Hefty (TG)

(SAUCE: www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/8500… ) Andrew sighed as he sat down on his bed after another monotonous day. Every day to him was the same, work, drives, going to an empty home. It really took his toil on him. Andrew was also forced to hide a lot of secrets, even from his loved ones. You see Andrew had always wanted to be a girl. That might not sound too crazy to you, but where Andrew was from it was. If Andrew told even his parents, or friends, he would be ostracized from town, losing all his life long connections. It was tough. And it was gnawing at his insides. Andrew of course couldn’t start transitioning into a girl. Everyone would figure him out, and then he’d lose everything. Andrew started to cry as he collapsed on his bed. As Andrew started crying himself to sleep yet again, a passerby heard his cries. You see the world is inhabited by fairies. I know sounds stupid but its true. Most fairies are total jerks, but this one was really nice, ...