Engaging with Emblems (TG)

    The fight with Sombron was intensifying. The Divine Dragon Alear had been gathering more allies, but Sombron, his armies were only getting larger and stronger over time. Because of that, Alear had to spend more time training and preparing for battle. A part of this training was rearranging his allies Emblem Rings. While he had gotten used to having Marth by his side, Alear knew that in order to defeat Sombron he would have to be comfortable with a wide array of emblems and battle styles. So he swapped the Ring of the Hero King for the Ring of the Caring Princess, Celica. A little bit of magic and healing knowledge would never hurt anyone right? 

    It took a while for Alear and Celica to click like the relationship he had had with Marth. But training went somewhat smoothly. Celica and Alear linked up attacks and even tried to come up with new combos combining sword play and magic. That may have been a little premature however as in the midst of trying to practice an attack, Alear slipped and toppled over. The fall was nasty. But in the midst of the fall, Celica's Emblem ring scrapped hard over the ground, causing it to become scratched!

"It should be alright with some polishing right?" Alear asked inspecting the ring on his finger. 

"Im sure it will be" Celica smiled, keeping a positive attitude. But that quickly dropped when the ring began to shine brightly. "Actually... no, I don't think it will be!"

Suddenly a whirlwind broke out of the gem on the ring, Alear getting trapped within the vortex. "Celica! Help!" But Celica couldn't do much, not in an emblem form. Even still she reached out to Alear who reached back to the red head. But it was futile. Alear was sucked into the ring's gem, the ring collapsing to the ground with a tink. 

    Alear opened his eyes looking around to where exactly he was. It was like, an empty void like area, multi colored. Alear could move freely, like he was standing on air. So he just began walking, calling out for Celica, but there was no response. "Is this what the inside of an emblem ring is...?" Alear asked himself. It must have been because around Alear the void began to shift, buildings appearing. Alear only knew a bit about Celica's history, but he recognized a priory that towered out of the void. Maybe he'd find some answers in there. 

    Alear opened the door to the Priory, walking in the echoey building. He again called for Celica, but no response. The most striking thing of the building was a fountain like statue. Alear thought hard to his studies. "Aha that must be a statue to the Goddess Mila" Alear stepped in front of it, studying the statue, when suddenly heavenly light shone down upon him. Alear felt awash with, something. His skin tingling underneath the light. 

    Alear also began to feel calm, a new sense of positivity throughout him. "Huh... maybe this prayer stuff actually works" Alear clasped his hands, and bowed his head. He had never read up about Mila, he only knew her name and that Celica was a priestess in her order. But what came next was astonishing to Alear. He perfectly recited one of Mila's prayers, without knowing anything prior. "Wait... what?" 

    That's when Alear noticed something was off, his hair, once a very striking red and blue, was now soft red, silky locks tickling down his back and shoulders. "H-Huh!? Wait... no no!" Alear's blue eye turned soft red, as did his red eye, which only had to become softer in color. "Stop! I can't become Celica! I am the Divine Dragon not a... Loyal priestess to Mila~!" Alear cried out, his voice becoming soft and feminine, as his lips plumped up significantly. The rest of Alear's face turned soft and feminine. His nose shrank down, cheekbones becomes soft. His sparkly red eyes, now framed by long lashes and thin brows. Alear's body began slimming down drastically, his waist narrowing, stomach losing muscle and mass. Alear's arms lost muscle, his limbs becoming better for casting spells and magic rather than swinging a sword or for punching enemies. Alear's hands shrunk down, Alear watching out in horror as each fingernail grew out manicured and longer. 

"I-I'm actually becoming Celica..." Alear panted, his chest rising and falling with heavy, anxious breath. But that chest, once flat was now growing and expanding with fat and flesh. Alear held back a moan. For as long as possible. But the exploding chest elicited a moan out from between Alear's plump lips. Nice and perky C cups jiggled nicely on Alear's falling and rising chest. "B-Breasts... Mother Mila has blessed me..." Alear moaned to himself. As Alear fondled his chest, his hips snapped and widened out, shapely and womanly. To match, fat flushed and rushed into Alear's butt and thighs. Alear couldn't help but let out a giggle as his butt wobbled into a plump rear, ready for grabbing and spanking. Thick thighs framed his legs, so big and plush. Alear's divine cock began to slowly recede and slink back into his body. Alear shivered, his dainty hand shooting down and cautiously touching the foreign lips. A tingle of pleasure shot up his spine, causing a loud, lewd moan to escape his lips. 

    Alear couldn't help him, or herself any longer. Fingers plunged into lips and gripped tightly into breast fat. Alear moaned and mewed, but was interrupted by the holy light. A thought shot into Alear's mind. A priestess would never defile herself like this in the priory. Ashamed, Alear's slender fingers slinked out of her dripping lips. As the light shone around Alear, his clothes, causal in nature began to tear at the seams. The shredded clothes quickly reformed around Alear's new body. Hugging tight into his body, the new fabric was mostly white, with red and gold accents. 

"How the hell does this count as a priestesses outfit!?" Alear tried to tug and pull on the revealing outfit to cover his assets. "Im so exposed! How does Celica even wear this?!" Alear felt so awkward and exposed, but it didn't help when he heard some loud, echo voice from outside the Priory. 

"Emblem. Engage!" The voice sounded like his, or well his old voice, back when he wasn't Celica. 

   Suddenly there was a rush and all of a sudden Alear was sucked out of the ring, appearing back in the Somniel. Everything looked the way it was, but looking down, Alear almost screamed. He was still Celica! And now transparent in a blue haze.     

    Things got even worse when looking down from his place floating was himself! Alear spun around in place, trying to get a better look at himself and the surroundings. "By gods... im actually an emblem now!" 

"Yes, that seems to be the case" Alear's body spoke. "And we also became the other as well." The Alear was apparently Celica or used to be. Had this little mishap swapped their bodies and positions. 

"We have to change back! We still have to defeat Sombron!" Alear worriedly yelled at Celica. 

"I know I know. But calm down. We can't have anybody figuring this out, that we swapped. So until we learn how to swap back, we have to pretend to be the other. Shouldn't be too hard, considering I seem to recall your memories." 

"Yeah... same thing with me Celica... or I guess I should call you Alear now" the new emblem said, recalling memories that shouldn't have been his. 

"Sounds like we've come to an agreement Celica" the now Alear smiled. Celica noted a hint of... something in the smile Alear gave. Like this was something they had wanted the whole time. 

    The next weeks went by rather quickly. Both Alear and Celica got used to their new roles. Alear coped much quicker having a body for the first time. Celica however struggled outside the ring, not used to being more ghost than person. Celica was also annoyed how little Alear was actually looking into and researching the swap that occurred. Alear had a laundry list of excuses as to why he couldn't or didn't have time fighting the war and all. Celica couldn't do anything about it anyhow, considering she couldn't just open up old books herself. 

    The war against Sombron continued, Celica seeing heavy use as Alear's new favorite emblem to use in battle. Fighting as an Emblem was rather different, and engaging was a whole other matter, having to fuse in some weird way. But now Sombron was cornered. Alear and his army had stormed the Elusian Capital castle, easily sweeping aside the guard and confronting Sombron himself. But things quickly went soutward, when all of the emblem rings were stolen, right of the fingers of Alear and his allies. 

"Wait! Alear please!" Celica cried out. Sure being an emblem wasn't that bad, but becoming corrupted on top of that! This was horrible. Under the dark influence, Celica writhed as red slowly began overtaking her blue form. It felt a mix of painful and pleasureful as it slinked further and further over her. Celica's mind being filled with lewd thoughts and thoughts of pure corruption and evil. "N-No!.... Yes~ Claim me Sombron~" Celica moaned out, the red corruption fully encompassing Celica as she floated in place, now a pawn of the Fell Dragon.  

"I will come back and rescue you. I swear!" Alear swore, as he and his army retreated, leaving Celica and the rest of the Emblems in the clutches of Sombron, now corrupted to the core. Celica was handed off to Griss, a dark mage with a penchant for pain. However, he really liked inflicting it on himself. Celica trapped with him wasn't so bad. Except Griss was rather... handsy. Really handsy. And Celica couldn't do anything but accept the gropes onto her form, inside cursing up a storm unbefitting of a priestess. Celica could only hope that Alear would be back soon, and that she could be uncorrupted. At this point Celica didn't even care about being swapped back. She just wanted to stop being treated as a sex object, something that, at this rate, would be quite a while. 


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