in Charlie, Charlie forcing moan after moan from his mouth. Fat began pooling all across his body, most notably at his chest, rear, and thighs. All began slowly and sensually inflating. Charlie first noticed his chest, obviously. He watched as fat and flesh pushed out his hard nipples, his hands gravitating up and caressing his growing, budding breasts. Jiggling nicely, Charlie's breasts finished growing out into supple C-cups. Charlie's attention was quickly drawn downward, seeing his thighs thickening up to an enticing degree. That left, his butt. And he could feel the fat rippling and pushing out. The little star floated down and gave the growing booty a slap, Charlie moaning as his fatter cheeks rippled and jiggled. Finally finishing its growth, Charlie was left with a fat, jiggly booty. 

"All done! Lookin sexy babe!" The star slapped Charlie's ass again, causing him to let out a cute squeak. "Now let's use some magic to get you dolled up for the date!" 

"No no wai-" Charlie was cut off as more glitter, which I can only hope was just star dust, was sprinkled all over him. Charlie's clothes began to swirl around him, considering he had been in bed, Charlie had only been wearing boxer shorts, which were now struggling at the size of his new hips and ass. The boxers turned into a skimpy lace thong, wedged up between Charlie's ass cheeks. Some cute, simple heels adorned Charlie's feet, toenails becoming painted the same blue color as his fingernails. Star shaped earrings pricked Charlie's ears, dangling down from his lobes. Simple makeup caked Charlie's face accentuating his eyes and lips. Another star adorned accessory; a necklace tied itself around his neck. Blue bracelets attached themselves to his wrists. 

"The finishing touches~!" the star cooed, a tight blue dress latching onto Charlie's body, showing off ample cleavage, and hugging every inch of curve. Anyone behind Charlie would be forced to watch his ass. Lastly, a silver crown adorned Charlie's blonde head. "There, you're totally ready for your date!" The star floated around, and made a mirror appear, Charlie finally getting to see his, or her new reflection. 

"W-Wait that's me...?" Charlie was dumbfounded. "I'm... I'm so hot god damn!" Charlie struck some poses, checking out herself. 

"You don't have time for posing! You got a hot date waiting!" The star wiggled its arms in vain. Charlie's entire attention was devoted to checking her new self out. "Ugh... should've known this would happen." The star sighed and swiftly slapped Charlie's ass

"EEP! H-Hey what was that for!?" Charlie turned around and rubbed her big ass. 

"Your Date. D-A-T-E! He's still waiting!" the Star stated. 

"Oh, you're right!" Charlie quickly gathered his things, a white purse suddenly appearing for all the various things the new girl Charlie would need. Luckily with magic involved, the star easily transported Charlie to the date spot, with barely anytime to spare. 

"You must be Rosa right?" a handsome man approached Charlie, Charlie looking over him. 

"No my name is... yes that's right, I'm Rosa. What's your name handsome?" Rosa as she was now apparently named was actually looking forward to this date. 

"Andrew, shall we go in?" Andrew offered his hand to Rosa and the two went in, enjoying their date, laughing and chatting up a storm, clearly clicking. The date only ended when the establishment closed for the night, but neither Rosa or Andrew really wanted this night to end. 

"Where shall we go next~?" Rosa asked, both her and Andrew knowing the answer as they walked off, Rosa hugging her new man's arm. From a distance, the star gave a wink, yet another wish upon a star being granted. 


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