Greg had never met his grandmother. Well technically he had. But she had passed away when he was still a toddler leaving Greg with no memories of her, unlike his two older sisters. Still things weren't so bad. Greg had just turned 18 and in a few months, he'd graduate high school and begin life as a college student. Things were on the up and up. That was until at a family meeting Greg learned that his parents would be selling Grandma's old house. After she died the family sort of just shuttered it off, but with already two kids in college, and a third on the way, Greg's parents decided to finally clean the old place out and sell it. And so, Greg found himself at his grandma's old house, having to spend his entire spring break at the place. Since his started a few days earlier, Greg went to the place on his own. He had begged his parents to, figuring he could at least have a few days of privacy on break, and his parents agreed. They handed Greg a key to the old home and hoped he'd at least recall some memories of the family's old matriarch.
Arriving at the house, Greg stepped out of his old car and headed inside. Damn it was dusty and the air was stale but that was about it. Everything looked untouched for decades. And that's because it was. Greg found a suitable room and put down his bag. Cleaning out this entire place would take ages, and he was skeptical the work could get done just over spring break. But it'd be a start. Luckily on the way in, Greg had grabbed snacks, and even brought his switch for entertainment. He just needed to flip on some of the breaker switches. No way the power was still on, that'd be a waste of money. Using his phone as a flashlight he headed down into the basement and found the breaker switch. Carefully reading the labels, he turned on the power to the kitchen, living room, bathroom, and the room he was staying in. Nothing more was needed. Not yet anyways.
While in the basement, Greg decided he might as well search the place over. If there was anything cool he could probably convince his parents and sisters to let him keep it as a keep sake or something. He looked over the boxes, looked like old clothes and other such things. The first one he opened made him recoil! It was like some sort of party dress. No way grandma would own something so revealing! She was like 60! Shuddering at the thought he moved to another box, opening it up. Inside was a black dress and large brimmed sun hat. Much more fitting clothes for a grandma! Greg picked up the hat and looked it over. It certainly looked posh enough, something a rich, refined lady would wear probably. As he looked it over, the thick dust on it coated his hands and forced him to sneeze, spreading more dust all around the room. Greg put the hat down and decided to quit in the basement for the day. All this coughing and dust couldn't be good for his lungs.
As he climbed up the stairs out of the basement, the flowers on the old hat bloomed, now ready for their new owner to wear it, hopefully soon. The rest of the day was uneventful. Greg played some games on the TV in the living room, even if it was the oldest model of flatscreen at least the Switch could connect to it. He also ordered some food to the place for dinner, confusing the delivery boy who had never seen someone in the house for most of his life. Greg chilled, eventually taking a shower and going to bed.
Greg fell soundly asleep. But his dreams were so weird. For some reason everywhere he went in his dream world, the flowers that he had seen on his grandmother's hat followed him. Even in the most peculiar dreamscape places, those flowers were there. Waking up panting from his dreams, sometime in the wee hours of the morning, Greg hopped out of bed and fell to the floor. Blindly moving his arm, he flicked on the lamp on his bedside table. What he was met with sent shockwaves through him. He was wearing that black dress and hat he had found downstairs! "What the hell!?" He didn't remember putting it on, and he never had a history of sleepwalking, let alone sleep putting whole entire outfits on! Picking himself up off the floor, Greg tried to take off the dress, but it seemed to not follow his commands. Zippers wouldn't unzip, and buttons wouldn't unbutton. Wincing in the tight dress, Greg realized that even his underwear had been replaced, by some tight lace panties! "Eww gross what the fuck! I know I didn't put these one!" Greg was now soundly grossed out. He was just glad none of his family would show up until tomorrow. Giving him ample time to figure out how to get out of the outfit.
Pacing about the room Greg began to brainstorm ideas. Maybe he could just find some scissors and cut the dress off, especially since nothing was budging. The dress hugged his body so tightly, including his legs, and the fact he was wearing heels "Damn stupid dress!" Greg bemoaned, stumbling about. He had to get out of this dress, so he headed out of the room he was staying in up to his grandmother's craft room. He opened up various cookie tins, filled with sewing supplies looking for some cloth scissors. "Cmon scissors, where are you?" Greg muttered to himself finally founding a pair. "Aha!" Picking up the scissors in his gloved hands, Greg took the scissors to the dress and snipped down. But, nothing. Another snip. Nothing. Going for one more Greg felt a cramp in his hand, dropping the scissors to the floor. "Gah! It hurts!" Greg's hands both began cramping. He hastily took off a glove and was horrified at what he was seeing. His hands shrunk in size, now smaller and daintier. But his youthful skin now looked aged, with wrinkles and spots. "Fuck... no!" He watched in horror as his nails grew out into a simple manicure. "I-Im changing?! This has to be a damn dream, right?" Greg pinched himself. But there was no waking up. This was real life.
Greg began to feel cramps all over his body. Pops and shifts down to every molecule of his body. His skin began to age, and age drastically. Stretching decades and decades as wrinkles and spots and blemishes adorned his skin. Now it could only become smooth with a large amount of cream and skincare products, no longer from natural youth. "No no no!" Greg cried out feeling his body start to crunch down, shrinking in height from 6'2 to 5'4, and feeling a bit of back pain. Greg's dark black hair began to slowly be overtaken by gray strands, one by one his hair turning stark white. Greg's hair bloomed out in length growing down his back before being tied up by some mysterious force into a hair bun. Strands adorned the side of Greg's face, occasionally getting in the way of his eyes. Greg's face began to age, but at the same time become feminine, with refined beauty. It was like a fine aged wine. His lashes grew out in length, nose shrank, and lips plumping up quite considerably. Wrinkles were most apparent around his eyes and lips. His neck slimmed, gaining wrinkles there as well, while his adams apple became less pronounced. Greg cried out in a feminine yelp as his shoulders narrowed down. "My-My voice!" Greg's voice sounded mature, refined, and feminine. That of an aged beauty. Greg's arms lost muscle to be replaced with sagging flesh, but still thin and refined for a woman of his status. "W-Woman?! Im not a woman!" Greg shook the thought out of his head. He needed to get out of this crafting room.
Stumbling a bit out of the crafting room, but a lot less than when he arrived the first time. His body was seemingly getting used to wearing such an outfit and heels as if it was natural. Walking to his room, Greg absentmindedly entered his grandmother's old room before having to correct himself and go to what had been a guest bedroom. "My it's so dusty in here..." Greg said to himself, tracing a gloved finger over a dresser. As he walked from room to room, Greg's waist narrowed down, and stomach grew a bit pudgy from age and retirement. With a loud snap, Greg's hips snapped out wide and shapely, having performed their purpose of childbirth, and were now a remaining vestige of feminine curves. But the curves wouldn't end there. They'd be much more than just a shadow of their former self. Greg in the meantime had sat on his bed, feeling his body change by the second. On the bed, Greg felt the dress tightening and tightening. "Gah! Tight!" And the dress was getting tighter all because fat was rushing into his ass and thighs. Fat pooled into his rear, Greg letting out a moan as some pleasure. Squirming feeling pangs of pleasure, Greg got off of the bed and began rubbing the pleasure points, his thighs and ass. Tighter and tighter the dress became, as Greg's ass grew into a much larger, bubblier size. His thighs were equally as thick, putting pressure on his hardened cock, which also was straining in the tight, now wedged panties.

Greg couldn't help but grab his now massive ass. It was the incredibly fat ass of some super model or Kardashian-like figure. Not some old lady! "My my... glad I was able to keep my curves after all these years~" Greg cooed as he rubbed his ass. "Wait no! I didn't mean that!" Greg's mind was becoming increasingly more at war with itself. His memories of childhood and being a guy coming to blows with memories of a 60-year-old woman, and her decades of life and experience. Greg's body was now entering its final few changes. His legs and feet slimmed down, the same wrinkles and blemishes found throughout his skin applying there was well. Fat began to pool under Greg's nipples, slowly yet surely pushing out into the dress, straining it as they surged in size. They kept growing and growing, sagging with age and size, well past DD cups and sitting tight and snug within the dress. Inside the two melons were long dried up milk ducts. Greg grabbed his left massive sagging tit, age no longer granting them perkiness. "Those pregnancies sure did a number on my girls~" Greg giggled thinking back to her several kids. "Fuck... no! Not again! These aren't my memories!" Greg wanted to forget all about these changes, but they were sort of hard to ignore, the curves of enticing fat. Sadly, for Greg, this last change remaining change would be impossible to ignore.
Greg's cock, which had been hard and erect for quite a long time, finally became infected by the age of the rest of his body. Erectile defunction hit his cock, softening it quickly even if Greg was feeling pleasure throughout his hyper curvaceous, old, saggy, jiggly, feminine body. Greg's soft cock and balls started to tighten and slink back into Greg's body. Greg squirmed in recoil at the feeling of his cock and balls, his manhood, virile of sperm about to become nothing but dust. Greg was about to cry, "Please! Don't! I don't want this! I don't want to be some old lady!" But this new body would not listen to his begging. With a pop, lips began to open, loose from age, use, and childbirth of course. What had been his balls were turned into now defunct ovaries, hitting menopause many years ago. With that, Greg had become fully female, from head to toe. Greg now inhabited the body of a surprisingly curvaceous 60-year-old woman. (Don't worry reader. I'm sure you have some valid concerns about Greg and his new life, but luckily Greg's soul did not age, meaning luckily his, or her, to be accurate, body won't age or anything until Greg's own soul hits 60!).
Greg was on the verge of tears. His entire life had just been upended. How could he not cry? The once 18-year-old now felt sore, and tired and achy, forced to inhabit this saggy 60-year-olds form. "My entire life ahead of me... no more... What do I even tell people...?" Greg buried his face into his hands, having to navigate said hands and arms around his sagging, wobbly breasts, that shook from the movement. Greg's body however was tired and aching, from the transformation but also aging over 4 decades in the span of a short time. So even though he wished to continue fighting the changes and figure this new body out, Greg's head hit the pillow, falling into a snoring sleep.
Waking up the next morning, Glorietta sat up in bed. Overnight much of Greg's memories had been simply washed over. Deep in the recesses of Glorietta's brain they were still there, but Glorietta was now in full control. Greg's memories would now only pop up in dreams and daydreams, seemingly at random. The night had been filled with dreams, reliving the memories of her past decades of life, seemingly from start to finish. "Oh my, I fell asleep in this dress?" Glorietta said to herself as she quickly caught on what she was wearing upon waking up. It was her favorite dress after all. "Maybe I had a tad too much wine..." Glorietta got up and quickly saw the state of the home. "I've never! This place is so dusty!" And so, changing into some work clothes, Glorietta spent most of the day cleaning up her home, spick and span, from top to bottom. She worked at a terrifying speed for a woman her age, but that's because she knew tomorrow her darling daughter and granddaughter would be visiting for Spring Break.
That evening, Glorietta headed into the kitchen to prepare dinner. Upon opening her various cabinets and fridge there was nothing! "How odd... where is all my food gone?" Still Glorietta had some things. Some old teabags for a start. A nice cup of tea to warm the soul. But with little choice for food, Glorietta called her favorite restaurant to get delivery. It was setting up to be a wonderful evening. Right as she finished pouring her second cup of tea, there was a knock on the door. "Enter please!" Glorietta called. There was a bit of hesitation but the door swung open, the delivery boy standing in the doorway, bag in hand. The sight that struck his eyes, well that was truly a sight to behold.
The boy had trouble speaking, his entire attention focused on the ass of the woman in front of him. It was so big, hips so wide, and hugged tightly by that black dress. He could feel his loins stirring in his khaki pants. And who could blame him. Glorietta found the sigh amusing. "Ahem. Thank you for the food young man" Glorietta turned to face the boy. The boy now getting a front row view to Glorietta's impressive bust. "A-Ah hello ma'am! Here is y-your order!" The boy was panicking. Glorietta put down her teacup and took the bag. Grabbing her purse, she paid the boy for the meal, plus a generous tip. But as the boy turned to leave, something was tugging in Glorietta's mind.
"Young man wait!" she called out. The boy stopping dead in his tracks. He sheepishly turned to look back at the old woman. "It has been so lonely since my husband passed away... would you keep an old lady like me company~?" Glorietta said, putting emphasis on her curves and speech, trying to sound as suggestive as possible. Her heart was racing. If she could snag this boy, it'd be the take of the century.
"I-I... have work and uhhh..." the delivery boy stammered. He clearly wanted the opportunity to lay such a hot woman, even if she was so old. Glorietta stepped forward and took the boys hands. Finally the boys urges took over. "S-Sure ma'am I wouldn't mind keeping you company." The boy closed the door and walked in, led by Glorietta. "Please no more ma'am, call me Glorietta. Or even Granny~" Glorietta giggled. The further into the house, the more confident the delivery boy was feeling, beginning to feel up Glorietta's curves, first her glorious, juicy ass.
"Handsy~ Just how I like it handsome~" Glorietta winked at the boy and leaned over on the kitchen peninsula. Her ass was pushing out, right into the boys crotch. "Go on~ Take this grandmother to town~!" The boy's hands anchored down onto her hips and began pulling up the tight, black dress. Tug by tug pulled the tight dress up and over Glorietta's cushiony ass. The boys' pants straining to contain his manhood. Glorietta wiggled her pantie clad ass, now exposed to the open air, the boy hypnotized by the wobbly, jiggly, saggy ass cheeks. After unbuckling his pants, the delivery boy gave Glorietta's ass a hard slap! The sound emanating the kitchen along with Glorietta's moans. "Don't worry about protection~ I'm far past having to worry about pregnancies" Glorietta reassured the boy who was a bit hesitant to plunge his hard cock in. But with that, the boy grabbed ahold of Glorietta's handlebar hips and plunged his cock deep into her asshole! Glorietta winced and felt pleasure shake her to her core as the boy began to thrust into a steady rhythm. Glorietta's entire body shook and wobbled, her grip tightening on the lip of the granite on the kitchen peninsula. Moaned escaped her lips as balls and hard cock plapped into and onto her body. She hadn't felt pleasure this good in a long long time. It was total bliss. Her moans could be heard through the entire house, truly livening up the place. Glorietta was lost in the pleasure, losing all perception of time and space, that was until she felt a warm explosion deep up inside her asshole. The man had cum in her.
"Seems Granny still got it~" she laughed to herself, the boy panting heavily from the exertion. "Say... do you have any friends? I'm still feeling so desperately needy" Glorietta moaned, twerking her ass on the boy's cock. The delivery guy pulled his cock out slowly, cum seeping out of Glorietta's ass. "I can think of a few guys to call up" The boy smirked. "Let me freshen up and invite them over big boy~" Glorietta spun around and patted the boy's cheek, before sauntering off. First cleaning up, Glorietta headed into the basement; to find an outfit she had bought long ago to tease her husband after the birth of her first granddaughter. Fishnet gloves adorned her arms. The tight red dress barely contained her massive tits, which constantly spilled out of the straps. And the dress couldn't hold the entirety of her massive ass cheeks, constantly riding up and exposing her ass to the world to see. A tight strap wrapped around her leg, hugged into her thigh fat to a satisfying degree. Heels adorned her feet, the tallest she had worn in decades, with heels a whole 4 inches. She wobbled a bit, but quickly got into the swing of wearing them again. After applying some special earrings, the last touch was a choker that she fastened around her neck. The choker labelled Glorietta as what she truly was, a Gilf. And this Gilf was about to have a lot of fucking in her near future.
Coming back up from the basement, Glorietta could hear some talking in the kitchen and attached living room. Her company had arrived. But she wasn't done yet. She needed to really seal the deal. She headed up to her room and dug into the back of her vanity drawer, finding makeup that hadn't been worn in the past decades, just as her dress. She began applying such amounts of makeup unbecoming of a woman her age. Heavy dark eyeshadow and eyeliner, along with ample amounts of lipstick on her plump lips. She even had time to quickly paint her nails. But not wanting to keep her guests waiting any longer, she sauntered downstairs and could see the jaws drop and the boners pop of the six or so boys standing in her living room.
"Dude I told you I wasn't lying!" the delivery boy smirked as Glorietta posed in front of them.
"No fucking way bro..." An average looking boy said, completely taken aback by the sight in front of him. The rest of the boys all had similar comments, Glorietta basking in soaking up the praise and attention. She felt a fire inside her that she had not felt in a long time. Things after that took a turn into depravity. The entire living room turned into an orgy, Glorietta taking in all of her male suitors. It made her feel like she was twenty again, her body and holes serving the men and their large cocks. The night was a blur, sex blasting throughout the house. Not one inch of Glorietta was left untouched. Hell even some of the guys even teased Glorietta by wearing condoms while fucking her, tying them to the strap hugging her thigh. Her body was used, abused, and she loved every second of it. After hours, she heard a knock on the door, in the middle of a guy fucking her fat ass and another plunged deep in her pussy as they smushed Glorietta between their hard rods and bodies.
"Excuse me gentlemen, someone is at the door!" Glorietta moaned, both guys dumping their loads into Glorietta for the umpteenth time that night. Glorietta wobbled to the door, not even bothering to clean up. She opened the door to see her daughter, and her two college aged granddaughters, all who gasped at the sigh of their grandma.
What they saw was well, quite shocking. They had always thought their grandmother to be quiet and reserved and polite. What stood in front of them was the spitting image of a whore. Cum coated her body. Dripping from her lips, covering her tits and stomach and thighs. Cum oozed out of her ass and pussy, and somehow cum was underneath her armpit, which Glorietta vaguely remembers a guy fucking earlier that day. Pubes hung around her plump lips, from the high number of blowjobs she had given. At some point, one of the neighborhood boys whipped out a sharpie and began taking count of how much they'd fucked her, but they either stopped counting or forgot at the 7th mark. Another, wrote "Cum Dump <3" on Glorietta's right tit.
"Oh Melphie dear! You should've told me you were coming with the kids" Glorietta smiled at her daughter and granddaughters. None replied. They were too much in shock. "The feisty neighborhood boys aren't quite done running a train on Granny's fat cake... but you can all help me jerk them off if you'd like!"
While the granddaughters were revolted, Melphie stepped into the threshold of the house. She had just learned her husband had been cheating on her with that bimbo of a secretary, and she needed to let off some steam. So, for the next couple hours, the granddaughters embarrassingly sat on the porch, hearing their mom and grandmother moan as their brains were being fucked out. They only knew the orgy was over as the guys left, all exhausted as if they had been sapped of all energy. Cleaning up the house was another problem, but it was decided that for the rest of Spring Break, no one would mention whatever the hell had just happened.
Glorietta and Melphie stepped out onto the beach, wearing tight bikinis showing off their curves and bodies. Both were such well-endowed, and Melphie was having some second thoughts about wearing these to the beach. Not with them were Glorietta's two granddaughters, Melphie's children. While it was spring break, both were too busy with their college projects to come home, so Glorietta and Melphie were having a mother-daughter trip to the beach.
"Mom... aren't these too revealing?" Melphie questioned, looking around at the stares and glances as the pair walked out onto the beach.
"Nonsense dear" Glorietta laughed, holding onto the brim of her hat. "Women like us should show off what God gave us right?" Glorietta pushed up onto Melphie and grabbed her breast. "Plus... look at those college hunks over there~ Maybe we can have some fun on vacation as well~" Melphie looked at the college guys, all whispering to one another and staring at the two babes. She then looked at her mother, blushing heavily.
"Good answer baby~" Giving another grope, Glorietta took her daughter's hand and began marching over to the now ten or so college boys. "Let's enjoy this vacation while we can~"
By: SauceBro
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