Never Diss a Teacher (TG/TF)

"Come on Amy, let's play some Mario kart already. You've been in your room all day" Finley said, standing over my desk as I worked away. "Listen I can't. These final exam grades are due tonight. I have to get them graded and entered into the system" I said, putting down my pen and rubbing my temples. "Not even for like thirty minutes?" Finley tried to negotiate but I wouldn't budge. "No I already told you, listen let's just plan to play tomorrow is that so bad? I mean im a teacher, im swamped with work right now" I let out a yawn. "Yeah yeah whatever. You just use being a teacher as an excuse to get out of stuff. Always claiming you're working hard or too tired because of your job." Finley was annoyed at this point. "Teaching is a hard, thankless job Finley. Maybe if you spent some time in a teacher's shoes you'd understand what im talking about" I replied, Finley sighed and walked out. ...