Meat (TG)


"What the hell are you eating?" I asked, walking up to see my friend Finn chomping down on a big hunk of meat. 

"Oh I'm just eating a Bronto ribs or whatever it was called. The store down the road was doing a Flintstones crossover event and was selling this chunks of meat for pretty cheap" Finn explained then took another bite out of the dripping meat in his hands. 

"Well can you be any less messy. You got Bronto juice all over the damn apartment" I sighed. 

"Uhh yeah I'll clean it up when I'm done okay" Finn said, chewing down on the meat as I shook my head and went into my room. 

    Finn kept chomping down on the meat, which was quite tasty, but as he ate, he began to change, the primal DNA of the meat mixing with his own. Finn's short green hair began to grow out becoming scraggy and messy, blooming out well down his back, the locks losing their green dye to become a red color. Finn blinked, his eyes turning red to match his hair. All he could focus on was the meat. While there was a twinge in the back of his mind that something was happening to him, the meat just looked so tasty. Finn chomped down, as he chewed his face feminized, softer features, but the main difference was the now plump lips and longer tongue. Finn's neck slimmed down, adams apple becoming less pronounced. But something odd happened. Finn's vocal cords began to weaken, not just that but de-evolve to a more primitive state. Chewing away, Finn's mind also began to de-evolve, it becoming harder to think complex thoughts. But the meat, was very easy to focus on, so Finn kept happily munching. Finn's arms gained muscle and strength, as his hands shrunk down, each nail painted black and growing out, no longer looking chewed on. Finn's waist narrowed down, followed by his pudgy tummy tightening up. Finn let out a guttural moan, interrupting his meal as his nipples began to stiffen up, areolas growing in size. Slowly and surely breasts began to bud out growing in size and shape. The bouncy breasts finally stopped growing, nice and wobbly E cups. Finn groped one absentmindedly but kept munching on his meat. With a loud snap, Finn's hips widened into perfect childrearing size. Fat rushed into Finn's thighs, inflating them satisfyingly. Fat also pooled onto Finn's flat ass, plumping it up and up into a rear rivaling the tits sitting on his chest. For now, Finn was almost fully female. 

    Grunting, Finn took one last bite of his meat, chewing it down with no table manners. Those had gone out the window about five minutes prior. Finn's legs and feet slimmed up, but also gained a lot of strength for running and climbing and that sort of thing. What was important to note was Finn's cock. His pubes grew out, becoming scraggy like his hair, and turning the same red colour. With a sloppy sounding pop, Finn's cock and balls receded back forming a pussy, dripping at a similar rate as the meat. Finn was now a she. 

    With her dulled mind, Finn looked down and grunted. What was this restrictive stuff she was wearing?! She tore it off and found the clothes that had come with the Flintstones promotion. Finn had found it weird they included an outfit, but Cave Finn didn't think twice about it. These clothes were much comfier anyways. Even if they did show off everything. Cave Finn felt no shame for being exposed. 

"I think I heard something. You good Finn?" I asked walking out of my room and turning the corner to see... "What... who are you!?" 

Cave Finn tilted their head and looked at me. She felt a primal urge to mate. Her tongue rolled out and her breath got hot. Then she began running at me, wanting one thing and one thing only, meat. 

"Oh fuck! Run!" 


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