
Showing posts from October, 2024

Engaging with Emblems (TG)

     The fight with Sombron was intensifying. The Divine Dragon Alear had been gathering more allies, but Sombron, his armies were only getting larger and stronger over time. Because of that, Alear had to spend more time training and preparing for battle. A part of this training was rearranging his allies Emblem Rings. While he had gotten used to having Marth by his side, Alear knew that in order to defeat Sombron he would have to be comfortable with a wide array of emblems and battle styles. So he swapped the Ring of the Hero King for the Ring of the Caring Princess, Celica. A little bit of magic and healing knowledge would never hurt anyone right?      It took a while for Alear and Celica to click like the relationship he had had with Marth. But training went somewhat smoothly. Celica and Alear linked up attacks and even tried to come up with new combos combining sword play and magic. That may have been a little premature however as in the midst of trying to practice an attack, Alear

Livestream (TG)

  10:03 AM:     Okay guys, I lost that dumb bet or challenge or whatever so now I have to do what you guys voted on. Which happens to be... Gyaru Juice? Whatever. I went out and bought one. Not sure why this is a challenge but here it goes...       Yuck... okay that... ugh... tasted like ass. No wonder it was a challenge. But really? I lost that bet and you guys could only muster up a nasty drink? I would've thought you guys would've come up with something more but oh well. Anyways the stream will be pretty chill today. Guess we'll just play some games or something. Maybe do some reacting to other YouTube videos for free content.  10:17 AM:       Okay let's see... yeah, these games are boring, and we've only been playing for 15 minutes... hmm well how about we watch some videos. That's way better than silly Fortnite anyways. I mean cmon, only dumb boys... err people play video games anyways. Im so bad at them. Anyways... ooo this looks cute. Let's watch this

Meat (TG)

  "What the hell are you eating?" I asked, walking up to see my friend Finn chomping down on a big hunk of meat.  "Oh I'm just eating a Bronto ribs or whatever it was called. The store down the road was doing a Flintstones crossover event and was selling this chunks of meat for pretty cheap" Finn explained then took another bite out of the dripping meat in his hands.  "Well can you be any less messy. You got Bronto juice all over the damn apartment" I sighed.  "Uhh yeah I'll clean it up when I'm done okay" Finn said, chewing down on the meat as I shook my head and went into my room.       Finn kept chomping down on the meat, which was quite tasty, but as he ate, he began to change, the primal DNA of the meat mixing with his own. Finn's short green hair began to grow out becoming scraggy and messy, blooming out well down his back, the locks losing their green dye to become a red color. Finn blinked, his eyes turning red to match hi