"Guess it's time for a stupid looking boss!" Skull prepared his pipe and stretched a bit.
"I'm detecting something wat-" Oracle called out to the others but was interrupted as her entire body became encompassed by a black moving mass. It was already too late. The black inky rain covered the thieves instantly. Not one was spared. Well except Joker. He had luckily been on the edge of the arena after dodging an attack from the boss. He could only watch in horror as his teammates were being transformed into something perverted. Right in front of his eyes. Each teammates skin was overtaken by black, pulsating inky shadow. The cries of his friends became muffled as shadow and a large silver mask was placed, replacing their faces for something drone like. The perfect copy of one another. Their struggles began to get weaker and weaker, they had bound by black tendrils, but as they became more and more corrupted, their resistance weakened. The true horrifics began when Joker saw black shadow pulse in all the wrong places of his once friends and comrades. Even on the male members. Black inky mass grew in the place of breasts, butts, hips, crotches. His friends were becoming unrecognizable. The only defining features remaining, their hair, as they became nothing more than shadow bunnies, the perfect visages of lust and perversion.
"I'll be back! I swear!" Joker promised, getting one last look at what had been his friends...
Joker ran back towards the exit of the Casino. Goho-Ms weren't going to get him out of this. Being alone in a palace was highly dangerous, and Joker could not afford to get caught in even a single battle, especially with the shadows that had transformed his friends, were looking for him. Without proper guidance, Joker had a hard time navigating, and he found himself in a storage area. It was pretty quiet. With no shadows patrolling. At least this area was somewhat safe. But Joker had to remain on guard. There was no telling what would and could happen.
"There you are Senpai!" Joker heard from behind him. He twirled around and reached for his gun, only to see Kasumi.
"Kasumi? How... are you here?" Joker questioned. Could this form be a cognition? Or a trick from Shadow Sae?
"I followed you in. I figured you would need some help, and it seems I was right" Kasumi walked up to Joker. "Now where is everybody else?"
"They're... captured" Joker looked defeated. He didn't really want to fill in Kasumi into what exactly happened. She wasn't even a Phantom Thief yet. "We need to get out of here and strategize how to save them"
"Okay! I'll come with to give you backup. Let's get go-" Kasumi's voice was cut off as black tendrils shot out of a vent, grabbing a hold of her and covering her mouth.
"Dammit! No!" Joker attempted to cut at the black, shadowy mass, but his knife did little to stem the tide. More and more tendrils wrapped themselves around Kasumi, pulling itself onto her and her into it. Joker tried to combat the shadow without hurting Kasumi, but the more and more the two became intertwined, the more cautious Joker had to become. Very quickly, Kasumi's skin was taken over, a pitch-black hue, covering every inch head to toe. Kasumi's face became covered in a silver mask, stripping her of her identity as she became yet another shadow bunny. Her bright red hair still remained, but it was clear Kasumi was no longer in there. Now just a drone meant to please and serve in lustful bliss. Black mass flushed into Kasumi's rear, fattening it up for the depraved patrons of the casino. Kasumi, just like the other Phantom Thieves, was now nothing but a Shadow Bunny, meant to serve their customers, patrons, and Shadow Sae.

"I'll be back for you too Kasumi!" Joker promised, but as he turned to run away, shadows surrounded and jumped onto the poor boy. Joker struggled against the mass of pulsating shadows but to no success. However, unlike the others, Joker instead began to be dragged away by the mass. It wasn't transforming him. At least not yet. As he was dragged through the casino, struggling against every move, Joker could see his friends in their new positions. Serving drinks, being groped and slapped by patrons, doing anything to make tips. Even worse, Akechi and Makoto were in the process of being fucked by some casino goers. Their new purposes in life fully on display. Would this be Joker's own fate if he couldn't escape? To be a vessel for depravity?
Joker was taken deep into the casino, deeper than in any of the other infiltrations. Wherever he was, it was super gaudy, adornments everywhere. The shadows held Joker down, as Shadow Sae approached.
"So you are the leader of this so called band of thieves" Shadow Sae looked down at Joker with disgust. "I am somewhat impressed your group got this far into the casino. But you were all far too cocky." Sae pushed Joker down onto the floor and stepped her heel into him. "You didn't think this was too easy?! That I wouldn't have some plan set up to trap you all?! Well now you're all that's left. And I can't wait to have my fun with you~" Shadow Sae chuckled to herself. Joker struggled against the shadow restraints.
"Now to unmask this pesky thief once and for all" Sae got the shadows to sit Joker up her hand grasping the side of his mask. Joker had to make a move here, so he went with a headbutt, knocking Sae back a few steps. But as soon as it began, his escape attempt ended. Another shadow jumped on his back, the weight making him unable to move.
"That was poorly thought out. And a bad idea. I was going to make you like the rest, regular shadow bunny girls, but now... you'll see" Sae ripped off Joker's mask, revealing the trickster. "So it was you all along. I should've known" Sae tossed Joker's mask aside, preparing a new mask for Joker. It was blank silver, like the ones that adorned all of his friends. But where the eyes were, all it said was 'SLUT' in big, bold letters. "That should give you a big clue as to what will become of you once we're done here." Sae walked towards Joker, mask in hand. Each clack of her heels booming through Joker's racing head, like a death knell. With an evil smirk, Shadow Sae pushed the mask onto Joker's face.
Almost instantly the mask melded to Joker's skin and face. It wasn't painful, but as hard as Joker tugged on the mask, it wouldn't budge an inch. Somehow Joker could see clear as day through the mask, same went for his breathing. Even though the silver, metallic mask looked like it'd be quite cumbersome it was very breathable and practically see through.
"Already looking a lot better!" Sae teased Joker, who was still struggling on the mask. Sae made a motion and one of the shadows that was holding Joker down, began to slink over his legs. This was it. The beginning. Joker squirmed, feeling the shadow wash over his skin. Joker's skin felt warm, as the shadow sunk into his skin, turning it pitch black, and inky feeling. Joker began to hyper ventilate as the black substance had covered almost the entirety of his body, his entire being feeling warm and tingly. It was when the inky substance seeped under the mask that he truly knew it was over. There was no fighting this anymore was there? The only bit of what once resembled Joker was now his messy black hair, his entire bunny now stark black.
"Let's keep going, now for the enhancements~" Shadow Sae teased Joker, ruffling his hair, knowing he could do nothing to fight it. The other shadow holding down Joker seeped into his black skin. His black skin began to bubble and pop. What freaked Joker out was that it felt like his own skin was bubbling and popping. Joker first felt his ass beginning to swell. And it felt... pleasurable! Joker was revolted at this feeling, that welled within him. But his revulsion was betrayed by his shadow coated cock, which was hard and erect, as his ass and thighs inflated into jiggly goodness, ready to be groped and slapped and even fucked by patrons.
Next, Joker felt his blackened, erect cock begin to grow in length and girth. Feeling more and more sensitive as his balls too, also fattened up, filled with shadowy sperm ready to spew. Joker squirmed in place, which elicited a laugh from Shadow Sae. "I do love watching you squirm~" Sae smirked and pressed her heel onto Joker's cock. Joker just squirmed more as the heel rubbed up and down his stiff shaft. Joker's attention was then drawn to his flat, fit chest. He could feel the bubbling and pleasure start to build up underneath his now nonexistent nipples. Shadow rushed in, pushing out two massive tits onto Joker's chest, jiggling wildly as they came to life, sitting proud and loud on his chest. They felt... real, like he had the heavy sacks. He could feel their heft, their every slight movement. Sae grabbed one, eliciting a moan from the thief. "Good bunny. Submit to the pleasure and become the slut you are meant to be~" Sae whispered into Joker's ear.
Joker squirmed more and more as pleasure coursed through his body. Fighting the pleasure took everything Joker's mind could muster. Sae wasn't going to have any of that. The other Shadow Bunnies gathered around what remained of Joker, each one holding an article of clothing that was about to hug Joker and his curves. Joker wasn't in a position to fight back, his body wracked with pleasure. A pair of bunny ears were adorned on Joker's black hair, sitting prettily. A red bowtie, tied around his neck. Fishnets, hugging into Joker's thighs and ass stretched up his long legs. The bodice of the bunny suit nestled, just barely, over Joker's massive tits and fat cock, forming a large bulge. Heels were slipped onto Joker's feet, each heel a tall six inches. To truly seal Joker's fate, Sae walked forward, locking a chocker around Joker's neck, labelling Joker as a bitch.
"Now to break you in, as the new service bunny for the VIP Lounge" Sae kissed Joker's faceless mask. Futaba, or what remained of her walked up and handed Sae a strap on. Joker would've tried to fight against this, but his mind was mush from the pleasure. And so when Shadow Sae pushed the strap on into Joker's ass he could only accept it, and the pleasure. He truly was a slut, a bitch, and most importantly a bunny.
The sounds of plaps ringed in Joker's ears as he was taken by Shadow Sae. This was his new purpose, and deep down, in his core he knew it. He was to serve Shadow Sae, mistress. But also the patrons and customers of the casino, like any good bunny. Joker's cock strained in his tight outfit as he was fully taken by Sae. The pleasure was just too intense, and he came, shooting black cum into his outfit.
"Good my little Bunny. Now go, and get to work. Please the patrons however they wish" Sae kissed Joker's mask, leaving a black lipstick print as she gave the newly minted bunny a few more thrusts. That was the end of the Phantom Thieves. Joker, the trickster and leader was now nothing more than a dutiful bunny, spending her days fucking and pleasing the various casino patrons in the VIP lounge. All to serve Shadow Sae.
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